Ever get tired of playing a pack and automating everything, spending around half of your game time in GUIs? Well no more! This pack is here to break that ever looming danger of GUIs becoming the normality of modded minecraft.
With only two mods that are techy, this pack limits the amount of GUIs you will have to look in to as minimum as possible, while still allowing you to do the things you enjoy, item transfers, better smelting, ore doubling, etc.
So when you say tech mods, you mean...?
Extra Utilities and Railcraft, ExU just because it is a mod that adds so much stuff that it is hard to live without it, and Railcraft as a way to cook up all your wood into charcoal, or other things that you may need.
Oh, but Jordan Steve's Carts 2 is here... Yes, I know, but I see that as an add-on to railcraft more so than a separate mod.
So if you are limiting tech, what is this pack supposed to be?
Well it's supposed to be a more magic-aesthetic oriented pack. I originally built this with the intention of trying to force myself to not rely on tech to do everything, and also try and get into some mods I have never really "completed" or even tried to use.
Better Furnaces
Carpenter's Blocks
Chicken Chunks
Code Chicken Core
Dense Ores
Enchanting Plus
Ender Storage
Extra Biomes XL
Extra Utilities
Hunger Overhaul
Inventory Tweaks
Iron Chests
Journey Map
JordsUtils (When it updates)
Minetweaker (unused at the minute)
NEI - NEI Addons - NEI Integration - NEI Plugins
Open Blocks
Open Mods Lib
Pam's Harvestcraft
Project Red - Base, Integration, Lighting
Refined Reloaction
Soul Shards Reborn
Starting Inventory
Steve's Carts 2
Storage Drawers
Tall Doors
Tinkers' Construct
Tinkers' Mechworks
Tinkers; Tooltips
Twilight Forest
Vein Miner
If you have any questions or mod suggestions feel free to ask/suggest away
@ThomazM for the amazing artwork
The Phoenix Team for being awesome:
- @Gideonseymour @ThomazM @parcel31u @Elec332 @SkeletonPunk @Qazplm601 @trajing @Padfoote @Strikingwolf @the_j485 @SatanicSanta @chbachman @goreae
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