i'll look into that one, but as for the tree thing, I was thinking of the early quests being about limestone (you can multiply your limestone with a hammer, I discovered that fairly early on when I was playing agrarian skies) and in turning in (what would normally be) a tone of it, you get dirt, a sapling, and some bone meal. I'm thinking about making those repeatable quests, however, using a hammer with vein miner will be the fastest way of gaining more and more limestone. that and I want to make it very, very isolated in feelingIf I were you, I'd just give 'em a tree.But really, I think you should just put a sapling in the strongbox with some bones or actually place a tree down.
Also, could I suggest the Aether II for this pack? I think it would go well w/ the overall theme, plus I believe it's biomes are compatible with Mystcraft.
Alright, I've been getting back into minecraft, and modpacks lately, so I'm thinking about coming up with one myself. This will be the first time I seriously attempted something on this kind of scale, so, I'd like some input, tips, and pointers. Thanks!
my goal with this pack is to create a HQM pack with the core being Dimensional Doors and Mystcraft. The focus will be exploration and progression. ... I want to ease players into it, while allowing players to blast on through if they already know what they are doing. I'd like to format the quests such that natural progression should complete most quests, to reward those who are already familiar with the mods, and to guide those who aren't.
Starting Map:
The map will begin in a pocket dimension without any way out, trapped in a black void. The center of the pocket dimension will have a small platform and single plot of dirt with a chest on it (or perhaps a strong box with a crescent hammer in it to move it). The chest will have a sapling in it as well as some food, a camel pack and some water.
What I need help with:
I need help coming up with the quest progression, what mods to include, what recipes to tweak, and perhaps flavor text and all that.
hmmmm.. .that is definitely giving me something to think about.... I enjoy the challenging feeling of Crash Landing, and I feel that I'd like to do something challenging, rather than hand-holding, few people like hand holding and I'd actually like to encourage experimentation and exploration. I'd also like the start to be more isolated, what I'm going for is more about showing people just how grossly OP limestone is (as a building material, no good at anything else and everyone should use it for absolutely everything) so I guess I'm not going to be teaching anyone anything really about the mods in the pack, but definitely exposing them. I might just release one that doesn't have the QMH installed and tell people to go nuts with the mods as they come, perhaps do a little HQM to help teach people how to do things, but for this particular pack, I want it to feel unforgiving. at the moment, I'm going to be making it so if you die anywhere at all, you wind up in limbo and have to find your way back out.Alright, so the first, and important question: Are you trying to "Teach" the basic use of the mods, or are you trying to give players a challenge?
You are starting inside a box, so the first challenging needs for mystcraft is leather. You'll need to make a grass, lit, spawn platform, far enough from the player -- and you are inside a box.
The box is bigger on the inside, but it's not that big -- I'm not sure you can make a passive mob spawning platform, unless you have it in one upper corner, and the player sitting at the far lower corner. I don't know how big a pocket is; I thought it was around 30 blocks in each direction. So ... yea, 30x30x30, the corners are far enough away, you could make a 3 or 4 layer passive spawn farm. That's not going to be normal thinking. The edges of the box give off light, so you'll have an easier time getting the grass lit and spreading.
Once the players have leather, the next thing is paper, glass bottles, smooth stone, and a supply of ink ... so again, not impossible, just maybe harder than you are considering. My memory of AgSkies was that water came from rain in barrels -- hard to do inside a pocket, and I'm not sure how else you can get water. But two buckets, and then make a squid pool ... check the height of the pocket, I actually do not know how you can force a pocket's Y level.
Alright, so players can make books. How do you make sure that they make a "safe" book? You can't -- not unless you give your players their initial books. If you want to teach mystcraft, (sadly, I never got my jampacked entry to that level), you'll want to give safe, starting books to play with. That would be link books to premade worlds -- and island worlds are the best place to start. The initial world should be a dirt block, water block, island world, mushroom island, single biome, sun set to eternal night. There are no resources here, other than a few cows and I think giant mushrooms (will they be spawned on dirt?); but it's a safe place to learn linking safety. There may be sugar cane at the water's edge (and you can prevent that, if you want, by making it an ice sea instead of a water sea -- yes, I know about denying resources and trying to keep people on the rails. Err, wait ... dang, there was a bug in some version, I forgot which one, where ice seas would still generate sugar cane. An island world is small enough that my test case not having it does not mean that ALL island worlds will not. Double check that first.)
Now, there is another option. If you are going for a "pre-constructed starting world", you might make your pocket look like a piece of the overworld -- with grass, a few animals, trees, a few layers of dirt, and some coal and iron to be found. In other words, give them a small piece of home to start with. Then, you can start them in a more normal initial environment, while still having some control over their activities.
Important: Last time I checked, all hostile mob spawning was disabled in DD's pockets. I actually don't even know if passive mobs will spawn in there.
I'm thinking that people could escape the PD in basically 3 ways: a nether portal, dieing and escaping limbo, or with a dimensional trap door, and give the player the choice of how they go about leaving the PD.
oh, and as a side note, what's the mod/config that makes it so you have a HUD that tells the time, the day, the fps, etc? I'd like to include that, also PD is exactly 29x29x29 fyi
Unless something has changed, nether portals only work in dimensions less than 1 -- zero, or negative -- and won't work in pockets.
Limbo ... I don't think most people will think of dying as a way to escape. And, you'll want them to have a way back, right?
I thought dimensional trap doors needed world fabric (or was it world thread?) to create, and you got that either from dungeons, or from a rift eating the world around it. Neither of those will be found inside your pocket.
What I use is "What's my light level", but it was last updated for 164.
There is "In-game info", but I have not played with it yet.