Modpack Author:
PixlPunch Team
Current Recommended Version: 1.0.5
Ever had a thought that you had too much power?
Inflation Before Power is a Tech-Based Modpack surrounding the everyday cycles of Power.
By changing up the norm by decreasing power generation and increasing power consumption;
Will you stockpile power? Or will you whittle each and every power unit down to its last breath.
With very little cross power compatibility, you have a choice of 3 Power Lines: EU, RF or W.
The choice is yours.
-You're welcome to discuss any general things about the pack in this thread, but remember to use the Issue tracker when submitting an issue. Its a lot easier to organize and It helps me get updates out faster.-As there are some new recipes and tweaked recipes in the pack, I would highly recommend getting used to Not Enough Items. It will help in the long run.
-Decided that you are record the pack or livestream it? By all means go for it. Also let me know So I can display some videos here.
Pack code: IBP
Minecraft Version: 1.7.10
Issue tracker: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/modpacks/229984-inflation-before-power/issues
Modlist: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...MMABB8f0n3osvhjofqQ9PBiuhE/edit#gid=141722760
Changelogs: https://www.dropbox.com/home/Inflation Before Power?preview=Inflation+Before+Power+Changelogs.txt
-Kirimato: Modpack Maker
-AzmoTheAwesome: Modpack Conceptor
-TennePG: Tweaks, Custom Main Menu, Custom Items/Textures.
-PixelsMedia4: Logo Art
-All of our DEV testers and builders.
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