[1.7.10] [Curse] Sky Kour [0.9.7] A Hardcore Skygrid/Tech Based Modpack!

  • Thread starter Thread starter midnightvelocity
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WARNING!!: You will probably die a lot in the beginning of this modpack! Unless are you are decent at parkour in Minecraft!

Sky Kour (pronounced like parkour) is a Hardcore Sky Grid/Tech Based modpack built and balanced around Vorquel's Simple Sky Grid mod. The "goal" is to survive and build a world of your own from nothing while actually gathering the resources yourself by navigating your way around the grid. Enjoy! And feel free to stream/create videos with it and let me know about it!

Pack Code: skykour
This pack is now available on the Curse Launcher!

Pack version: 0.9.7

Fixed Open Eye button not appearing on main menu after a crash
Fixed Position/Size of Draconic Evolution UI for Armor/Tools so it isn't covering up any other UI elements

Updated 5 mods
Added 11 mods
Removed 3 mods

Added Cooking For Blockheads 1.0.134
Added CraftTweaker 3.0.13
Added Hardcore Wither 1.1.3-21
Added Immersive Engineering 0.7.7
Added Immersive Integration 0.6.8
Added Magical Crops 4.0.0_PUBLIC_BETA_3
Added Mekanism
Added Mekanism Generators
Added Mekanism Tools
Added MFR Magical Crops Compatibility 1.2
Added The Secret Rooms Mod

Removed Hardcore Ender Expansion 1.8.5
Removed MineTweaker3 3.0.10
Removed Sync 4.0.0

Updated CoFHCore to 3.1.3-327
Updated Draconic Evolution to 1.0.2h
Updated EnderCore to 2.0.39
Updated Ender IO to
Updated Thermal Foundation to 1.2.5-115

AOBD 2 by ganymedes01
AppleCore by squeek502
Applied Energistics by AlgorithmX2
Baubles by Azanor
Better Builder's Wands by portablejim
BiblioCraft by Nuchaz
Big Reactors by Erogenous Beef
Biomes O' Plenty by TDWP_FTW, Adubbz
Blood Magic by WayofTime
Botania by Vazkii
Brandon's Core by brandon3055
bspkrsCore by bspkrs
Carpenter's Blocks by Mineshopper
Chance Cubes by Turkey2349
ChickenChunks by Chickenbones
Chisel 2 by warlordjones, tterrag1098, TheCricket26, Drullkus
CodeChickenCore by Chickenbones
CodeChickenLib by Chickenbones
CoFH Core by TeamCoFH
ComputerCraft by Dan200
Cooking for Blockheads by BlayTheNinth
Custom Main Menu by Lumien
Default World Generator by fireball1725
DenseOres by RWTema
Draconic Evolution by brandon3055
Dual Hotbar by RebelKeithy
EnderCore by tterrag
EnderIO by CrazyPants
EnderStorage by Chickenbones
Extra Cells by Leonelf
Extra Utilities by RWTema
ExtraTiC by Glassmaker
FastCraft by Player - Granted
FastLeafDecay by Olafski
Forge Multipart by Chickenbones
Hardcore Wither by thor1202
HarvestCraft by MatrexsVigil, Rhodox
Hunger Overhaul by iguana_man
iChunUtil by iChun
Iguana Tweaks for Tinker's Construct by iguana_man, boni
Immersive Engineering by BluSunrize
Immersive Integration by Unwritten Fun
InfiniteInvo by Funwayguy
InGame Info by Lunatrius
Inventory Tweaks by Kobata
IronChests by cpw, progwml6
JABBA by ProfMobius
JourneyMap by techbrew
Loot Bags by Malorolam
Lunatrius Core by Lunatrius
Magical Crops by Mark719
Mantle by mDiyo, progwml6
McJtyLib by McJty
Mekanism by aidancbrady
MFR Magical Crops Compatibility by portablejim
MineFactory Reloaded by skyboy026, powercrystals
MineTweaker by StanH
MineTweaker RecipeMaker by DoubleDoorDevelopment
ModTweaker by jaredlll08, joshie, SpitefulFox
Natura by mDiyo
NEI Addons by bdew
Not Enough Items by Chickenbones
Not Enough Keys by Mr_okushama
Not Enough Resources by Way2muchnoise, Hilburn
OpenBlocks by Mikeemoo, boq
OpenEye by Mikeemoo, boq
OpenModsLib by Mikeemoo, boq
Progressive Automation by Vanhal
Resource Loader by Lumien
RFTools by McJty
Rotten Flesh to Leather by Epic Blarg
Secret Rooms by AbrarSyed
Simple Achievements by tterrag1098, insaneau
Simple Sky Grid by Vorquel
Simply Jetpacks by Tonius
Solar Flux by Nauktis
StartingInventory by bspkrs
Storage Drawers by jaquadro
Thermal Dynamics by TeamCoFH
Thermal Expansion by TeamCoFH
Thermal Foundation by TeamCoFH
Thermal Recycling by OreCruncher
Thermal Smeltery by Drullkus
TiC Tooltips by squeek502
Tinker's Construct by boni, mDiyo
Tree Growing Simulator by tterrag1098
Vein Miner by portablejim
Waila by ProfMobius
Waila Harvestability by squeek502
Witchery by Emoniph - Granted


A Modpack By midnightvelocity

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It looks like some recipes involving planks are bugged. For instance, I can't make sticks out of any wood but oak and when I make patterns from TiC using oak planks will craft 2 patterns while using any other type of wood only crafts 1
Hmm. First of all thanks for downloading my modpack! And second, a fix for both of the bugs you mentioned will be coming soon in the next update.

