[1.6.4 Direwolf] EU use/transport

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

We´r starting over in 16.4 Direwolf 20 and we came from 1.4.7 Ultimate.

We have several 36Hp Boilers at 1000º but no way to get useful EU out of it.

Well first I think only really way to get EU is the Steam turbine(repair is kind of annoying)

The next issue is that Tesseracts now does not work with EU and we have our base designed to have power plant on one side and on the other our machines…

We can´t put cabel all over the hole base (more than 200x200 blocks )

How are you supposed to do this now? Or can you just not… L
Boilers aren't really the optimum method for EU. Steam turbines are the officially stated route, but there are others (the old fashioned magma crucible > magmatics being a big one). Nuclear is usually the route people prefer for large scale EU production.

Transport is possible, it's even built into IC2, with the EV cabling. It's more complicated than doing similar things with MJ or RF, but that is how IC2 works.
EV Cabel = Glass fibre?

This would still make us to put down a cable from A to B no matter if there is 1 or 200 block in between.

Magma means I have to train out all lava from nether I will never get a self sustained Power source for it then. Since only way I know to make lava is cobble into Magmatic crucible wich also needs energy.
So I would fire a Boiler with charcoal from MFR Tree farm this energy I use to get Lava to run my magmatics to then put down the cabel anyway?

Then its easyer to just put boiler + Steam Turbine + cabel.

Or am I missing something?
You would go boilers to steam dynamos to make rf... transport the rf to the other side of your base using tesseracts... use the rf and cobble from igneous extruders to make lava in magma crucibles... use the lava to make EU
Or just redesign my hole base...damn.
Wanted to make power in once building and all my machines form TE,IC2,... in a other without engines and stuff in the seller.
Here you go... generate your eu at the power production place using geothermal generators.. then I'm petty sure can set up a quick system to charge batteries teleport them through tesseracts discharge into your eu system and then back to be filled. Rinse and repeat
Finaly set up a Boiler + 36 Steam Dynamos. Outputting into a lava Generator from MFR. This lava now can be split in as many Geothermal generatores(IC2) as needed.
For sure not as effective like the goold old OP Bridges but hey its what we got :)