[1.4.6] Steve's MindCrack Server [MindCrack][2GB RAM][20 Slots][Public]

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
View attachment 800
Welcome to my MindCrack topic,
You've arrived at the # 1 topic that involves my server. I made this server just because I'm a huge fan of Feed The Beast, but this is MindCrack? This server is made public to all players that wish to join. I ask you to make a lot of fun on my server and if you wan't to ask me something or just got nothing else to do, call me on
skype: xtreamcraft
Some information
- The map size will be limited in the future
- There is only 1 ruler, name will remain (HIDDEN)
- Don't build near spawn
- Playing with friends is much more fun =D
- If your think you are doing something wrong, just ask me.
- 16+ will be the standard, but your behavior will decide.
Future Information

-We will soon have another server only for adults.
-Age 18+
-Must have valid drivers license to enter
Send picture of license to [email protected]
-This is only to make sure you are 18 years old or above
No More Little Kids bothering you
100% adult server
Free to join
- Don't grief
- Don't use bad language
- Don't use any hacks or bad mods
- Nukes and other boomblocks are forbidden and disabled
How to play?
You can play MindCrack with the FTB Launcher. Just download FTB Launcher and select MindCrack and play!
Feed The Beast
Have fun fellow players!!!
you are aware that a drivers license is not a guarantee for 18+ right? there are countries where you can get one at 16. just saying.
also not all 18+ people have a drivers license. I'm 23 and i don't have one.

also saying the map-size will be limited in the future is understandable but how big will it be? i know that i personally generally venture out a bit and id hate it for my base to be put outside the world border once implemented
I am assuming you are looking more towards the 18+ server. There will be no map limit on the whitelist one for adults. The free one will possibly be limited with a 4 thousand block radius.
I recommend you don't join this server, i told bubble that the server is on a old version, he fixes it and bans me for no reason.
After you messed up that kids server and blamed it on me. Why on earth would I let you in my server? You grief all servers
HAHAHAHAHA, me blaming it on you?, You was the one who griefed, you was griefing for ages, took it to far and griefed spawn and got caught, you asked for mine and Roxas' help, we agreed as long as you gave us admin on your server, you denied and stole our stuff, we told all of chat so you griefed us, we got about 4 people there watching it, not just me and Roxas.

Just because you get mad, don't have to ban people off your server for something you caused.
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Reactions: SSJ4_Roxas
Hello owner, it's me, "ssj15". I was running around spawn, when a rendering error occured. That was a permanent crash every time I try to connect to the server. Found out that it was due to teak/balsa and the few new saplings that was causing problem when inside a crystal chest / BC pipe /RP tube system.

[INFO] [STDERR] java.lang.NullPointerException
[INFO] [STDERR] at forestry.arboriculture.items.ItemGermlingGE.getIconIndex(ItemGermlingGE.java:112)
[INFO] [STDERR] at bce.a(RenderItem.java:130)
[INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.ironchest.client.TileEntityIronChestRenderer.render(TileEntityIronChestRenderer.java:180)
[INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.ironchest.client.TileEntityIronChestRenderer.a(TileEntityIronChestRenderer.java:191)
[INFO] [STDERR] at bdw.a(SourceFile:103)
[INFO] [STDERR] at bdw.a(SourceFile:96)
[INFO] [STDERR] at bav.a(RenderGlobal.java:499)
[INFO] [STDERR] at ban.a(EntityRenderer.java:1131)
[INFO] [STDERR] at ban.b(EntityRenderer.java:970)
[INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.J(Minecraft.java:882)
[INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:771)
[INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

So, I got in contact with Sengir, Forestry mod dev and he told me:

" Both crystal chests and RP tubes strip the NBT data from the saplings. This creates items that shouldn't exist. I didn't expect any other mod to do that, so didn't check for it. The check will be in the next version of Forestry, reducing the issue to render glitches.

For now you'll have to remove the chest/sapling/tube via editor from your world."

He says to remove the tile entity (the chest/pipe) but I cannot since it is your server. I hope you will find a way to fix it. Or else, I will have to wait until next patch of Forestry, wich would suck for me :(

Anyways, if you could backup my player data ( Server folder --> [worldname] --> player --> "ssj15.dat" ) and also make a backup of the world, then be able to get my stuff back, I would enjoy it very much.

what I can do is just deleted your player data and it will create a new one for you. Letting you in the server, only your inventory will be erased.
bigbubbleboy123 is a fail. First, one of my friends were acused of stealing their beehives. Second, bigbubbleboy threatened to DDOS my friend for no apparent reason. Then, bigbubbleboy was saying my friends home address in the chat. I started complaining and telling him that he shouldn't tell players IP's and adresses in the chat, and he shouldn't threaten his users. Then, I got banned. I have screenshots to prove if any of you guys want it.
  • Criminal identity theft (posing as another person when apprehended for a crime)
  • Financial identity theft (using another's identity to obtain credit, goods and services)
  • Identity cloning (using another's information to assume his or her identity in daily life)
  • Medical identity theft (using another's identity to obtain medical care or drugs)
  • Child identity theft.
Asking for personal information over the internet in an usucure way to an unknown person for a game is not only imature but stupid do NOT give information to people online
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Reactions: Xeonen
Two things:
1) Maybe get a few more slots, it's usually full
2) Maybe consider getting protection plugins and /sethome plugins
You do realize that running the mindcrack pack on only 2GB of ram will kill the server and the playerbillity of the game its self as i run one in 8GB of ram and the server can only just handle it. Just FYI
We REALLY need more slots, every time I crash, I have to wait for like 15 minutes just to get back on
First of all, this guy griefed me
Secondly, can I get a some propolis since it's RIDICULOUS how hard it is to get