(1.7.10) Forestry Mod - Tree Breeding Issues

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hoping someone can help me. I've been doing the tree breeding...got the silver lime, hill cherry, white willow, common walnut, and sweet chestnut, mundane larch, bull pine and sequoia perfectly fine, then when to start doing the offshoots of the jungle tree and all I'm getting are hybrids. 2 days-worth of hybrids. I definitely converted the jungle sapling to be the forestry type and I've been breeding it with a silver lime. They're both pure saplings. I've had it running for almost 2 days now and have over 2 double chests full of hybrid saplings....no teak (which is supposed to come from those). Just seems stuck, or am I just extremely unlucky?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's not a biome change. I was frustrated by this, too, then looked at the code in PluginArboriculture.java and saw that some of the mutation combinations have changed:

desertacacia = teak + balsa
balsa = teak + acacia [vanilla acacia]
baobab = balsa + wenge
cherry = lime + birch
cherry = lime + oak
chestnut = walnut + cherry
chestnut = walnut + lime
cocobolo = desertacacia + darkoak
date = jungle + papaya
ebony = darkoak + kapok
ipe = teak + darkoak
kapok = jungle + teak
larch = spruce + birch
larch = spruce + oak
lemon = lime + cherry
lime = birch + oak
mahoe = balsa + desertacacia
mahogany = kapok + ebony
maple = spruce + larch
padauk = acacia [vanilla acacia] + jungle
papaya = jungle + cherry
pine = spruce + larch
plum = lemon + cherry
poplar = birch + willow
poplar = lime + willow
poplar = oak + willow
sequoia = larch + pine
sipiri = kapok + mahogany
teak = darkoak + jungle
walnut = lime + cherry
wenge = cocobolo + balsa
willow = oak + birch
willow = oak + lime
willow = lime + birch
zebrawood = ebony + poplar

Edited to clarify acacia versus desert acacia
Last edited:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OK, then, and here are the tree combinations for ExtraTrees (binnie-mods-2.0-pre8.jar) from the file ExtraTreeMutation.class. (I have a hard time reading that graphic of combinations linked in the FAQ, even at the large size.) I am using the current version of FTB Infinity modpack:

AcornOak = Walnut + Oak
Alder = Birch + Beech
Allspice = Teak + Clove
Almond = Plum + Walnut
Apricot = Plum + Peach
Ash = Lime + Spruce
Aspen = Alder + Beech
Avacado = Wenge + Oak
BalsamFir = Larch + Alder
Banana = Balsa + Jungle
Beech = Birch + Oak
Blackberry = BlackCherry + Raspberry
BlackCherry = Ebony + Cherry
Blackcurrant = BlackCherry + Redcurrant
Blackthorn = Plum + OrchardApple
Blueberry = Blackberry + Raspberry
Box = Holly + Alder
Brazilnut = Beech + Jungle
Brazilwood = Ebony + Teak
BuddhaHand = Citron + Manderin
Butternut = Walnut + Cherry
Candlenut = Hazel + Gingko
Cashew = Teak + Oak
Cedar = Fir + Larch
CherryPlum = Plum + Cherry
Chilli = Hazel + Gingko
Cinnamon = Teak + Rosewood
Citron = Pomelo + lemon
Clove = Coffee + Teak
Coconut = Balsa + Brazilnut
Coffee = Cherry + Jungle
CopperBeech = Beech + Spruce
Cranberry = Blackberry + CherryPlum
Cypress = Pine + Spruce
DouglasFir = Fir + Spruce
DwarfHazel = Hazel + Alder
Elder = Alder + Aspen
Elm = Ash + Pine
FingerLime = KeyLime + lemon
Fir = Pine + BalsamFir
FloweringCrabapple = OrchardApple + SweetCrabapple
Gingko = Wenge + Lime
GoldenRaspberry = Raspberry + Orange
Gooseberry = Raspberry + Lime
Grapefruit = Pomelo + Orange
Hawthorn = Beech + Rowan
Hazel = Beech + Aspen
Hemlock = Pine + Fir
Holly = Alder + Rowan
Hornbeam = Ash + Larch
Iroko = Balsa + Teak
Juniper = Raspberry + Fir
KeyLime = Cherry + lemon
Kumquat = Manderin + Cherry
Lime = Pomelo + KeyLime
LoblollyPine = Pine + Spruce
Locust = Balsa + Lime
Logwood = Rosewood + Kapok
Manderin = Pomelo + Cherry
Mango = Jungle + Orange
MonkeyPuzzle = Hemlock + Jungle
Nectarine = Plum + Peach
Nutmeg = Teak + Clove
OldFustic = Ebony + Teak
Olive = Cherry + Alder
Orange = Pomelo + Manderin
OrchardApple = Oak + Cherry
OsangeOsange = OldFustic + Kapok
Peach = Plum + Chestnut
Pear = OrchardApple + Birch
Pecan = Beech + Birch
PinkIvory = RoseGum + Brazilwood
Plantain = Banana + Teak
Pomelo = Cherry + lemon
PrairieCrabapple = OrchardApple + Birch
Purpleheart = Brazilwood + Kapok
RainbowGum = RoseGum + Balsa
Raspberry = Cherry + Elder
RedBanana = Banana + Kapok
Redcurrant = Cherry + Elder
RedMaple = Maple + Lime
RoseGum = Balsa + Jungle
Rosewood = Ebony + Teak
Rowan = Aspen + Alder
Sallow = Willow + Aspen
Satsuma = Kumquat + Manderin
SourCherry = Willow + Cherry
StarAnise = Allspice + Clove
Starfruit = StarAnise + Mango
SwampGum = RoseGum + Mahogony
SweetCrabapple = OrchardApple + Maple
Sweetgum = Maple + Larch
Sycamore = Ash + Maple
Tangerine = Kumquat + Manderin
Whitebeam = Ash + Birch
WildCherry = Lime + Cherry
Yew = Larch + Spruce
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michael wessels

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks for the info regarding the teak. I cant help but notice though that in the list of mutations, balsa + teak = acacia. But to get balsa you need to add teak + acacia. This is a loop, you can't make one without the other. Balsa used to be made by mixing teak and silver lime, but I have been doing that with no success.

Any more information regarding this? I am trying to make a biofuel tree.


michael wessels

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
With some trial and error, alongside searching through NEI I figured it out. The Acacia is a natural tree that grows in Savannahs. You need to analyze one of those and cross it with the teak to get balsa. Balsa and acacia will produce the desert acacia I believe, but I have not tested that yet.

Balsa = Acacia (Natural Tree) + Teak
Desert Acacia = Balsa + Teak ( I think )


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I edited the list to clarify that balsa is bred from the vanilla acacia, which grows in savannas. Desert acacia is the one created by tree breeding. I think I see where the confusion started. (It is this way on the wiki, too.) It stems from the way the programmer worded the variable names. Naturally occurring acacia is not created by a mutation, but desert acacia is. The name of this mutation is simply "acacia" :)

michael wessels

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks for clarifying. I also noticed that you can see what mutations there are in NEI. You search the tree, click the sapling and it'll tell you how to "make" the sapling. (I am using direwolf 1.7.10)