[1.7.10] ImpactFlux Modpack - Version 1.0.0 [HQM, 400+ Quests, Hardcore]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone else having a sorting issue with Resonant Chests? It's the only one that has this issue of sorting by using my personal storage as well as the chests', so everything is mixed in together.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are EnderIO pressurized conduits not meant to carry Mekanism fluids/gases? I can't get them to connect to the Factories. No problems with EIO Item/Energy conduits tho.

Update: Huh...turns out EIO has a conduit specifically for gases [who knew?]. What confuses me at this point is how the author of Mekanism decided that 'ore slurry' is a gas?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey guys! Just started playing this mod, looks pretty good so far, except can anyone tell me how to stop items from flying around me when my inventory is full? It also causes me to not be able to throw anything away, which is rather annoying when my inventory is full. Thanks!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey guys! Just started playing this mod, looks pretty good so far, except can anyone tell me how to stop items from flying around me when my inventory is full? It also causes me to not be able to throw anything away, which is rather annoying when my inventory is full. Thanks!
Remove the chestplate with Magnetization I enchant.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Mekanism...any good guides for Ore Processing in 1.7.10? Everything I've seen uses basic machines [no factories], creative tanks, and shows 1.6 mechanics [Brine in 1.7 is Sodium + Chlorine, not Hydrogen + Chlorine].

I setup a basic factory line [as in each machine that could become a basic factory...did] so each machine in Tier 0-3 has 3 processing slots. Production is super-slow, and bottlenecks are gases [Oxygen + HCL]. Tried going the cross-mod route [Pam's salt = HCL and Flint = Oxygen] to solve bottleneck...no success. Then read about upgrades, Energy reduces power needs and Speed improves gas efficiency. With each basic factory fully-upgraded [S/E = 9x] still have gas production bottleneck. Downgraded basic factories to regular machines, maxed upgrades...still gas production bottleneck.

I'm really, really confused [as this seems completely broken] and can't find numbers on this anywhere. We'll take Oxygen as an example. Currently have 2 separators serving the purification chamber which can't keep up even with max gas efficiency [8 speed upgrades]. Can add more separators, but with each separator hard-coded [no config to change] to use 1600RF/t, this gets power-intensive real fast. Gas-Gen per Separator you say...ok, but how to auto-control Hydrogen levels so separator keeps producing Oxygen? [I don't know of any mod that adds a gas void similar to how barrels can be upgraded to void excess].

To me, it seems like the only way this works is if you let the system crawl along with bottlenecks [which isn't very compatible with automated mining]. I know I'm missing something huge but I can't figure out what.

Update: did a little more digging and it appears that our version of Mekanism may indeed be broken in this fashion. Attempt to update to the recommended version results in a client crash, even when using recommended Forge version.

Further/Final Update: attempted to workaround the problem using creative tanks and rotary condensentrators. Creative tank providing liquid oxygen to rotary condensentrator with gas-out directly connected to purification chamber is still a bottleneck [now by condensentrator] and I see no way to get around this.

Last Update [I swear...maybe]: working with the newer version of the modpack [which includes an updated version of Mekanism]. Setup Tier2 in creative test world with just machines and then basic factories. With the purifier fully upgraded, a single separator is able to provide enough oxygen to keep the line constantly running. And it appears the separator provides enough hydrogen to power 2 Gas generators, thus powering itself.
Side note...EnderIO gas conduits work with Mekanism gases in this iteration of EIO/Mekanism.

I may report back on experiments with the next tier, as this should be interesting. Brine [NaCl] needs to be separated and the Chlorine [Cl] needs to be combined with Hydrogen [H] to get the needed HCl input. This means 2 separators unable to power themselves [each needing 1600 RF/t...which is 8 Windmills total at world-height IIRC [and a couple Tesseracts]...which isn't too terrible]. Shame we can't burn the Oxygen or somehow turn the Sodium [a highly volatile element] into a fuel source.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone else having trouble early game with finding a village... or was I dumb and turned off generate structures? 5000 blocks x and z... still nothing.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone else having trouble early game with finding a village... or was I dumb and turned off generate structures? 5000 blocks x and z... still nothing.
First couple RNG seeds I played with had this problem. Problem solved by using a 1.7.10 seed known to have Villages. You can take your seed and look-up possible village locations using AMDIST. Also...are you are finding the dungeons [roguelike]? If so, then you have structures enabled.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Unofficial 'newer' pack version from GitHub problem...
Unable to detect crafting of what I assume is supposed to be Iron Armor Plating for the Jetpack chain. Book is telling me I need to craft 'item.simply.jetpacks.components.name' - missing texture too. Saw something similar where the given quest reward is a potato jetpack. I received an item with unknown [to NEI] item ID and missing texture. Updating to latest SimplyJetpacks version fixes nothing and I'm also missing the button to manually detect the crafted item [if it was present before].

