[1.7.10][240+ Mods] SeriousPack - Magic, Tech and Adventure | Custom Ore Gen

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Pack Code: SCSP

This is a modpack was originally created for SeriousCreeper's community. In the past we used custom private packs, but when people see us playing on twitch or youtube, they sometimes would like a world download or just play the same pack. So we thought this time we should try to make a public pack so everyone can be part of it!

The pack combines Tech, Magic and Adventure into one so that there is something for everyone. We love massive automation systems, crazy magical devices but also exploration and seeing new dungeons and structures we haven't seen before. The mods are suppose to work as they were intended, so there are no major config or recipe changes. We do however add custom recipes if some mods override other ones, and we change some of the configs to improve the quality of life on the server (for example how many people need to sleep in order to turn it day again).

1.7.10 is introducing a lot of awesome new mods and we want to make sure that some of them are added to the pack as well, if they fit our theme and are well designed.

Custom Ore Gen
As of version 1.7 we switched to a custom ore gen. A lot of the ores now spawn a lot less often but in huge clusters. This is an attempt of making the ore gen and mining a bit more interesting and different.

It may take longer to find ore you want, but once you do, you get a lot of it.
If you have trouble getting started with coal, make charcoal :p
If you have trouble with iron, you can find some iron gravel on the surface or some ores in those spires here and there.
Some ores are mixed, coal has a chance to also generate diamonds.

We tried this for a bit on our server and i think it's a lot more fun and adds a bit of a twist to it.

How to disable Custom Ore Gen
If you don't like any of this, delete the json files from config/cofh/world and download the standard Vanilla and ThermalExpansion-Ores one from the cofh website.

Modlist: http://bit.ly/1rIOTqB

Youtube and Twitch links:

SeriousCreeper's Adventures (Youtube)

New Start - Thaumcraft heavy LP

New Map

Old Map and switch from Bevo to Seriouspack

Other Links

  • Antique Atlas (4.2.10)
  • Bookshelf (
  • Render Player API
  • Render Player API Enhancer
  • Tainted Magic (
  • Buildcraft Compat (7.1.3)
  • Guide-API (1.0.1-23)

  • Pistronics 2 (0.6.3 -> 0.6.4)
  • ae2stuff (rv3- -> rv3-
  • AOBD (2.8.4 -> 2.9.0)
  • Applied Energistics 2 (RV3 Alpha 9 -> RV3 Beta 4)
  • Automagy (0.26.3 -> 0.27.1)
  • Bibliocraft (1.11.2 -> 1.11.4)
  • Blood Magic (1.3.3-13 -> 1.3.3-17)
  • Botania (r1.8-243 -> r1.8-248)
  • CodeChickenCore ( ->
  • CoFHCore (3.0.3-303 -> 3.1.0B1-322)
  • CoFHLib (1.0.3-175 -> 1.1.0-180)
  • Compact Machines (1.20 -> 1.21)
  • Decocraft (2.1.1 -> 2.2.1)
  • Draconic Evolution (1.0.2 Snapshots 8 -> 1.0.2 Snapshots 9)
  • DragonAPI (V10c -> V10d)
  • Enchanting Plus (3.0.2 ->
  • Ender IO ( ->
  • Ender Core ( ->
  • Extra Cells (2.2.73b129 -> 2.3.7b176)
  • Extra Utilities (1.2.11 -> 1.2.12)
  • Forestry ( ->
  • Garden Stuff (1.6.8 -> 1.7.0)
  • Gendustry ( ->
  • Gravestone (2.12.4 -> 2.16.0)
  • Growthcraft (Updated to Community Edition 2.4.0)
  • Hardcore Ender Expansion (1.8.4 -> 1.8.5)
  • IC2NuclearControl (2.3.1a -> 2.3.3a)
  • IndustrialCraft (2.2.784-experimental -> 2.2.810-experimental)
  • Immersive Engineering (0.6.4 ->
  • Immersive Integration (0.6.5 -> 0.6.6)
  • JourneyMap (5.1.3)
  • Malisis Core (0.12.9 -> 0.14.0)
  • Malisis Doors (1.10 -> 1.13.0)
  • Mantle (0.3.2a -> 0.3.2b)
  • mcjtylib (1.8.0 -> 1.8.1)
  • Magneticraft (0.5.1 -> 0.6.0-beta2)
  • Mekanism ( ->
  • Mekanism Generators ( ->
  • Mekanism Tools ( ->
  • MineFactoryReloaded (2.8.0-104 -> 2.8.1B1-168)
  • MmmMmmMmmMmm (1.6 -> 1.9)
  • Morpheus (1.6.4 -> 1.6.20)
  • Natura ( -> 2.2.1a2)
  • NEI Addons ( ->
  • NEI Integrations (1.0.13 -> 1.1.1)
  • Nether Ores (2.3.0-12 -> 2.3.1RC1-19)
  • NEI ( ->
  • OpenBlocks (1.4.4 -> 1.5)
  • OpenComputers ( ->
  • OpenModsLib(0.8 -> 0.9)
  • Pam's Harvestcraft (1.7.10k -> 1.7.10Lb)
  • Progressive Automation (1.6.27 -> 1.6.29)
  • ProjectRed Base (4.7.0pre9.92 -> 4.7.0pre10.93)
  • ProjectRed Compat (4.7.0pre9.92 -> 4.7.0pre10.93)
  • ProjectRed Fabrication (4.7.0pre9.92 -> 4.7.0pre10.93)
  • ProjectRed Integration (4.7.0pre9.92 -> 4.7.0pre10.93)
  • ProjectRed Lighting (4.7.0pre9.92 -> 4.7.0pre10.93)
  • ProjectRed Mechanical (4.7.0pre9.92 -> 4.7.0pre10.93)
  • ProjectRed World (4.7.0pre9.92 -> 4.7.0pre10.93)
  • ReactorCraft (V10b -> V10d)
  • RFTools (4.13 -> 4.20)
  • Roguelike Dungeons ( -> 1.4.4)
  • RotaryCraft (V10b -> V10d)
  • Router Reborn ( ->
  • Realistic Terrain Generation (0.3.0 -> 0.4.0)
  • Simply Jetpacks (1.5.1 -> 1.5.3)
  • Spice Of Life (1.2.4 -> 1.3.0)
  • Tails (1.3.1 -> 1.4.1a)
  • Tinkers Construct (1.8.7 -> 1.8.8)
  • Thaumic Energistics ( ->
  • Thaumic Exploration (1.1-52 -> 1.1-53)
  • Thaumic Horizons (1.1.6 -> 1.1.9)
  • Thermal Expansion (4.0.3B1-218 -> 4.1.0B1-235)
  • Thermal Foundation (1.2.0-102 -> 1.2.1-110)
  • TMechworks ( ->
  • TSteelworks (1.1.1-17 -> 1.1.2-19)
  • Waila Harvestability (1.1.2 -> 1.1.6)


