[1.7.10] MFTA [Magic][Farming][Technology][Adventure]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
MFTA is designed to be a mixture of Magic, Farming, Technology, and Adventuring. It is intended for use on NamaiCraft's server but can be played in a single player environment. We've tried to add a bit of challenge while still giving players a lot of different options to suit the play style they prefer.

Keep in mind this pack is in constant development. As such there may be bugs, crashes, etc. The main mod list is pretty well finished and most of our work will go into updating for bug fixes, as well as developing the server for the modpack.

Modpack Version: 1.0.5

Mod List:

Applied Energistics 2 by AlgorithX2
Aquaculture by Shadowclaimer
Artifice by Shukaro
AsieLib by asie
Balkon's Weapon Mod by BalkondeurAlpha
Baubles by Azanor
Bdlib by bdew
BiblioCraft (including Bibliowoods) by Nuchaz
Binnie's Mods by Binnie
Biomes O' Plenty by TDWP_FTW, Adubbz
Blood Magic by WayofTime
Botania by Vazkii
Buildcraft by CovertJaguar, SirSengir, Krapht, cpw, spacetoad
Buildcraft Additions by Aenterprise
Carpenter's Blocks by Mineshopper
CoFH Core by CoFH team
CodeChickenCore by Chickenbones
Custom NPCs by Noppes
DecoCraft by RazzleberryFox
Enchiridion by joshie
Ender Storage by Chickenbones
EnhancedPortals by Alz454
Extra Utilities by RWTema
Factorization by neptunepink
FlatSigns by Myrathi
Forbidden Magic by SpitefulFox
Forestry by SirSengir
Forge Multipart by Chickenbones
Gendustry by bdew
HarvestCraft by MatrexsVigil
Hat Stand by iChun
Hats by iChun
Iguanas Tinker Tweaks for Tinker's Construct by boni (based on iguana_man's)
IndustrialCraft 2 by IC2 Dev Team
Inventory Tweaks by Kobata
IronChests by cpw
Magic Bees by MysteriousAges
Magical Crops by Mark719
Malisis Core by Ordinastie
Malisis Doors by Ordinastie
Mantle by mDiyo, progwml6
Mapwriter by mapwriter
MineFactory Reloaded by skyboy026, powercrystals
MobiusCore by ProfMobius
Morpheus by quetzi
MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod by Mr_Crayfish
Natura by mDiyo
NEI Addons by bdew
NEI Plugins by mistaqur
Nether Ores
Not Enough Items by Chickenbones
Obsidiplates by Myrathi
Open Blocks by Mikeemoo
OpenModsLib by Mikeemoo
Opis by ProfMobius
Infernal Mobs by AtomicStryker
PneumaticCraft by MineMaarten
Project Red by MrTJP, Chickenbones
Railcraft by CovertJaguar
Roguelike Dungeons by Greymerk
Solar Flux by Nauktis
Steve's Carts 2 by Vswe
Sync by iChun
Technomancy by Theflogat
Thaumcraft by Azanor
Thaumic Energistics by Nividica
Thaumic Exploration by Flaxbeard
Thaumic Tinkerer by pixlepix, nekosune, vaskii
Thermal Expansion by CoFH team
Thermal Foundation by TeamCoFH
Tinker's Construct by mDiyo
Tinker's Mechworks by mDiyo
Twilight Forest by Benimatic
Waila by ProfMobius
Waila Harvestability by squeek502
Wawla by Darkhax
iChunUtil by iChun

Our forums can be found on our site.

Modpack Code:

Server Informaiton:
Whitelisted Beta testing server IP: play3.namaicraft.com

MFTA Change Logs
Version 1.0.1

Changed configs to adjust world generation.
Added Thaumic Tinkerer, Thaumic Exploration, and Thaumic Energistics
Removed Ender Storage
Updated Applied Energistics 2 to rv1.beta build 29

Version 1.0.2

Added Biomes O Plenty
Added BiblioWoods [Natura]
Added BiblioWoods [Forestry]

Updated Forge to
Updated Factorization to
Updated Forestry to
Updated Industrialcraft to 2-2.2.645-experimental
Updated Project: Red to

Version 1.0.3

Updated Code Chicken Core to (fixes crash with beacon interface)
Updated Not Enough Items to
Updated Forbidden Magic to 0.52

Version 1.0.4

Changed Forge to (crash with microblocks in newer version)

