[1.7.10] Inflation Before Power Modpack v1.0.5 {Who knew energy would be such a pain?}

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Modpack Author:
PixlPunch Team

Current Recommended Version: 1.0.5​

Ever had a thought that you had too much power?
Inflation Before Power is a Tech-Based Modpack surrounding the everyday cycles of Power.
By changing up the norm by decreasing power generation and increasing power consumption;
Will you stockpile power? Or will you whittle each and every power unit down to its last breath.
With very little cross power compatibility, you have a choice of 3 Power Lines: EU, RF or W.
The choice is yours.

-You're welcome to discuss any general things about the pack in this thread, but remember to use the Issue tracker when submitting an issue. Its a lot easier to organize and It helps me get updates out faster.
-As there are some new recipes and tweaked recipes in the pack, I would highly recommend getting used to Not Enough Items. It will help in the long run.
-Decided that you are record the pack or livestream it? By all means go for it. Also let me know So I can display some videos here.


Pack code: IBP
Minecraft Version: 1.7.10
Issue tracker: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/modpacks/229984-inflation-before-power/issues
Modlist: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...MMABB8f0n3osvhjofqQ9PBiuhE/edit#gid=141722760
Changelogs: https://www.dropbox.com/home/Inflation Before Power?preview=Inflation+Before+Power+Changelogs.txt

-Kirimato: Modpack Maker
-AzmoTheAwesome: Modpack Conceptor
-TennePG: Tweaks, Custom Main Menu, Custom Items/Textures.
-PixelsMedia4: Logo Art
-All of our DEV testers and builders.
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Definitly a cool concept, I have a Youtube channel so I try to record all the packs I play, but because this pack is the norm with some tweaks it gives me an opertunity to play a pack without having to record everything I do. Anyways, great pack keep up the great work and keep the updates coming. ;)
Definitly a cool concept, I have a Youtube channel so I try to record all the packs I play, but because this pack is the norm with some tweaks it gives me an opertunity to play a pack without having to record everything I do. Anyways, great pack keep up the great work and keep the updates coming. ;)

Thank you for your kind words. This was a pack which had numerous amounts of trial and error done in and I am glad that people are enjoying it as well.
There seems to be an AE2 issue with the NEI, most of AE2 items don't show recipes at all. I believe this is caused by Mekanism and AE2 interaction, disabling that or updating AE2 fixes this if my research is correct. Thanks for the modpack, enjoying it so far.
There seems to be an AE2 issue with the NEI, most of AE2 items don't show recipes at all. I believe this is caused by Mekanism and AE2 interaction, disabling that or updating AE2 fixes this if my research is correct. Thanks for the modpack, enjoying it so far.

Thanks for the quick report and I love the feedback already guys.
This will be fixed in 1.0.2 along with a few other updates/tweaks.
Thing to note that I would prefer to have future issues be created at the IBP Git that we have set up.
Ill just leave it here. http://git.hypnotiqgaming.com/Kirimato/Inflation-Before-Power-Modpack
Noticed that the MFR Bio Generator is producing 640rf/t, relatively cheap and seems OP compared to the rest of the pack?
Ill take a look into that. Thats not supposed to happen. Will be fixed in 1.0.2 Coming this weekend.
1.0.2 Is Now Out on the Launcher.
Ver. 1.0.2
-Edited Configs:
MFR: Decreased Power generation for the Bio-Generator and Steam Turbine to match with the pack and other mods.
EnderZoo: Decreased Teleportation range and Power for Concussion Charges and Concussion Creepers to prevent accidental Teleportation into the void.
-Added Mods:
-Removed Mods:
BspkrsCore: Not Used anymore.
-Updated Mods:
ForgeMultipart: ->
MrTJPCore: ->
AOBD2: 2.5.0 -> 2.6.2
Botania: r1.6-184 -> r1.6-189
CoFHLib: 1.0.1-151 -> 1.0.2-160
CodeChickenCore: ->
EnderIO: ->
EnderZoo: ->
INPureCore: 1.0.0b9-54 -> 1.0.0b9-62
LaunchGUI: 2.0-14 -> 2.0-17
ModularPowerSuits: ->
MPSA: 901 -> 1.00
NotEnoughItems: ->
Numina: ->
OpenBlocks: 1.4.2-ss-611 -> 1.4.3-ss-628
OpenModsLib: 0.7.2-ss-349 -> 0.7.3-ss-361
OpenPeripheralAddons: 0.3.1-ss-196 -> 0.3.1-ss-197
OpenPeripheralCore: 1.1-ss-220 - 1.1.1-ss-227
OpenPeripheralIntegration: 0.2.1-ss-63 -> 0.2.2-ss-67
QuiverBow: b99 -> b100
Tinkers' Construct: 1.8.4a -> 1.8.5
YAMPST: IBP-1.0.1 -> IBP-1.0.2
Ancient Warfare: 2.4.96 -> 2.4.98
Applied Energistics 2: rv1-s1 -> rc2-s1
Buildcraft: 6.4.14 -> 6.4.15
ExtraUtilities: 1.2.4b -> 1.2.4c
Forestry: ->
IndustrialCraft 2: 2.2.718 -> 2.2.720
NEIAddons: ->
RFTools: 2.80 -> 2.83
Jesus christ. You know, when you warned us about the inflated use of power and the unfortunately low supply of it, I did not expect it to be this low. You really amped up the difficulty of using machinery with entry-level generators.
I love it :D