  • made yellorite spawn less common (it was everywhere with the new ore gen)
  • added Better Foliage
  • added Smart Moving
  • added Smart Render
  • added Magneticraft
  • added Pistronics
  • updated Reikas Mods to v10
  • updated Forestry to v4
  • updated Magic Bees
  • updated Gendustry
  • updated Forbidden Magic

  • IMPORTANT NOTE: from this version on i am using a custom ore gen. More about this at the bottom of this post
  • removed aromabackup (gave me a lot of issues on the server for some reason, but feel free to try it out on your own)
  • updated immersive engineering
  • updated immersive integration
  • updated storage drawers
  • updated botania
  • updated rftools
  • updated buildcraft
  • updated draconic evolution
  • updated logistics pipes
  • updated pneumaticcraft
  • added thaumcraft nei plugin
  • added enchiridion
  • added mariculture
  • added realistic terrain generation (need to select it when creating a world)
Last edited:
The official one is private only (sorry!). I haven't heard of anyone else playing on a server, but i'd love to know if someone does :)

Any chance Yall have room for one more ? (not a kid, hardcore logical type) I am huge fan Rp2, Have made A few vids of crazy stuff I have made ..but not A youtuber ). Cant seem to find A sever with Rotarycraft and mining alone ... is not fun.

Some hardcore RP2 stuff I have made include .. Combination lock W/ random code gen (V2), Working Slot Machines, Real working Elevators, I have alot more stuf I have made but never did vids on. But these were just for fun.

Anyhow If yall have room, I would love A sever to play on. I dont even mind chipping in on sever cost !
Any chance Yall have room for one more ? (not a kid, hardcore logical type) I am huge fan Rp2, Have made A few vids of crazy stuff I have made ..but not A youtuber ). Cant seem to find A sever with Rotarycraft and mining alone ... is not fun.

Some hardcore RP2 stuff I have made include .. Combination lock W/ random code gen (V2), Working Slot Machines, Real working Elevators, I have alot more stuf I have made but never did vids on. But these were just for fun.

Anyhow If yall have room, I would love A sever to play on. I dont even mind chipping in on sever cost !

We usually don't do that (had bad experience in the past) but you posted videos which helps getting a first impression, so i'll ask the others and see what they think :) Will let you know soon!
New v1.2.0 just released!