Updated Applied Energistics 2 to rv1 b37
Updated Artifice to
Updated BDLib to
Updated BiblioCraft to 1.8.1
Updated BiblioWoods[BiomesOPlenty] to v1.8
Updated BiblioWoods[Forestry] to v1.6
Updated BiblioWoods[Natura] to v1.4
Updated Biomes O Plenty to
Updated Botania to r1.2-118
Updated Chisel to 1.5.7
Updated Gendustry to
Updated Hats to 4.0.1
Updated Iguana Tinker Tweaks to 2.0.6
Updated Pam's HarvestCraft to 1.7.10b
Updated Railcraft to
Updated Steve's Carts to 2.0.0.b18
Updated Tinkers Construct to 1.7.0d2
Updated Twilight Forest to 2.3.2

Added Carpenter's Blocks 3.2.8
Added Hat Stand 4.0.0
Added Nether Ores 2.3.0RC3-84
Added Open Blocks 1.3-snapshot-434
Added Open Mods Lib 0.6-snapshot-224
Added Malisis Doors 1.1.3
Added Malisis Core 0.9.6

Version 1.0.5

Updated bdlib to mc1710-
Updated Botania to r1.2-120
Updated Advanced Generators to mc1710-
Updated Industrialcraft 2 to 2.2.647-experimental
Updated Iron Chests to 1.7.10-
Updated PneumaticCraft to 1.7.10-1.2.8-15-universal
Updated Tinkers Construct to 1.7.10-1.7.0d3.1

Added Ender Storage

Version 1.0.6

Removed Binnies Mods
Removed Jewelry Craft

Added Trinkets http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/220702-talismans

Updated EvilCraft to 0.6.0b
Updated Factorization to
Updated Forestry to
Updated Gendustry to
Updated Magic Bees to 2.1.21
Updated The Kitchen Mod to 1.2.3

Version 1.0.7

Updated Applied Energistics 2 to rv1-stable-1
Updated BiblioCraft to v1.8.2
Updated Botania to r1.2-123
Updated Buildcraft Additions to 1.6.5
Updated Carpenter's Blocks to v3.3.0
Updated CodeChickenCore to
Updated Decocraft to v1.11_1.7.10
Updated EnhancedPortals to 3.0.7
Updated Eureka to 2.0
Updated EvilCraft to 0.6.1b
Updated forestry to
Updated ForgeMultipart to
Updated industrialcraft to 2-2.2.648-experimental
Updated malisiscore to 0.9.7
Updated malisisdoors to 1.1.4
Updated Mantle to 0.3.2
Updated natura to
Updated NEIPlugins to
Updated NotEnoughItems to
Updated PneumaticCraft to 1.2.9-24-universal
Updated ProjectRed-Base to
Updated ProjectRed-Compat to
Updated ProjectRed-Integration to
Updated ProjectRed-Lighting to
Updated ProjectRed-Mechanical to beta-
Updated ProjectRed-World to
Updated Railcraft to
Updated TConstruct to 1.7.0d4
Updated Thaumcraft to
Updated Thaumic Energistics to 0.6.10b
Updated Thaumic Exploration to 1.1-22
Updated TMechworks to 0.2.9

Version 1.0.8

Updated Advanced Generators to
Updated Artifice to 1.7-1.1.4-300
Updated Balkon's Weaponmod to 1.14.3
Updated bdlib to
Updated Blood Magic to 1.2.0b
Updated Botania to r1.2-129
Updated buildcraft to 6.1.4
Updated BuildcraftAdditions to 1.7.1
Updated Carpenter's Blocks to
Updated EvilCraft to 0.6.3b
Updated Gendustry to
Updated industrialcraft to 2-2.2.650-experimental
Updated magicbees to 2.1.22
Updated OpenBlocks to 1.3-snapshot-458
Updated OpenModsLib to 0.6-snapshot-234
Updated PneumaticCraft to 1.2.14-29-universal
Updated TConstruct to 1.7.1c
Updated TMechworks to 0.2.10

Version 1.0.9

Added Logistics Pipes

Updated Forge to
Updated BiomesOPlenty to
Updated Botania to 1.3-135
Updated Buildcraft to 6.1.8
Updated Buildcraft Additions to 1.7.2-Jenkins-25
Updated CoFH Core to 3.0.0B8-36
Updated CoFHLib to 1.0.0B7-29
Updated Eureka to 2.1
Updated EvilCraft to 0.6.4b
Updated Minefactory Realoaded to 2.8.0RC4-676
Updated MrTJPCore to
Updated Project Red to
Updated ThermalExpansion to 4.0.0B6-16