Update: seems to be all the jetpack armors.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
About manually updating this pack...
Careful which mods you keep up-to-date, as sometimes you can break the quest book by doing so. EnderIO is one example. EIO recently changed Capacitor Banks around to have Tiers. The item [Cap Bank (deprecated)] required for the quest can no longer be crafted after updating [even tho recipe is same].

Also, advice if using EIO Enchanter for Thorns books. Enchanter requires 76 levels up front to create Thorns III enchanted book. Making Thorns III vanilla-style also requires 76 levels, but you spend the levels at 12 and 8. Much more XP-efficient to get 4 Thorns I books from the Enchanter and combine them on an Anvil, than to get a single Thorns III book.

And some Mekanism infos. Max height for Wind Turbine is 251. At this altitude, they'll produce 400 RF/t. However...max output for the turbine is 384 RF/t. And there's some mechanic [night-time?] which cuts the output in half.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I found an interesting interaction between mekanism and thaumcraft involving cardboard boxes. Don't put aura nodes in boxes...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For the Modpack Author...
ME questline not recognizing Quantum Entangled Singularities? Unsure how to fix this but I suspect it's something to do with HQM item detection.
Also, I'd like to see the manual detect button everywhere you ask us to craft an item. Most of the items we're asked to craft are found [in spades] as dungeon loot [very applicable with the Vanilla questline]. Also, you often reward us with items you later on ask us to craft more of. It'd be nice if those items found/given also counted towards the crafted total [IMO].


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Mekanism Ore Processing T4 update:
I love Wind Mills! No noticeable lag [so far] and not too costly to produce [also helps I found a world-height mountain to call home]. Anyway, back to the update...

Setup first T4 processor line in survival...and noticed yet another bottleneck. Looks like it's the Brine Separator. I've got a 10-height Salination plant that dumps into a steel tank...and it's been producing for some time. Tesseract [should have used an Ender Tank here] the Brine into the separator and threw in 1/2 stack of Iron ore. Chemical Injection Chamber [un-upgraded other than Adv Factory] ran out of HCl before completion. Appears the Brine separator works slower than the Water separator [as I have plenty of Hydrogen in the Chemical Infuser]. Brine supply isn't an issue [Brine separator is full] nor is power. All T4 machines have direct connections, so it's not pipe throughput. I'll mess around in creative and see if I can find the number of required Brine separators for continuous operation.

Update: Looks like the combo is roughly 2 Brine separators per Water separator. This provides equal amounts [again, roughly] of Cl and H to the Infuser. Clearing this hurdle reveals another separator logjam...Oxygen [for the Purifier]. At max speed, the Purifier will require a Water separator per process slot.
Ex: Basic Factory Purifying - 3 process slots, thus 3 separators providing Oxygen.

And clearing up the Purifier choke point reveals that the Injection Chamber requires an Infuser per process slot.
Ex: Adv Factory Injecting - 5 process slots...5 Infusers, supplied by 5 Water separators and 10 Brine separators.

I'd imagine at this point there would be an issue with steady brine supply...which is beyond the scope of my intention to investigate. However, with 15 separators that are unable to provide themselves power and each requiring 1600 RF/t [24,000 RF/t total] power supply and power delivery also become process constrictors.

Final Update [I'm not optimizing Tier 5 unless Mekanism increases yield or allows Tier 5 machines to become Factories...but probably not even then]:
Thanks to @joshuad156 for pointing out a solution to the separator power problem in Tier 4.
With the separators now requiring only 160 RF/t. I went ahead and determined the optimal number of Salination Plants needed to keep a single Tier 4 line of fully upgraded [8 speed/8 energy] Advanced Factories constantly processing with all 5 slots...the magic number is 6 Salination Plants. Additionally, if you're providing water to the plants via XU Liquid Transfer Nodes, you only need 6 World Interaction Upgrades in each node to keep the plant's tank topped off [no Speed upgrades are necessary].
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Don't remember if this has been addressed here already or not...but just in case...
DO NOT use any EIO ME Conduits if you're running the version of AE2 [rv1] that ships with either the FTB-supplied pack or the 'updated' pack from GitHub AND you're using EIO => version 2.2.6. EIO 2.2.6 and above are no longer compatible with AE2 rv1. If you did place a ME Conduit/Dense Conduit and suffered an unrecoverable crash, updating to the current AE2 rv2 build 'should' allow you back into your world.

Also, after updating AE2, you may notice the ME Controller no longer accepts power directly from a TE Cell [ex. Resonant]. Power cabling of choice in between Cell and Controller or an ME Energy Acceptor fixes this.

While I'm at it...AE2 Portable Cells currently eat items. You've been warned.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
However, with 15 separators that are unable to provide themselves power and each requiring 1600 RF/t [24,000 RF/t total] power supply and power delivery also become process constrictors.

Gas burning generators produce 800 RF/t and use half of the Hydrogen the seperator produces. So 2 gas burning gens with a separator will be selfsustaining and produce O2 for free. Need more O2, just make another 2 gens and 1 seperator. piece of cake.