1.6 pre-release FYI

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just like 1.5, the base Mojang changes are not a big deal. It's the fact that all the modders stop fixing bugs and adding content for old versions.

Be fair, the 1.5 update was big. It should forever be known as the hopper (vanilla) and framerate (forge) update.[DOUBLEPOST=1372208114][/DOUBLEPOST]
Get ready for the 1000s of are we there yet posts.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Don't forget zombies that track you from 2000 blocks away and that reproduce spontaneously.

The creepers also turn into Gremlins when you feed them after midnight
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, as far as I can tell, a fair amount of the 1.6 update is content ... which isn't really that huge for the modded players. Although horses might be interesting, the pack mule stuff isn't much for those of us who have proper item transport.

The huge thing for modded Minecraft is the Resource Pack system.

Basically, previously you had texture packs, now you have resource packs that can replace all the game's assets (including sound etc.) instead of only textures. They're also performing better and are easier to put together.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Uh, horses and colored blocks and... nothing much else. Not excited at all for this update.
As a primarily vanilla player, I can tell you that I am excited.
Just because with FTB you get a couple dozen mods to play with, it doesn't meant that Mojang should cater to you. They're working on the Mod API so that stuff like FTB becomes much easier to make and integrate, but until then they will focus on Vanilla.

Sure, you can get Mo Creatures and have 100+ extra mods (personally, not a fan). Sure, you can get some random mod that adds 1000 different coloured building blocks. But those are mods.

The addition of horses to Vanilla is one of the biggest changes in a while, because it revolutionises travel and the entire mid-late game experience.
So whilst you're playing with your jetpack, vanilla players are using their horses.

It's like a Canadian saying that they find the improvement of American healthcare "not exciting at all".
It's selfish, rude to vanilla players and extremely ignorant.
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Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Get ready for the 1000s of are we there yet posts.

Are we there yet?

Think I'll stick with my 1.5.2 mod pack that I've just put together, it's much more exciting (for me) then that 1.6 update...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As a primarily vanilla player, I can tell you that I am excited.
Just because with FTB you get a couple dozen mods to play with, it doesn't meant that Mojang should cater to you. They're working on the Mod API so that stuff like FTB becomes much easier to make and integrate, but until then they will focus on Vanilla.

Sure, you can get Mo Creatures and have 100+ extra mods (personally, not a fan). Sure, you can get some random mod that adds 1000 different coloured building blocks. But those are mods.

The addition of horses to Vanilla is one of the biggest changes in a while, because it revolutionises travel and the entire mid-late game experience.
So whilst you're playing with your jetpack, vanilla players are using their horses.

It's like a Canadian saying that they find the improvement of American healthcare "not exciting at all".
It's selfish, rude to vanilla players and extremely ignorant.
Why should Canadians care about the improvement of American healthcare?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As a primarily vanilla player, I can tell you that I am excited.
Just because with FTB you get a couple dozen mods to play with, it doesn't meant that Mojang should cater to you. They're working on the Mod API so that stuff like FTB becomes much easier to make and integrate, but until then they will focus on Vanilla.

Sure, you can get Mo Creatures and have 100+ extra mods (personally, not a fan). Sure, you can get some random mod that adds 1000 different coloured building blocks. But those are mods.

The addition of horses to Vanilla is one of the biggest changes in a while, because it revolutionises travel and the entire mid-late game experience.
So whilst you're playing with your jetpack, vanilla players are using their horses.

It's like a Canadian saying that they find the improvement of American healthcare "not exciting at all".
It's selfish, rude to vanilla players and extremely ignorant.

Its funny to say your a vanilla player on a mod pack forums, seeing as the forums are dedicated to packs & the contained mods, really is it applicable, to me it would be like a vanilla server in the advertise server section, its would stand out not really fit in.

ps, are we there yet.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why should Canadians care about the improvement of American healthcare?
Because apparently theirs is better
So whilst they don't care, acting like it doesn't matter is mean :)[DOUBLEPOST=1372240439][/DOUBLEPOST]
Its funny to say your a vanilla player on a mod pack forums, seeing as the forums are dedicated to packs & the contained mods, really is it applicable, to me it would be like a vanilla server in the advertise server section, its would stand out not really fit in.
I'm PRIMARILY a vanilla player.
I've got a challenge for you. Go to the vanilla forums, use some kind of machine to work out the average IQ of the posts there. A good example are the snapshot threads, where 90 percent of posts are arguments about who "Grumm" is.
Then come back to the FTB forum. Feel that sense of relief washing over you? That's your respect for humanity being restored.
I physically cannot bear the Minecraft Forum any more. It makes me sick. And seeing as I play FTB, and talk about FTB, I have just as much right to be here as anyone else. If a mod disagrees, they can ban me, but a ban on the grounds that I play too much vanilla seems a little bit unfair (considering there are people here who don't play FTB at all, they play, for example, Resonance Rise).
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Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Agree with you there Blob, that's why it's nice when some of the modders visit this forum and provide feedback, it's much more constructive then the MC forums.