Version 1.1.0

Updated AsieLib to 0.3.4
Updated bdlib to
Updated BiblioCraft to v1.9.1
Updated BiblioWoods[BiomesOPlenty] to v1.9
Updated BiblioWoods[Forestry]to v1.7
Updated BiblioWoods[Natura] to v1.5
Updated BloodMagic to 1.2.1b-1
Updated Botania to r1.3-141
Updated buildcraft to 6.2.4
Updated BuildcraftAdditions to 1.8.2
Updated Carpenter's Blocks to v3.3.3
Updated EnhancedPortals to 3.0.9
Updated Eureka to 2.2
Updated extrautilities to 1.2.0
Updated Factorization to
Updated Forbidden Magic to 0.55
Updated forestry to
Updated gendustry to
Updated generators to
Updated industrialcraft to 2-2.2.654-experimental
Updated logisticspipes to
Updated MineFactoryReloaded to 2.8.0RC5-694
Updated MrCrayfishFurnitureMod to v3.3.6
Updated OpenBlocks to 1.3-snapshot-503
Updated OpenModsLib to 0.6-snapshot-265
Updated ProjectRed-1.7.10-
Updated Railcraft to
Updated SolarFlux to 0.4c
Updated Thaumcraft to
Updated thaumicenergistics to 0.8.7b
Updated ThaumicExploration to 1.1-33
Updated ThaumicTinkerer to 2.5-161
Updated TheKitchenMod to 1.3.6
Updated Waila to 1.5.5
Updated Wawla to 1.0.9
Last edited:
MFTA - Yay!

What path will you follow? I personally took my time and dabbled. A bit of magic, a bit of adventuring, some tech and a lot of farming.

My farms started out with mostly Pam's... but then Magic crops? Ohhhh yeah! With all the resources the crops are providing it made launching into AE a bit easier (only a bit).

Can I say that I hate the QED? Yeah some of the requirements for the QED drive me crazy... so I go farm a bit to find my calm and zen.

Early attempts at Battle tower guardians ended in pleas for help from my fellow players on the server. A little later I'm safe and sound back to my protected lands looking for the next great combo of mod items to allow me to dive fearless into the dark and scary corners of Minecraft. Hope you enjoy this ModPack as much as I have. It revived my Minecraft joy just as Microjang tried to make me hate the game again.
I added the Code for the mod pack. Feel free to test in single player all you want <3. Will be lovely if during the process of playing or testing things you find something interesting or a bug/glitch please give us feedback so we can see how we can help to solve the issue. If you want to join us in our server that is using the mod pack feel free to post in our white-list section in our forums: NamaiCraft, in the testing section and remember to let me know if you come from this forum so I can approve it.

Is important to remember that the modpack has some custom recipes thanks to the Custom NPC's mod. In the official server we have set some custom recipes to fix some of the issues with mods. (platnium seeds requiring plants instead of seeds to craft as an example) and Quest lines that we are actively working on at this moment.
Amazing modpack really i tried to take it to the extreme with magic crops and have a crop for just about everything and with the Bloodmagic's lovely greengrove its a dream to grow them (as long as you have a steady blood supply that is ^u~) All around a great modpack and i look forward to playing more!!
Also the chisel gives even the ugliest blocks a flare of sorts!
The pack looks awesome, Pretty much just what i whould have wanted, Like little bit of everything.

But whould it be possible to add a server download? I whould love to play the pack with some of my friends on a server, but i wont be playing it on singleplayer.
Hi Pandastyl.

There a server open already, Is whitelisted and doesnt requier too much to apply for it. The only thing that requier is basicly a whitelist post in our forums in http://www.namaicraft.com/forum Gorehid and I, we are always online (at least almost all day) to answer questions and working on the modpack. We have a teamspeak open to our members too in case you want or need: tali.tsservers.com. You are welcome to join us and test with us the modpack.

We are currently working the stability of the modpack in a open server to prevent any kind of weird things. Either ways there things we cant solve that comes from mods it self, for the rest the stability of the server so far is very good with no crashes or at least the minimal.

