What are you having a problem with: energy or liquid conduits?EnderIO conduits don't seem to be connecting to Galacticraft machines.I don't know enough about the current Galacticraft, so is this expected?
What are you having a problem with: energy or liquid conduits?
EnderIO energy conduits will look like they're connected on all sides, but GC machines only have 1 input side that accepts energy.
# Declare variables
val Elevator = <OpenBlocks:elevator>;
val Platform = <ThaumicTinkerer:platform>;
val TravelAn = <EnderIO:blockTravelAnchor>;
val Levitator = <Thaumcraft:blockLifter>;
# Change recipe for elevator
[[<ore:dyeWhite>, Platform, <ore:dyeWhite>],
[<ore:blockCloth>, TravelAn, <ore:blockCloth>],
[<ore:dyeWhite>, Levitator, <ore:dyeWhite>]]);
# A little tooltip
Elevator.addTooltip(format.darkAqua(format.italic("<Flux Shift>")));
Elevator.addShiftTooltip(format.darkPurple("Requires contraptions"));
Elevator.addShiftTooltip(format.darkPurple("from various mods"));
It's only normal to include the formatMain reason I disabled the elevator was because it made those blocks kinda useless, but I think that is a good recipe change so I will add it. Also thanks for using the format I use for my scripts![]()
Any chance you could make the recipe not rely on Thaumcraft? I'm sure there's some equally difficult to obtain things from the great list of tech mods that could be substituted.Main reason I disabled the elevator was because it made those blocks kinda useless, but I think that is a good recipe change so I will add it. Also thanks for using the format I use for my scripts![]()
I could have two recipes: one that uses the levitator and one that uses the travel anchor.Any chance you could make the recipe not rely on Thaumcraft? I'm sure there's some equally difficult to obtain things from the great list of tech mods that could be substituted.
Money!I could have two recipes: one that uses the levitator and one that uses the travel anchor.
Yes the angel ring recipe. You could just set the thaumcraft items to null in the script.EDIT: Speaking of Thaumcraft, I'm assuming there is an Extra Utilities recipe that uses something from Thaumcraft?
I would make the one sided recipe more difficult then, to push people to try Thaumcraft and/or EnderIO.I could have two recipes: one that uses the levitator and one that uses the travel anchor.
Yes the angel ring recipe. You could just set the thaumcraft items to null in the script.
I prefer Github because its easier to track things there.Also, if I have more suggestions (like extra mods or altered / added recipes), should I place them in this thread or on the Flux Galaxy github?