Added Tinkers Steelworks
Added Practicalities
Added Funky Locomotion
Added Hardcore Ender Expansion
Added M&B Battlegear 2
Added NEI Integrations
Added Gravestone
Added Secret Rooms Mod
Added Thaumic Exploration
Added Ender Zoo

Set Morpheus sleep percentage to 25%
Disabled EXP consumption when using the OpenBlocks Elevator

Updated several mods to the latest version
For some reason when I get shot by a skeleton, and I have an arrow in my character, I cannot see my inventory or NEI. Is anyone else getting this?
For some reason when I get shot by a skeleton, and I have an arrow in my character, I cannot see my inventory or NEI. Is anyone else getting this?
yes , that was happing to me alot when i started , has not happen lately but not been fighthing really
For some reason when I get shot by a skeleton, and I have an arrow in my character, I cannot see my inventory or NEI. Is anyone else getting this?
I think it happened once to me, and when i went into F5 mode, my character was upside down.

Someone mentioned the same on reddit but i don't think anyone figured out what's causing it, but i could be wrong.
I think it happened once to me, and when i went into F5 mode, my character was upside down.

Someone mentioned the same on reddit but i don't think anyone figured out what's causing it, but i could be wrong.

There is something that dumps into the console when I open my inventory, but I do not know what it means.

Unrelated to the arrow glitch thing, if I put my emerald(?) pickaxe in the crafting square in the inventory screen it will crash my game. It's at like 5 durability so I was going to combine it with another pick, but upon placing it in my game freezes.
-- Head --
at net.minecraft.item.Item$ToolMaterial.func_150995_f(Item.java:1388)
at net.minecraft.item.ItemTool.func_82789_a(ItemTool.java:91)
at mrtjp.projectred.exploration.ItemGemPickaxe.mrtjp$projectred$exploration$TGemTool$$super$getIsRepairable(ItemGemPickaxe.java:20)
at mrtjp.projectred.exploration.TGemTool$class.getIsRepairable(items.scala:229)
at mrtjp.projectred.exploration.ItemGemPickaxe.func_82789_a(ItemGemPickaxe.java:24)
at vazkii.botania.common.crafting.recipe.RegenIvyRecipe.func_77569_a(RegenIvyRecipe.java:47)
at net.minecraft.item.crafting.CraftingManager.func_82787_a(CraftingManager.java:323)
at net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerPlayer.func_75130_a(ContainerPlayer.java:80)
at net.minecraft.inventory.InventoryCrafting.func_70299_a(SourceFile:81)
at net.minecraft.inventory.Slot.func_75215_d(Slot.java:77)
at net.minecraft.inventory.Container.func_75144_a(SourceFile:157)
at net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.PlayerControllerMP.func_78753_a(PlayerControllerMP.java:419)
at codechicken.nei.guihook.GuiContainerManager.handleSlotClick(GuiContainerManager.java:503)
at net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer.func_146984_a(GuiContainer.java:636)
at net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer.public_func_146984_a(GuiContainer.java)
at codechicken.nei.guihook.DefaultSlotClickHandler.callHandleMouseClick(DefaultSlotClickHandler.java)
at codechicken.nei.guihook.DefaultSlotClickHandler.handleSlotClick(DefaultSlotClickHandler.java:17)
at codechicken.nei.guihook.GuiContainerManager.handleMouseClick(GuiContainerManager.java:452)
at net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer.managerHandleMouseClick(GuiContainer.java)
at net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer.func_146286_b(GuiContainer.java:588)
at net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen.func_146274_d(GuiScreen.java:306)
at net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer.func_146274_d(GuiContainer.java)
at net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen.func_146269_k(GuiScreen.java:268)

-- Affected screen --
Screen name: net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiInventory
There is something that dumps into the console when I open my inventory, but I do not know what it means.

