This right here is a pack I thought of a while back. The basic idea is to make a tech pack with complexity, much like the old days of Tekkit. I've achieved this through Engineer's Toolbox as the main mod, Buildcraft for piping, Steve's Carts for farms, and Mariculture as a totally not fun replacement for bee breeding (for real, because it has some cool gimmicks). In addition, mods that were not likely to remain in the modding scene due to the move to 1.9 for various reasons took precedent over similar mods that were, such as most of the technical mods having owners that left the community. Factorization is now MIT licensed, so I figured "why not", and Witchery is there as the only magic mod because its systems are highly underrated and overshadowed by other magic mod features.
Pack code: "Criticality"
Server files are coming soon, I'm just lazy
Pack code: "Criticality"
Server files are coming soon, I'm just lazy
This pack contains the following mods by default:
- AppleCore by squeek502
- Armor Chroma by NukeDuck
- Better Builder's Wands by portablejim
- BiblioCraft by Nuchaz
- Buildcraft by CovertJaguar, SirSengir, Krapht, cpw, spacetoad, asiekierka
- Carpenter's Blocks by Mineshopper
- Chisel 2 by warlordjones, tterrag1098, TheCricket26, Drullkus
- Chisel Tones by TehNut
- CodeChickenCore by Chickenbones
- CodeChickenLib by Chickenbones
- CoFH Core by CoFH team
- CoFH Lib by CoFH team
- Ding by iChun
- Enchiridion by joshie
- Engineer's Toolbox by Emasher
- ExtrabiomesXL by Allaryin, ScottKillen
- Factorization by neptunepink
- FastLeafDecay by Olafski
- Garden Stuff by jaquadro
- Inventory Tweaks by Kobata
- JourneyMap by techbrew
- Mariculture by joshie
- MineTweaker by StanH
- ModTweaker by jaredlll08, joshie, SpitefulFox
- MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod by Mr_Crayfish
- Not Enough Items by Chickenbones
- Not Enough Resources by Way2muchnoise, Hilburn
- Simply Jetpacks by Tonius
- Steve's Carts 2 by Vswe
- Storage Drawers by jaquadro
- Storage Drawers: Misc Pack by jaquadro
- Super Multi-Drills by SilentChaos512
- Waila by ProfMobius
- Witchery by Emoniph - Granted
- Ztones by riciJak