The rise to your own Elysium can be long, arduous, and fraught with many dangers. Gregtech and a tweaked Tinker's Construct provide a sense of progression, Thirst and Hunger Overhaul increase the difficulty of basic survival, while a wide array of mob related mods add to the variety of threats present in the world, and this is merely scratching the surface of mods contained in this pack.
Pack Code: RTE
So, I got sucked into modpacks with a TekkitLite server, modpacks were a completely unknown thing to me, sure I had heard of mods, but to me, those were for single player stuff, how wrong I was. Anyways, as the network jumped between packs, as worlds died and player bases shifted, I kept trying the 'next thing', but nothing really changed that much. You could still reach a fairly high progressed state of living with a couple power sources and a handful of machines, and have nothing really to do than biggering it or automating everything just a little better. Horizons then popped onto the scene, with blood magic and many other mods that I hadn't ever seen! Only then did I bother to see what mods were actually out there, and I was greeted by an overwhelming number of them. After asking around awhile about what mods people liked, someone mentioned Gregtech, and then I knew what was wrong, everything was too easy.
Change Log
I would like to thank the owners of Andromeda Network for hosting the server for me, and I would like to thank everyone who has played it or will play it.