(I'm using mekanism all-purpose conduits, connects to any power in the pack :D. Gonna focus on mekanism for a while then get a sag mill)
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Jesus christ. You know, when you warned us about the inflated use of power and the unfortunately low supply of it, I did not expect it to be this low. You really amped up the difficulty of using machinery with entry-level generators.
I love it :D

(I'm using mekanism all-purpose conduits, connects to any power in the pack :D. Gonna focus on mekanism for a while then get a sag mill)

I'm glad you're liking the pack so far! ^_^
Version 1.0.3 is now live on the FTB Launcher.
Ver. 1.0.3
-Updated Mods:
Forge: 1388 - 1448

-Added Mods:
Open Modular Turrets: Why kill monsters yourself when you can have a turret do it for you.
Infernal Mobs: There always has to be a counterbalance to new tech.
Decocraft: For those who love to build and decorate. A.k.a Quazymoodo/AzmoTheAwesome
NotEnoughCodecs: Everyone wants the radio.
-Removed Mods:
Growthcraft: No update ETA so it will be removed until it updates.

-Updated Mods:
CodeChickenLib: ->
ForgeMultipart: ->
MrTJPCore: ->
AOBD: 2.6.2 -> 2.6.3
Botania: r1.6-189 -> r1.6-192
CodechickenCore: ->
Custom Main Menu: 1.4 -> 1.5
Nuclear Control: 2.1.2a -> 2.2.5a[GFTK]
Mekanism/Tools/Generators: ->
NotEnoughItems: ->
OpenBlocks: 1.4.3-ss-628 -> 1.4.3-ss-645
OpenModsLib: 0.7.3-ss-361 -> 0.7.3-ss-369
OpenPeripheralCore: 1.1.1-ss-227 -> 1.1.1-ss-231
OpenPeripheralIntegration: 0.2.2-ss-67 -> 0.2.2-ss-68
OpenPeripheralAddons: 0.3.1-ss-197 -> 0.3.1-ss-203
Pam's Harvestcraft: 1.7.10h -> 1.7.10i
ProjectRed/Base/Compat/Integration/Lighting/Mechanical/World: ->
YAMPST: IBP-1.0.2 -> IBP-1.0.3
Advanced Genetics: 1.5.8 -> 1.5.9
Ancient Warfare: 2.4.98 -> 2.4.104
Applied Energistics: rv2-sb1 -> rv2-sb6
BDLib: ->
Binnie's Mods: 2.0-pre8 -> 2.0-pre10
Buildcraft: 6.4.15 ->7.0.9
ExtraUtilities: 1.2.4c -> 1.2.5
Forestry: ->
Gendustry: ->
IndustrialCraft 2: 2.2.720 -> 2.2.733
MalisisCore: 0.11.4 -> 0.12.2
MalisisDoors: 1.7.1 -> 1.8.1
NEIAddons: ->
RFTools: 2.83 -> 2.93
HardcoreEnderExpansion: 1.8 -> 1.8.1
I'm liking the design philosophy. I've only used RotaryCraft so far which is new for me, so I haven't a clue about how my builds in RF would end up, but damn, an EnderIO Stirling generator only produces 5rf/t! Did I read it right that the power COST went up as well for certain operations?

One thing I did have to do for my own sanity was add Railcraft, I love trains and nuclear fuel must only be transported via rail!. Sadly I couldn't knock the power output down on the individual engines, until I can figure out how I've had to put myself on the honor system.