Anyway, who's Grumm :p (side note - I actually don't care... chance of it affecting my modded gameplay would be less then 0.0001%)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
tBL, I relent your point is valid, I dont post on mc often almost never only a reply or info to a modder in most cases, mc forums area sprawling mess at the best of times, plz except my apologies.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Agree with you there Blob, that's why it's nice when some of the modders visit this forum and provide feedback, it's much more constructive then the MC forums.

Anyway, who's Grumm :p (side note - I actually don't care... chance of it affecting my modded gameplay would be less then 0.0001%)
He's a Mojang employee, he was actually on the Forgecraft server at one point, I think he's sort of a link between Forge and Mojang but I'm not sure.
In any case, his skin is of Elmo, and he was hidden inside every snapshot teaser picture for the 1.6 release. Despite the changelogs having stuff like "added Grumm" (and a short google search revealing that Grumm is a mojang employee) 99 percent of people assumed that:
1) "Grumm" is a new mob
2) They are adding Elmo to the game

Seriously, EVERY snapshot there was this argument. We're up to the pre-release and it's still going on.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Grum (with one m) is a developer at Mojang who works on a lot of very interesting features - among them the render engine revamp, and the modding API.

He is known for regularly playing on the Forgecraft server, examining how people want to mod Minecraft and cooperating with the Minecraft Forge team.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Grum seemed to me to be a guy that like to push stuff until it breaks then find out why it broke, his builds seemed overly complex most of the time, that could be lack of mod xp or just blinkered out look of some coders to some degree, ie this is the way it should be done I WILL make it work this way.

But also seemed to be able to except help & advice when hitting a brick wall.

ps, are we there yet.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
While the new texturepack and the resourcepack changes might be a headache when updating the mods, keep in mind they are a massive quality of life improvement and they open up a lot of possibilities. And they are probably a step towards the fabled Mod API. Horses I like, not that I won't taunt the horse riding peasants while I fly at the speed of sound with my modular powersuit but they add character to the world, even if their use for the modded player is limited. Same goes for the new blocks, really.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As a primarily vanilla player, I can tell you that I am excited.
Just because with FTB you get a couple dozen mods to play with, it doesn't meant that Mojang should cater to you. They're working on the Mod API so that stuff like FTB becomes much easier to make and integrate, but until then they will focus on Vanilla.

Sure, you can get Mo Creatures and have 100+ extra mods (personally, not a fan). Sure, you can get some random mod that adds 1000 different coloured building blocks. But those are mods.

The addition of horses to Vanilla is one of the biggest changes in a while, because it revolutionises travel and the entire mid-late game experience.
So whilst you're playing with your jetpack, vanilla players are using their horses.

It's like a Canadian saying that they find the improvement of American healthcare "not exciting at all".
It's selfish, rude to vanilla players and extremely ignorant.

Just to be clear, what is being expressed here is opinion. There are people here that are not excited for the 1.6 update, because they don't see anything in it worth being excited about FOR THEM. It is different for others, but saying that someone should not voice their opinion because it disagrees with yours is quite daft.

You are excited for the content that is added, and others are not. There is no reason that both views cannot be aired without someone getting upset that someone on the internet is wrong.

Please note, this is primarily directed at the slightly aggressive tone of your post (particularly the last bit).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just to be clear, what is being expressed here is opinion. There are people here that are not excited for the 1.6 update, because they don't see anything in it worth being excited about FOR THEM. It is different for others, but saying that someone should not voice their opinion because it disagrees with yours is quite daft.

You are excited for the content that is added, and others are not. There is no reason that both views cannot be aired without someone getting upset that someone on the internet is wrong.

Please note, this is primarily directed at the slightly aggressive tone of your post (particularly the last bit).
It's aggressive because I'm angry at the way minorities are treated on the internet. On the FTB forum, people who so much as touch the vanilla game are a minority and as such are practically ignored. Just to clarify though, I'm annoyed at people who belittle the work of the Mojang team. Nobody is forcing anyone to USE horses and coloured blocks, but they're awesome to have if you want to. So hearing someone say that the update is pointless is pretty annoying to me.
And yes, I know, it's my opinion, I never said otherwise.
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