Unrelated to the arrow glitch thing, if I put my emerald(?) pickaxe in the crafting square in the inventory screen it will crash my game. It's at like 5 durability so I was going to combine it with another pick, but upon placing it in my game freezes.
-- Head --
at net.minecraft.item.Item$ToolMaterial.func_150995_f(Item.java:1388)
at net.minecraft.item.ItemTool.func_82789_a(ItemTool.java:91)
at mrtjp.projectred.exploration.ItemGemPickaxe.mrtjp$projectred$exploration$TGemTool$$super$getIsRepairable(ItemGemPickaxe.java:20)
at mrtjp.projectred.exploration.TGemTool$class.getIsRepairable(items.scala:229)
at mrtjp.projectred.exploration.ItemGemPickaxe.func_82789_a(ItemGemPickaxe.java:24)
at vazkii.botania.common.crafting.recipe.RegenIvyRecipe.func_77569_a(RegenIvyRecipe.java:47)
at net.minecraft.item.crafting.CraftingManager.func_82787_a(CraftingManager.java:323)
at net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerPlayer.func_75130_a(ContainerPlayer.java:80)
at net.minecraft.inventory.InventoryCrafting.func_70299_a(SourceFile:81)
at net.minecraft.inventory.Slot.func_75215_d(Slot.java:77)
at net.minecraft.inventory.Container.func_75144_a(SourceFile:157)
at net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.PlayerControllerMP.func_78753_a(PlayerControllerMP.java:419)
at codechicken.nei.guihook.GuiContainerManager.handleSlotClick(GuiContainerManager.java:503)
at net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer.func_146984_a(GuiContainer.java:636)
at net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer.public_func_146984_a(GuiContainer.java)
at codechicken.nei.guihook.DefaultSlotClickHandler.callHandleMouseClick(DefaultSlotClickHandler.java)
at codechicken.nei.guihook.DefaultSlotClickHandler.handleSlotClick(DefaultSlotClickHandler.java:17)
at codechicken.nei.guihook.GuiContainerManager.handleMouseClick(GuiContainerManager.java:452)
at net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer.managerHandleMouseClick(GuiContainer.java)
at net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer.func_146286_b(GuiContainer.java:588)
at net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen.func_146274_d(GuiScreen.java:306)
at net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer.func_146274_d(GuiContainer.java)
at net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen.func_146269_k(GuiScreen.java:268)

-- Affected screen --
Screen name: net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiInventory

Hmm strange. I'll check this out, maybe some newer versions have some fix for this. Do you know if this happens to other tools as well (like vanilla minecraft tools). Seems to be an issue with either Project Red or Botania.

Thanks a lot for posting the crash log, helps a lot :)
Version 1.3 just realsed!

WARNING: We removed Binnies Mod and Electrical Age, so if you are updating an existing world, some blocks will be missing.
If you wish to continue using binnies mod, remove extra utilities and use the version from our 1.2.0 pack isntead.

  • Removed Binnies Mod (compatibility and lag issues)
  • Remove Electrical Age (didn't feel right in this pack)
  • Added Fairies Mod (request by server community)
  • Added ZTones
  • Updated Forge to 1232
  • Updated a bunch of mods

Detailed list can be seen on git: https://github.com/SeriousCreeper/SeriousPack/commit/ba7d6ab35bebd1d1ebc6dd6ff13b3c120a44dd08
Version 1.3.1 just released!

Forge updated to 1272 which should fix a lot of the chunk loading issues (no need for fastcraft anymore?)

  • Reika's Mods (DragonAPI, ReactorCraft, RotaryCraft, ElectriCraft)
  • Thaumcraft (, dungeons yay!)
  • Thaumic Tinkerer
  • Thaumic Exploration
  • Hardcore Ender Expansion
  • Logistics Pipes
  • Ender IO
Version 1.4 just released!

Added mods
  • Loot Bags
  • Ender Tech
  • Router Reborn
  • Extra Carts
  • Decocraft
  • Extra Buttons
  • Moar Signs
  • MrCrayfish Furniture Mod
  • Enchanting Plus
  • Minechem

Updated a bunch of mods (detailed list might follow later)
great pack :) How can I set up a private server?
Thank SeriousCreeper

Thanks :)
And you setup the server the same way you'd setup any FTB server!

  • Select the pack in FTB Launcher and click the "Download Server" button
  • Unzip the file on your server and run either the launch .bat (windows) or .sh (linux) file
  • After a while it tells you to accept the eula. Stop the server and edit the eula.txt file and set "eula=true".
  • Take this moment to go over your server.properties to setup everything you want (whitelist, level seed, biome type, etc)
  • Start the server again and it should be setup

That's a quick basic overview of how to set it up :)

If you ever need to update your server, delete the folders mods, scripts, config and libraries, and also delete minecraft_server.1.7.10.jar and the forge file. Then unzip the update into your folder.

Hope that helps!
Thanks :)
And you setup the server the same way you'd setup any FTB server!

  • Select the pack in FTB Launcher and click the "Download Server" button
  • Unzip the file on your server and run either the launch .bat (windows) or .sh (linux) file
  • After a while it tells you to accept the eula. Stop the server and edit the eula.txt file and set "eula=true".
  • Take this moment to go over your server.properties to setup everything you want (whitelist, level seed, biome type, etc)
  • Start the server again and it should be setup

That's a quick basic overview of how to set it up :)

If you ever need to update your server, delete the folders mods, scripts, config and libraries, and also delete minecraft_server.1.7.10.jar and the forge file. Then unzip the update into your folder.

Hope that helps!
Thanks SeriousCreeper. I'll try that :)