[1.7.10] Netherdeep [Nether][HQM][Quest]

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Oh, on the food front one neat trick is to make dough out of something, then cook the dough in a redstone furnace with the cooking augment. That will double your output. Then cook the bread in there to double it again. So 1 grain/potato becomes 1 dough becomes 2 bread, becomes 4 toast. Keep part from each step, then make toast sandwiches as well and you get 3 foods into the hunger overhaul last 30 foods rotation from just the dough.

For people unfamiliar with lycanites mobs you can get easy coal/blaze/blaze rods from them. Make a double row 4-5 long of netherrack with a 3-4 high space above it. Put openblocks fan(s) at one end blowing towards the other end. At the end opposite the fans put 2 water blocks above the space(if you're in a compact machine---where this works particular well due to no mobs fighting for mob cap, or blood blocks if you're in the Nether) so that they go straight down in a column into the floor, then at the bottom of the columns put hoppers into a chest. Light the netherrack with flint and steel or fire charges or however you like to do it.

Put this near your main workshop so you're always triggering mob spawns from the burning netherrack and you'll have lots of coal/blaze rods.

Later on you can replace the waterfall with gold/diamond spikes and get exp/rare drops as well, although I'm not sure they have rare drops.
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Oh, on the food front one neat trick is to make dough out of something, then cook the dough in a redstone furnace with the cooking augment. That will double your output. Then cook the bread in there to double it again. So 1 grain/potato becomes 1 dough becomes 2 bread, becomes 4 toast. Keep part from each step, then make toast sandwiches as well and you get 3 foods into the hunger overhaul last 30 foods rotation from just the dough.

For people unfamiliar with lycanites mobs you can get easy coal/blaze/blaze rods from them. Make a double row 4-5 long of netherrack with a 3-4 high space above it. Put openblocks fan(s) at one end blowing towards the other end. At the end opposite the fans put 2 water blocks above the space(if you're in a compact machine---where this works particular well due to no mobs fighting for mob cap, or blood blocks if you're in the Nether) so that they go straight down in a column into the floor, then at the bottom of the columns put hoppers into a chest. Light the netherrack with flint and steel or fire charges or however you like to do it.

Put this near your main workshop so you're always triggering mob spawns from the burning netherrack and you'll have lots of coal/blaze rods.

Later on you can replace the waterfall with gold/diamond spikes and get exp/rare drops as well, although I'm not sure they have rare drops.
I approve of the Bread thing, that is cool. Cinders are disabled in the Nether, just too many of them otherwise. I'll try it in a machine though. The real trick is keeping the zombies from breaking the (vacuum) hoppers. I am still trying to figure out a secure mob farm design.

I'll try it in a machine though. The real trick is keeping the zombies from breaking the (vacuum) hoppers. I am still trying to figure out a secure mob farm design.


Depending on how far into Thaumcraft you are item grates might do the trick.

Oh and if all you want are regular drops you can do something like blowing mobs off a ledge of cursed earth so they fall far enough to die from the impact. Don't really need exp since you can grow it, although you might want mob essence for mfr. Close in the bottom and stick a chandelier nearby so no zombie spawns in the collection area?
Depending on how far into Thaumcraft you are item grates might do the trick.

Oh and if all you want are regular drops you can do something like blowing mobs off a ledge of cursed earth so they fall far enough to die from the impact. Don't really need exp since you can grow it, although you might want mob essence for mfr. Close in the bottom and stick a chandelier nearby so no zombie spawns in the collection area?

I tried throwing XP potions on the grates and they don't seem to allow XP through. The zombies did leave it alone, so I must have not put them on the grief list. Cinders do spawn in fire in compact machines.

Has anybody noticed my customized inventory tweaks item sort? I'm not done yet, but I got a good majority of common things sorted together.
I meant to include Chicken Chunks but forgot about it. I have never used Dimensional Anchor before though.
I can never manage to wrap my head around Steve's factory manager. I'll contemplate it, but I don't want to make auto-crafting too easy either.

