[1.10.2] The Diamond Guild modpack update 4.0 legacy

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This Pack is amazing I just wish it included a strong quest line. Possibly even a custom map with custom npcs.

haha i actualy have that stuff planned as soon as everything is evened out and out of beta. A custom map will take some time, same with HQM/progression, npcs? deffinately, thats why i have custom npc's and the MCA mods in the pack, the reason the pack is at about 268 is because of team cpfhs mods take up 2 points of mod room or more.
ok guys 3.4 is live and here is the new java augment for the launcher inorder for the pack to work...note if your using another pack it is important to remove this augment as this augment only works with this pack

under the launcher options go into the advanced option tab and put this in the additional augment slot there is a space between : and P delete the space when copying

-javaagent: PMLCore/PMLPremain.jar=-MCSide:Client​
just so you guys know i'm thinking of updating to 1.9 of minecraft and i know not a lot of mods are updated for is and the core of this pack (being AVP) will not be updated to 1.8 or 1.9. I would like to hear what your thoughts are.
For your guy's information i am in the process in moving the pack to curse forge. I will update when it is available there.

So in the mean time im activating all mods minus the seasons mod so 3.5 will be up in about a week here.

this update is to help those who wish to create quests lore and custom maps. If anyone wishs to help when this is live that would be great! other wise it will take a really long time to get one going again
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just a heads up the new update uses a beta build of AVP if it crashs its because of an attack caused from AVP's beta build. if you want to ignore that you can play on peaceful
hey guys 3.5 is now out with out weatherponys season mod added and all mods active and fastcraft updated to a stable version. Also as another note today marks my 4 yrs of making the mod pack into what it is today! I have it under minecraft wold war,techcraft RPG (discontinued working on integration), and then this project KHAOS! its been a vary long road for me to get it whewre it is today. I will be bringing seasons, streams,glenns gasses and possibly realistic pain but there is a glitch on it where the screen goes wonky so i might just do it as enviromental realism. If you guys have input feel free as 3.5 is a full bore HQM/lore active update and i am working on a questline/lore for it. If you guys want to help out feel free to send me a PM and i'll see what i can do.
This Pack is amazing I just wish it included a strong quest line. Possibly even a custom map with custom npcs.

working on this atm mascon it will take me some time until i can produce a minor version or import my old open world one i had before to re test on here....if thats something you'd like to see i can add it to this
here's some work i been working on for ruins once i have enough rogue like will be taken out


i am going to make 2 more than that should be it 1 of which is possibly a castle town and maybe a wheat field/farm
For those of you who want to know i just did a quick test and it seems pixelmon can work.

down side: Hostile mobs will not spawn

upside: good way for peaceful users who want a more casual gameplay.
update info:

In about a few days while i am gone on holidays the modpack should be updateed to 3.6 the realism update as best as i can I will also be working on the server files tmorrow before i submit to FTB and this update will have....CHOCOCRAFT!?!

I am re working with a map i pre generated under the real terrain mod so it will be open world questing but with a twist.....I am going to try and create my own area's and buildings so this will fall under 3.6.1 . The files will only be good for that world only as a seperate download but the HQM files will be on the patch. I hope you guys will enjoy it when its done! I plan on making it a good one almost like a CTM style ( I just hope i can balance it out properly for you all!?).

If you have any seggestions please feel free to post them i will be reviewing them while im on holidays for a week if there is any
ok folks 3.6 is now submitted for review the server files have the added java file on it for the season changing and have a pre world gen start point map under the Real world generator mod as well as chococraft and i also changed up the ruins a little bit so there arent any AVP spawning ones or mob spawning ruins other than a mansion of red clay should be the only one. I hope you guys will enjoy the changes as the ruins well be a build set for a HQM set on that world type that is pre gen so it is easier for you guys to start having run right away. If there are bugs please let me know but as of right now the bug that i know of from the seasons PML files it may cause crashing once in a while that is normal atm until it is fixed.


I will be working on HQM/RPG/si-fi horror when i get back still going with the CTMH IDEA i had for years (complete the machine with wool monument every time you complete a quest you get a component to either build or finish a factory style complex!
ok sorry for the delay ladies and gents but there was an issues i had to address when i got back and re zipped it again, i have chococraft, multipage chest added. A world for the server pre gen start area you just have to copy it into your save file if you want AE was removed for multipage chest please make sure you transfered your items out of it if its in your storage system. I have added draconic evolution to the pack as well. Some of the mods have been updated and in the future maybe will be galacticraft i have not yet decided that yet. I am back to working on custom builds and ruins may or may not return after 3.6. I will be posting updates once in a while on my twitter here out if you want to reach me or take a look at what im creating.
morph has returned as well. Compatability test has been run for ICBM but it will be up to you if you want to add it or not, you dont really need it because of fusion warfare mod being in.

please note that i have run across an issue with schematica where you see the build but as soon as you go near it its in the wrong place and goes where you look. I am looking into this bug but for now do not use schematica.
so you guys are aware i will be updating the pack to 1.10 as soon as i can so that may not be until next month im trying to find the mods that are updated to 1.10 and waiting on flans to update to 1.10, as for AVP it will not be updated from my understanding and staying on 1.7.10 If you guys want me to continue on 1.7.10 please let me know
I am currently working on 1.10 port of the pack. It will have some massive changes to the pack and a better questing system i am working on. So the world i gave you and the mods in 3.6 will be obsolete as of ver 4.0 of the pack. at that time it will be running on 1.10+ so hopefully i can get done what i need to and wait for mods to become available for 1.10. This version may or may not be going on the curse forge launcher im still trying to understand its dynamics.

waiting the following list of mods to update for 1.10 platform:
Thaumic additions
Thaumic exploration
flans mod and addons
smart moving
grimore of gaia
twilight forest
travelers gear
animals +
tinkers mechworks
project red
carpentry blocks

unfortunately AVP will not be updating to 1.10 that will be on 1.7.10
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I have updated the list above for what i am waiting on to update, I can not continue until these mods have been updated to 1.10 unfortunately and i'm using better questing instead of HQM. Its far better IMO to configure and work with ease. I maybe able to intigrate it with custom NPC if i do it right. If you guys are able to find these mods as an update please let me know It will help me expidite the update and jump to 1.10
i'm almost done with adding mods for 1.10. I am sorry it is taking so long for it, I am waiting on a few more mods to update. If you guys want me to release the 1.10 i'm currently working on i can just let me know what you guys think and i can get the files uploaded, and update all other mods as they become available.

mods waiting on
thaumcraft + addons
Whitchery + whitching gadgets
travlers gear
project red
Tinkers mechworks
lady and gentle man! I bring you:

The DiamondGuild Modpack update. It still uses KAOS1 pack code. Please see spoiler below for required options for proper pack experience, OPTIFINE IS REQUIRED.


pack discription as of 1.10.2 pack version 4.0

Manditory mod requirements:
Real first person render
Mo bends

brief pack beta/release discription:

This pack in a beta/release build for adventure/RPG players out there. The Diamon Guild modpack is a newer version of Minecraft KAOS and a private pack i once had.
This pack Is revolved around the Conquest Reforged mod and harverst festival. This Pack is designed to give you a feel for RPG mod packs with vary little technology.
There is plenty of things to do from creating towns/quests to having fun building to your hearts content. The pack is designed for you all for either youtube creation
or just plain having fun. It took a while to compile and test a proper discrption will be given with a back story soon as a proper release is given on final
copy of the 4.0 legacy line.

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