It looks like some recipes involving planks are bugged. For instance, I can't make sticks out of any wood but oak and when I make patterns from TiC using oak planks will craft 2 patterns while using any other type of wood only crafts 1
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Hmm. First of all thanks for downloading my modpack! And second, a fix for both of the bugs you mentioned will be coming soon in the next update.
I laughed when I woke up this morning and saw that your comment has been edited. I guess you noticed both bugs existed xD
I laughed when I woke up this morning and saw that your comment has been edited. I guess you noticed both bugs existed xD
Yes. Yes I did xD. Anyway, they will be fixed in version 0.9.6, which will be available as soon as it gets approved.
I am really enjoying your modpack but one thing that I am struggling with is that when I quickly press "1" to move an item to the hotbar and then press "E" to close the Inventory it just closes and reopens itself.I think it might be an issue with the DualHotbar and/or the InfiniteInvo mods but I guess you can't fix it without removing it/them :(
I am really enjoying your modpack but one thing that I am struggling with is that when I quickly press "1" to move an item to the hotbar and then press "E" to close the Inventory it just closes and reopens itself.I think it might be an issue with the DualHotbar and/or the InfiniteInvo mods but I guess you can't fix it without removing it/them :(
Yeah that might be an issue with either DualHotbar or InfiniteInvo, or it could be inventory tweaks interacting with one of those mods, I'm not sure. But anyway, thank you! I'm glad your enjoying it :)
It looks like some recipes involving planks are bugged. For instance, I can't make sticks out of any wood but oak and when I make patterns from TiC using oak planks will craft 2 patterns while using any other type of wood only crafts 1
The update that fixes both of these bugs is out! :D
what ways are there to get ores other than finding them and the ore bushes?

MFR Laser Drill and the Deep Dark are options from the mods in the pack although they could both be disabled one way or another. I haven't gotten far enough to explore those possibilities and probably won't since the initial resource grind is such a nightmare. Nether might be an option for some stuff too.
what ways are there to get ores other than finding them and the ore bushes?
you can either use progressive automation miners to mine blocks automatically, or create a quarry using a builders block from RFTools. The Builders block is best the way to collect resources automatically, but setting it up is it a little complicated.
1. make a builder's block
2. make a shape card
3. make a quarry shape card
4. right click with the shape card and set the shape of it to a solid box of your choice of dimensions
5. make a lever
6. make a chest
7. make something that generates power, like a solar panel
8. power the builders block, put the shape card in it, lever on the side of it, chest on top of it, then click the lever and watch it mine blocks superfast!
MFR Laser Drill and the Deep Dark are options from the mods in the pack although they could both be disabled one way or another. I haven't gotten far enough to explore those possibilities and probably won't since the initial resource grind is such a nightmare. Nether might be an option for some stuff too.
the deep dark is disabled, the mfr laser drill is not, though I have not tried it to see if it works properly. And the nether is not a place you'd want to go without a jetpack in my opinion. Also have you tried making paths out of half slabs to get around the grid without having to jump to each block? It makes the grind up until having a jetpack a lot easier and less death prone.
Also have you tried making paths out of half slabs to get around the grid without having to jump to each block? It makes the grind up until having a jetpack a lot easier and less death prone.

Yes, I have made slab paths, although I usually just put one on each end and leave the middle open and jump over.

That isn't why I died though. I died getting saplings to grow those first trees for the wood and then instead of sitting there waiting for my one tree to grow I died a few more times gathering more stuff on the way down each time. Those suicides sped up the early game a bit. Had around 6-9 deaths by the time I had cobble gen going.

Oh, and I can't jump directly between two horizontal blocks at all without using slabs. To move horizontally at the start I jumped over and landed on the next layer down. If that jump is supposed to be doable without haste it would seem there is something wrong with my grid.
Oh, and I can't jump directly between two horizontal blocks at all without using slabs. To move horizontally at the start I jumped over and landed on the next layer down. If that jump is supposed to be doable without haste it would seem there is something wrong with my grid.

No thats normal, you can only jump in-between blocks by sprint-jumping.
Yes, I have made slab paths, although I usually just put one on each end and leave the middle open and jump over.

That isn't why I died though. I died getting saplings to grow those first trees for the wood and then instead of sitting there waiting for my one tree to grow I died a few more times gathering more stuff on the way down each time. Those suicides sped up the early game a bit. Had around 6-9 deaths by the time I had cobble gen going.

Oh, and I can't jump directly between two horizontal blocks at all without using slabs. To move horizontally at the start I jumped over and landed on the next layer down. If that jump is supposed to be doable without haste it would seem there is something wrong with my grid.

Based on the modlist, tree growing simulator is in here, so you can twerk for trees.
Wowsa. I love Skyblocks. I'm terrible at Parkour. Regardless, I am loving this Modpack. I've started a Let's Play series, if you are interested.

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