The anti-cross-mod compatibility is slighty irksome. If I ever make it to large fission/fusion reactor in RoC, I'd have liked to be able to power some of the massive power sinks in RFTools. (If it still is possible, I just haven't found it yet)

Also, did you give any consideration to Draconic Evolution as a final tier power sink?
I'm liking the design philosophy. I've only used RotaryCraft so far which is new for me, so I haven't a clue about how my builds in RF would end up, but damn, an EnderIO Stirling generator only produces 5rf/t! Did I read it right that the power COST went up as well for certain operations?

One thing I did have to do for my own sanity was add Railcraft, I love trains and nuclear fuel must only be transported via rail!. Sadly I couldn't knock the power output down on the individual engines, until I can figure out how I've had to put myself on the honor system.

The anti-cross-mod compatibility is slighty irksome. If I ever make it to large fission/fusion reactor in RoC, I'd have liked to be able to power some of the massive power sinks in RFTools. (If it still is possible, I just haven't found it yet)

Also, did you give any consideration to Draconic Evolution as a final tier power sink?

-Yes the goal of the pack was to make Power necessary. Which means that Power Consumption was increase and Power Generation was decreased. As some machines were not able to freely configure their power consumption, I did my best to work accordingly to that. The rough calculation is that you need an estimate of 16x more power to run most machines in this modpack. (Still tweaking it for balance but most of it is stable.)
-Its fine. Railcraft was sadly removed from the pack because of that issue. I would love to add it back in when I'm able to configure it how I wanted to.
-Mainly in the beginning of Rotarycraft I disabled cross-mod energy conversion. But If you move into Reactorcraft (Another mod that runs off Rotarycraft), You will be able to convert but It will be very time consuming and resource consuming to reach that point. But you will be able to convert it into RF and maybe EU end game.
-That is a maybe. I haven't really played with Draconic Evolution, so I don't have a good opinion if its a good addition to the pack. All I know is that it's a really end-game mod and some items in it are very powerful which sorta turns me off from the mod. If I ever do play that mod, we'll see if maybe I'll add it to the pack.

Thanks for the feedback and continue enjoying the pack.
Would removing some mods from my client break the pack? I just want to know because the pack looks good, but my computer takes forever to load this and i haven't been able to make a world. Maybe if i take out a few related mods that work together but are not tied to other mods i could safely make i work?
Which mods were you planning on taking out? because some of our mods have custom integration with each other to produce more end game tiers and fixes for things that do not work.
The main ones we have integrated are:
Thermal Expansion
Industrialcraft 2
Tinkers' Construct
Extra Utilities
Tabula Rasa
Aroma's Dimensional World

Others are just small tweaks to the recipes/configs.
But I would recommend NOT taking the above listed mods out.
Ill double check through the pack and make sure if anything else is integrated.
Which mods were you planning on taking out? because some of our mods have custom integration with each other to produce more end game tiers and fixes for things that do not work.
The main ones we have integrated are:
Thermal Expansion
Industrialcraft 2
Tinkers' Construct
Extra Utilities
Tabula Rasa
Aroma's Dimensional World

Others are just small tweaks to the recipes/configs.
But I would recommend NOT taking the above listed mods out.
Ill double check through the pack and make sure if anything else is integrated.
I was just wondering, i just downloaded Horizons Daybreaker and i'm having similar issues. Maybe its just a computer cleaning to solve the issue kinda thing. 1.7 is weird. I already have plenty of ideas to work with on this whole power situation. I can't wait to fix this once i figure it out.
I'm glad everyone is enjoying the modpack :) I have been just lurking around reading the thread and finally decided to poke my head in here! On the topic of Draconic Evolution we will be doing some testing to make sure there could be a possibility to add it to the pack. If anyone has any requests for mods please do let us know as we are always listening and the more feedback the better :)

Main things you should note when requesting mods is to make sure there is a legitimate reason for it to be added. Things like Thaumcraft wouldn't be added because this is a Tech based pack while things like Draconic Evolution would be added with enough of a reason and enough testing!

Also on a side note if you have any Videos, Livestreams and such of the modpack please do post them here. I personally enjoy seeing what people experience with the modpack and the more you play the more bugs, issues and tweaking we can fix and do.

Other than that thank you all for being awesome <3
At this point the purpose of minecraft is the creators make it, the community mods it and then more people in the community further enhance the mods to make things that are as amazing as this and most other packs. Its kinda like making a whole different game with some tools to help you get started. Now that i can get my computer working, i can actually try things out for myself.
Since the issue tracker is down, I will note:

Only Vanilla ores can be processed in the RotaryCraft Extractor. Stuff like Copper/Silver or even Indium, Cadmium and Calcite don't actually process in the extractor even though they show up in NEI.