I always tell my friends and members of the community that the server is still experimental and we are all testers of the MFTA and we have to be aware of the many things can go wrong with this hehehe like explotions, cabooms, and many other crazy things. So far one of the things i like the most about been open testing the server with all my friends is hear them on the teamspeak, running from the bosses, screaming and getting surprised with the things inside the modpack, including my self hehehe.

We will be working on a server download when we have finish testing the modpack. We as community need stability, as much as we can and as many as we can have. For that reason testing everything is important for us we dont want to throw something that is not even stable or finished.

Greetings, Kate.
Yea, i agree u cant release something that can be buggy and may cause problems.

But you could release the server files as a Alpha version, So others, Including myslelf, Could play on it and if something goes wrong, We could report it and it whould also be easier for you if theres any bugs.
I could report the bugs we find and it may become easier to find them, if theres more ppl doing it.

and sorry, but i whould love to host the server myself, as some of the ppl i play with, as i have bought a server host just for that.
We play everyday, we do alot of diff things and we might also do things differently, as some of the ppl arent too experienced with mods.

This is pretty much the best pack, atleast for me/us, As it has alot of variety, From Adventuring to technical mods, And i whould love to get it as soon as possible
Greetings Pandastyl,

I am the other person behind the creation and updating of this mod pack. I've been working on it and our server almost every day. I understand your desire to host your own server for you and your friends and if you wanted to grab forge's server version and use the single player mods and configs to make your own that'd be perfectly acceptable. However, we simply aren't ready to support the pack in a server environment for other users at this time. I hope whatever you decide to do you're able to find some fun with this pack.
Ah, you could just do that? sweet.

but we started one pack already, And will play it for now.
Hopefully i can see this pack stable with server when we finish that pack :3
Server is back up again, sorry for the delay but finally is fixed and online. Version 1.0.6 (The version is not ready on the launcher) If you need more information please feel free to visit our website: www.namaicraft.com or our TeamSpeak: tali.tsservers.com

Greetings, Arisa and Gorehid.
Hi Guys. I having been playing this in Single Player mode for the last 3 days. But I'm having difficulties in locating any Aluminum below level 64 to 0. Is there any bugs?
I will put more attention on the world gen of the Aluminum down the lvl 64. Thanks for the feed back =)

Greetings, Kate.
It's a good server with friendly community. The modpack aims to be challenging and balanced which I am sure many people will like. Join us and see for yourself ;)
Im playing this pack right now and I gotta say; Its pretty damn good! I like a prolonged start and with the normal minecraft pickaxes turned to crafting-use-only leaves you with either Pam's or Tinkers to start with, its a great idea as you need to craft it properly to use. While using the tinkers tools I had to level the pick up (xp game) to be able to mine Iron etc. I liked that! Once you get to Obsidian mining level your pretty much set.

A Very good modpack and I hear chicken chunks is coming soon to 1.7 :)
its a great mod with a friendly community and it makes it quite hard to start up but ones you get some resources it makes it way easier but on the server sometimes it lags and ive died plenty of times because lag but all in all great mod and server just need to reduce some block lag at times
Version 1.0.7

Updated Applied Energistics 2 to rv1-stable-1
Updated BiblioCraft to v1.8.2
Updated Botania to r1.2-123
Updated Buildcraft Additions to 1.6.5
Updated Carpenter's Blocks to v3.3.0
Updated CodeChickenCore to
Updated Decocraft to v1.11_1.7.10
Updated EnhancedPortals to 3.0.7
Updated Eureka to 2.0
Updated EvilCraft to 0.6.1b
Updated forestry to
Updated ForgeMultipart to
Updated industrialcraft to 2-2.2.648-experimental
Updated malisiscore to 0.9.7
Updated malisisdoors to 1.1.4
Updated Mantle to 0.3.2
Updated natura to
Updated NEIPlugins to
Updated NotEnoughItems to
Updated PneumaticCraft to 1.2.9-24-universal
Updated ProjectRed-Base to
Updated ProjectRed-Compat to
Updated ProjectRed-Integration to
Updated ProjectRed-Lighting to
Updated ProjectRed-Mechanical to beta-
Updated ProjectRed-World to
Updated Railcraft to
Updated TConstruct to 1.7.0d4
Updated Thaumcraft to
Updated Thaumic Energistics to 0.6.10b
Updated Thaumic Exploration to 1.1-22
Updated TMechworks to 0.2.9