[1.7.10] GamingOnCaffeine's Modded Survival Island

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Is anyone else experiencing some pretty severe fps lag? I've run much heavier packs than this and I'll be at about 60-100 fps inside the little wooden house on the island that I made, but if I start getting towards the water, my fps seems to drop to < 10 or so, up and down.

Also, while doing alot of mining, I've noticed I've yet to find any lapis yet, double checked the cofh/world/vanilla file and it's listed and looks ok there but wondering if I'm just having some rotten rng

I didn't think of that actually. :)
MTRM for the win! You know how in AGS2 Jaded decide that making gears in the smeltery is fun, no it isn't, it's boring and when getting near endgame is super frustrating having to make gears in the smeltery, so yeah.....MTRM helped me make the gears in their defaults.

Is anyone else experiencing some pretty severe fps lag? I've run much heavier packs than this and I'll be at about 60-100 fps inside the little wooden house on the island that I made, but if I start getting towards the water, my fps seems to drop to < 10 or so, up and down.

Also, while doing alot of mining, I've noticed I've yet to find any lapis yet, double checked the cofh/world/vanilla file and it's listed and looks ok there but wondering if I'm just having some rotten rng

I've only had lag using sphax but I added fastcraft to the pack so...yeah and also I'm thinking about adding better FPS, but also my Windows is kinda old (old in age not old like XP or Vista, I'm using 8.1) and I'm thinking about reinstalling it.
MTRM for the win! You know how in AGS2 Jaded decide that making gears in the smeltery is fun, no it isn't, it's boring and when getting near endgame is super frustrating having to make gears in the smeltery, so yeah.....MTRM helped me make the gears in their defaults.

I've only had lag using sphax but I added fastcraft to the pack so...yeah and also I'm thinking about adding better FPS, but also my Windows is kinda old (old in age not old like XP or Vista, I'm using 8.1) and I'm thinking about reinstalling it.
yeah I added fastcraft after first run but having fps issues still. really wondering wth is going on.

Enabled retrogen in config but didn't change anything regarding lapis and now I've suddenly got lapis where it should be, so I'm thinking something happened with map or something?

I did add openblocks as well as journeymap, for graves and a map. was experiencing fps issues even prior to that but didn't know how precise it was till after I added journeymap. It seems rather random and not specific to doing one kind of thing. I might reinstall I guess but who knows. I've played packs a lot heavier than this with barely any issues.
yeah I added fastcraft after first run but having fps issues still. really wondering wth is going on.

Enabled retrogen in config but didn't change anything regarding lapis and now I've suddenly got lapis where it should be, so I'm thinking something happened with map or something?

I did add openblocks as well as journeymap, for graves and a map. was experiencing fps issues even prior to that but didn't know how precise it was till after I added journeymap. It seems rather random and not specific to doing one kind of thing. I might reinstall I guess but who knows. I've played packs a lot heavier than this with barely any issues.
This is a new pack and it's not very optimised. I hope soon Isaac will fogure a way but till then, al I can recommend you is to lower you render distance as little as possible. I'm not having crazy lag issues and I'm always letting it on 8 chunks (default).
Also don't raise your max FPS to unlimited simce the game will struggle to reach high values resulting in FPS flickerin, I say leave it on 30-70 max fps.
Other than that, I hope others could come with ideeas!
This is a new pack and it's not very optimised. I hope soon Isaac will fogure a way but till then, al I can recommend you is to lower you render distance as little as possible. I'm not having crazy lag issues and I'm always letting it on 8 chunks (default).
Also don't raise your max FPS to unlimited simce the game will struggle to reach high values resulting in FPS flickerin, I say leave it on 30-70 max fps.
Other than that, I hope others could come with ideeas!
Yeah, tweaking a pack or to figure out what's causing an issue is something I've done quite a lot. I've already performed all the normal tweaks and nothing is spamming the logs either. Wasn't a complaint really, just wondering if I was the only one or not.

As comparison, I am now playing a pack that's got almost twice as many mods as this one yet getting steady 60fps and it's in highlands. So really at a loss here.
any one have the coords for the spawnpoint. i died and respawned in the middle of no where and since there is no waypoint system i cant find it
I don't know but rubber tree isn't to bad for me, just took a boat around and found another island with some rubber trees made life easier, Also anyone eles having village problems? i have like a village maybe every 40-120 blocks apart. Also is maybe add a map and agricraft if your gonna do magical crops or does it work like skyfactory 2 and a mattock with luk will increase seed drops? I seem to have problems with finding lapis and diamonds around lvl 11 which is kinda werid.
I don't know but rubber tree isn't to bad for me, just took a boat around and found another island with some rubber trees made life easier, Also anyone eles having village problems? i have like a village maybe every 40-120 blocks apart. Also is maybe add a map and agricraft if your gonna do magical crops or does it work like skyfactory 2 and a mattock with luk will increase seed drops? I seem to have problems with finding lapis and diamonds around lvl 11 which is kinda werid.
found rubber same way as you and yeah, had issues with orespawns for lapis mostly but yeah diamonds were pretty rare too. I regenned all the ores and suddenly lapis everywhere
Already mentioned this earlier in thread, dunno what was the cause or if intentional or not
found rubber same way as you and yeah, had issues with orespawns for lapis mostly but yeah diamonds were pretty rare too. I regenned all the ores and suddenly lapis everywhere
Already mentioned this earlier in thread, dunno what was the cause or if intentional or not

How do you re-gen ore?
How do you re-gen ore?
change the config file ./config/cofh/core/common.cfg
ensure the following two lines are set:

your console log will fill up with a bunch of info and once it's done, just save the game and revert the changes to false and start game again
Idk maybe next update you could also make it so theres only 1 type of ore? i mean why is there like 4-5 types of copper and tin? and Thanks for the ore tip i'll reset it now and hope for more diamonds. Also does it depend on the level of the crops on what essence they drop? like coal will drop weaken essence? Also if you don't like the island you landed on you could always build your own with the different elemental essences like i plan on doing. Maybe like a bridge connection 2 island together with 1 being the main and the other for underground mining?
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Idk maybe next update you could also make it so theres only 1 type of ore? i mean why is there like 4-5 types of copper and tin?
I'm finding a lot of packs like this and in the pack maker's defense, it can be a real pain to track down all the different ores in the configs. What I've started doing is adding Fortune Ores to these packs to solve the inventory issues it causes.
Does anybody know how big a server you need to run this? just going to play on my own. Want some better fps (this pack is really heavy for my pc)