As for a specific constant world, I wanted to encourage variety. But I do think collecting good seeds is an excellent idea.

Couple things. Lava Power quest wouldn't recognize a magmatic dynamo.

The sky stone recipe requires a piece of sky stone in the center. Is that correct or was that supposed to be a 5th piece of obsidian? Not sure where I get that first piece of sky stone, except perhaps a different dimension?
Couple things. Lava Power quest wouldn't recognize a magmatic dynamo.

The sky stone recipe requires a piece of sky stone in the center. Is that correct or was that supposed to be a 5th piece of obsidian? Not sure where I get that first piece of sky stone, except perhaps a different dimension?
I'll look into the quest problem. The first block of sky stone requires some magic.
Did a little testing, sitting on a chair doesn't stop hunger. It does slow it down considerably, though. Have to see if healing axe is in and works. :p

Wanted to AFK a bit while sag milling enough yellorium ore for a turbine but almost starved because I wasn't paying attention.

Edit: healing axe isn't disabled and works as expected.

Making lots of progress, I suppose this is a good spot to build some more power gen. Noticed that something besides me is making holes in the bedrock up here. Maybe some of those lycanite mob events? Big Reactors so easy to do when you can grow everything except the blutonium. Built most of this without any flight, was fun. Didn't think angel ring would be enabled and at the default recipe but it is so made one of those while waiting for the enderium to grow.

Guess I'll make a laser drill tomorrow.
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...some magic.

I ended up turning off console spam of named mobs dying. Can do that in COFH core. Also added Numina library to get rid of the FoV change from haste.
Numina can do that? I'll have to get that too. I did not know COFH core was where I needed to turn off the MOB death notices since the player mobs came from another mod entirely.
I'm tempted to add a bit of magic to the End Portal and Overworld Portal. As it is right now, all it takes to get from the Deep Dark to The End is catching one Enderman in a soul vial. So I may beef up a few other ingredients there too.

I'm not sure what I want to do about the healing axe, it kinda defeats the point of Hunger Overhaul. I knew about the ring and was fine with it, I was using it myself. I feel it is a good reward for getting on the roof.

Keep it up, and let me know how The End is. I haven't gotten that far in my own play-through. I'll need to add a few more quests for rewarding various parts of AE, Deep Dark, and The End.

Thank you for these updates.
Keep it up, and let me know how The End is.

Should be there tomorrow, did my armor today, will do up a nice ranged weapon and some regen before making the trip.

Update: Dragon was no problem for TiCon crossbow, got his head on first kill too, felt good---course maybe that drops every kill? I don't know. Guess I'm used to dealing with HEE and/or Infernal versions of the Dragon which can be deadly.

I guess Witchery or Blood Magic is next.
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So all this time playing this pack I've never gotten belladonna seeds. I broke a lot of grass at the beginning to get my first wheat seed and after going through a stack of bonemeal with no belladonna seed I said enough is enough.

I give you the seedery.

PRC with two timers configured. First 100 tick timer extends the drawbridge to block the water source blocks and starts a 90 tick timer. The 90 tick timer bonemeals the exposed grass with a dispenser pointing upwards underneath the center grass block. 10 ticks later the drawbridge retracts, the flowing water breaks the grass/flowers, all of it flows towards the end where the vacuum chest sucks it up.

Stick a stack of bonemeal in it, come back later, finally have belladonna seeds.

Yes, it probably took me longer to get this working the way I wanted it to than it would have to bonemeal the seeds myself. :)
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Got ichorium today. That was a lot of work. Think that is all I need from Thaumcraft now except for doing a bit of infusion crafting for Witchery. Got my witchery altar room and all the tools setup today. Start with the dream stuff tomorrow. Might capture some nodes, put Thaumcraft to work since I've done all the research.

