I haven't posted a download link yet as: 1. it requires my mod pack which... isn't out yet. I haven't sorted out permissions. And 2. I see no reason why this should be an issue as there are already several clones posted on this very forum, but out of respect I humbly ask for a member of the FTB team with rights to the FTB map to grant me permission to post my map and please consider it as a candidate for distribution through the launcher. Although completely my original work, it is directly titled and inspired from the multi-team iteration of "Feed The Beast".
I assure everyone this isn't a concept or half-started project soon to be abandoned. This map was finished months ago actually.
Say hello to Mish, first of four great monstrous heads trapped in my map. He's not too happy to be here, and to make matters worse, He's hungrier than the hungriest of hippos!
Here's where it all begins. Quite a nice little island paradise huh? I'm so generous, it's 9x the size of the original FTB starting island.
For those curious about the texture pack in the images it's Misa's Realistic Pack with BC, IC2, RP2, and Iron Chest textures by Kaosian.
- Up to FOUR competitive teams.
- You can choose to use all four, or just enable the paths you want.
- Although it requires a server, the map is perfectly playable with only one person.
- Ten Goals, Ten Riddles
- Each head is hungry for the same items (to give each team a fair chance).
- They ask for them in riddles. You have to determine what item best matches each need.
- Throw your answer at the transposer in front of the reward chest. If you're right, a tooth will light up, you'll gain a point on the scoreboard, and your rewards will appear in the chest. If you're wrong, your item will simply be returned to you via the rewards chest.
- Rewards typically include something(s) you need to complete the next Goal, as well as luxury item(s) to make the work quicker.
- If riddles aren't your cup of tea, or you prefer coffee. There is a cheat sheet txt file included with hints on how to play and the answers to each riddle including what the rewards are.
- Bukkit preconfigured
- Essentials, WorldEdit, and other plugins make managing a server and the unruly masses a much more enjoyable experience.
- Anti-cheating/explosion WorldGuard regions. I won't say it's impossible to cheat, (in fact it's fairly easy with all these mods) but the spawn, walls, and monuments are protected from mobs, players, and most explosions. This should make the rampant mechanism breaking and creeper disasters of the old FTB maps a thing of the past.
- Easier to play
- The starting island and nether platform are bigger for more players to fit on!
- The monuments and nether-side portal are protected with interdiction torches to prevent players from becoming permanently blocked due to mobs camping out. The nether-side portal is also protected from ghast fireballs via WorldGuard.
- In case of sterile trees saplings can be acquired at spawn at a 3 minute wait per sapling.
- Behind the cheek of each is is a set of Trade-O-Mats so you can stay in the game if you lose your lava/water sources or your Philosopher Stone!
- Harder to play
- Minecraft is meant to start a certain way: punch a tree! Make tools! No more starting the game with magical cure-all-better-than-diamond tools for you! No sir!
- Not even a bucket! Work for your cobble generator!
- Riddle me this!
Since I don't have a mod pack out yet I can't say exactly what mods the map has, but what's required to play is pretty typical: Forge, Redpower, WRCE wireless redstone, IC2, EE2, Buildcraft, Forestry, Iron Chests.
I have only the one version, and while I have several thoughts on what would make it better, quite frankly they're beyond me since I have no desire to learn Forth. I welcome anyone to help make these changes for/with me. I will happily incorporate them and any other good ideas you come up with and give credit where due.
- Create some mIDas configs to make my map convertable to other mod packs. I have NOT tested if this will work, but if anyone with enough time on their hands wants to try making this work with the 1.2.5 classic pack, or tekkit or whatever PLEASE do. Then please share the conversion config file with me and I will give it a quick test and upload the result. It should be just a matter of changing block ID's for RP2, WRCE, Iron Chests, interdiction torches from EE2, and optionally world anchors from Railcraft.
- Replace all "brain" circuits in the heads with an RP2 computer and have a robustly coded floppy that will work in any head-puter with any number of goals/rewards that anyone modding the map desires.
- Replace sign and tooth system with frame rotated signs or possibly computercraft screen to again allow for more goals and map flexibility. This means releasing an ULTRA TRY HARD MODE!
- UPDATE! Waiting on Thaumcraft 3 to be fleshed out a bit, also hoping for some bukkit plugins to start working with forge. If updating and someone DOES get me a Forth program, they'd also have to look into the Sortron...
- Minor issue, move the whole map to 0,0 due to end platform issue. Though I kinda like the long perilous bridge of doom.