[1.7.10] Integrated Progression

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Pack code: IPC

If you're a "powergamer," you probably only use the best solution for every problem in modded minecraft. This usually means choosing the most OP mod for a given task, which usually means you get to end game using only a handful of mods, and never use some of the "underpowered" mods.

Have you never touched railcraft except for the steamboiler? Have you never touched factorizations ore processing (especially if you have mekanism in the pack)? Always power your base with lava or treefarm? This pack was designed for you.

Recipes have been heavily modified. There's nothing that doesn't make sense, and in some cases it makes more sense than the original recipes. It makes all the mods together feel like they were meant to be used with each other. For the most part, the recipes aren't GT style nerfs (3000 copper required before powered furnace lol), but force you to progress through "inferior" mods before you can get to the "OP" ones.

The oregen is also completely redone in a way that should encourage different mining styles.

I'd give screenshots or videos or something, but you wouldn't really be able to tell that it's any different from any other pack, since it's not skyblock even. Unless I gave you screenshots of NEI. But that's silly. You pretty much just have to play it.
Admin Commands Toolbox by ProfMobius
AOBD 2 by ganymedes01
Applied Energistics by AlgorithX2
ArmorStatusHUD by bspkrs
AsieLib by asie
Bdlib by bdew
BiblioCraft by Nuchaz
bspkrsCore by bspkrs
Carpenter's Blocks by Mineshopper
CodeChickenCore by Chickenbones
CoFH Core by CoFH team
Computronics by asie
DamageIndicators by rich1051414
Dimensional Anchors by immibis
EiraIRC by Blay09
Enchiridion by joshie
Ender Tech by Drayshak
EnderIO by CrazyPants
Extra Utilities by RWTema
ExtraTiC by Glassmaker
Factorization by neptunepink
FlatSigns by Myrathi
FloatingRuins by bspkrs
Forestry by SirSengir
Forge Multipart by Chickenbones
Gendustry by bdew
Iguana Tweaks for Tinker's Construct by iguana_man
Immibis Core by immibis
Inventory Tweaks by Kobata
IronChests by cpw
JABBA by ProfMobius
JourneyMap by techbrew
Liteloader by Mumfrey
Mantle by mDiyo, progwml6
Mekanism by aidancbrady
Metallurgy by Shadowclaimer
MineFactory Reloaded by skyboy026, powercrystals
MineTweaker by StanH
ModTweaker by joshie
Mouse Tweaks by YaLTeR97
NEI Addons by bdew
NEI Plugins by mistaqur
Not Enough Items by Chickenbones
Obsidiplates by Myrathi
OpenComponents by fnuecke
OpenComputers by Sangar
OpenEye by Mikeemoo, boq
Progressive Automation by Vanhal
PneumaticCraft by MineMaarten
Professor Flaxbeard's Wondrous Steam Power Mod by Flaxbeard
Railcraft by CovertJaguar
Redstone Arsenal by TeamCoFH
Redstone In Motion by jakj
Refined Relocation by Dynious
StatusEffectHUD by bspkrs
Steve's Carts 2 by Vswe
Steve's Factory Manager by Vswe
Steve's Workshop by Vswe
Tabula Rasa by King Lemming
Thermal Expansion by CoFH team
Thermal Foundation by TeamCoFH
TiC Tooltips by squeek502
Tinker's Construct by mDiyo
Too Much Loot by dmillerw
Too Much Rain by dmillerw
Waila by ProfMobius
Wawla by Darkhax
Zans/Voxel Minimap by MamiyaOtaru

PnumaticCraft, Tinkers Construct, and Iguana's were forked by me for this pack. I recommend adding Fastcraft.
It was in an earlier release, but it didn't work serverside, so it was removed. I'll look into readding it in the next release, though.
HQM is being worked on, i talked with Latkota and he said i could work on it
so for the people that wanted Quests they are incomming(next release maybe)
Would you consider making server download im an idiot when making modded servers, i can upload them to the provider, but thats about it
Would you consider making server download im an idiot when making modded servers, i can upload them to the provider, but thats about it
Server will be made once the pack has reached a stable state and most mistakes Overpowered stuff Glitches have been removed
What need to mine copper? I cant mine it with stone cactus and flint pickaxe. Sorru for bad english.
you need to make a flint pickaxe, and level it to allow it to mine copper, or give it enough levels that you can use a Modifier, add any mobhead(like Skeleton allows for iron) and you can mine copper then
Is there some kind of book in game that explains the ore generation levels? Because I'm down to lv32 or so and all I'm finding is poor zinc and silver in an Extreme Hills biome.
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there are Dusty books in the game that explain certain spawns, you need to find them and then dust them off, they are found in Dungeon chests or in Chests in minechafts