Biggest challenge today? Getting a creeper heart for the witch robes. Flew around the deep dark killing any creeper I found that didn't immediately explode due to cobble and/or light levels. Did that for over an hour, no heart. Decided on a different approach. Built a drop shaft with an MFR spawner at the top. Drops creepers far enough so that I can 1-hit them with the Arthana to increase chance of heart. Have a 1-tall gap at the bottom of the shaft where I can stab them in the feet without them aggroing. Have to close it off with blackout curtains so they don't self-destruct. Worked pretty quick.

Getting warp effects from the forbidden magic. Tried the bath and soap, will see how it goes.

How much longer will it take? :) The tech bits were fairly easy/quick compared to the magic stuff.

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Need Koboldite for the pentacle. Wasn't sure if I was going to have to go to the dreamworld somehow to get hobgoblins but when I looked around some had already spawned in near my altar.

Captured one, created a powered spawner---get broken spawners from the deep dark fortresses, now have as many hobgoblins as I want.

Seems like there are a couple ways to go about it. You can trade entirely for the dusts if you want to keep spawning hobgoblins when their trades expire. You need a village to get the trades to start. To do that you need sky, so back to the top of the Nether where I built a wood house near the reactor. Plop some hobgoblins down, suddenly I can trade with them. Did this for a bit, trading wheat/gold/iron/foods etc., but it was taking a long time and it was a pain to spawn a bunch, check for good trades, dump them into pure lava and spawn a new batch. That trading station from open blocks would have been nice.

Instead I've decided to go the mining route. Will still have to trade for nuggets/ingots but that won't be very many trades. Here's the setup:

4 hobgoblins, 4 autonomous activators placing cobble for them to mine, enclosure made of glass/wood(which they won't mine), leads and fenceposts to keep them mining while I'm not there. Vacuum chest, filters, conduit, to suck up the cobble/dusts and put the cobble back into the activators.

If you have them mine ore like iron ore they have a much higher rate of dust production. Problem is that you get geonachs who tend to destroy your automation when they spawn in. Couldn't figure a fully automated way around this.

If you change dimensions the leads break. I just built a saferoom and go afk clutching my healing axe.
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Can't craft Naidisbo with stable unstable ingot, is that intentional? Most other things that want unstable ingots will use the "safe" yet more expensive version. I checked the blockids for the other 8 items, they all check out.

I might try it with an unstable ingot but doubt I can get 9 items into a crafting grid before the ingot explodes.

Update: it won't craft with the unstable one either. Kind of depressing to actually get all 9 items into the grid before you run out of time only to have it not craft and you blow up anyway, LOL.

The trick to that if anybody doesn't know it is to put all the items in your hotbar slots, leaving the 5 slot open for the ingot and then filling up the rest of your inventory with anything. Then you shift click the ingot---it goes into your hot bar in slot five, toss the sigil to the side, then you move your cursor over the crafting grid pressing the number to move that item from your hotbar in, with the 9 hotbar slots matching the 9 crafting grid slots.

oh, wait a minute, does this need a stable ingot made with the pseudo-inversion sigil? NooooOooOoOoOooo.
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Can't craft Naidisbo with stable unstable ingot, is that intentional? Most other things that want unstable ingots will use the "safe" yet more expensive version. I checked the blockids for the other 8 items, they all check out.
Yes. Do the final division sigil ritual in the end.

Bummer, just turned all my records into essentia and tossed all the potions from opening all the thaumcraft bags. Guess I'll craft all of it.

Did you ever figure out what was taking the pack so long to load? I'm starting to get crashes about 30% of the time I switch dimensions, which means I end up restarting the game quite a bit. Trying to get it done before the world corrupts.
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Ritual won't activate. Everything appears OK, right-clicking with sigil tells me to make the sacrifice. Killing an iron golem within the ritual layout does nothing. Tried with ticon sword, bound blade, and plain old diamond sword, nothing.

Hmm, looks like utility mobs might be the problem, disabling um iron golem and trying again.

Update: that fixed it, just had to disable um iron golem in the config.

Mission accomplished:

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Is there any chance you wil sync this modpack to curse?^^ I would love to play this modpack, but it isn't available anywhere because I can't get the ftb launcher.