1.1.0: Instant crash to desktop when i load my world

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

What is the bug:
Every time i try to load up my world it crashes straight to the desktop, the last thing i was doing before previously saving it was adding a sorting system made of Thermal Dynamics ducts (mostly plain itemducts but some fluctuating itemducts). the also are covered by the cover system of the same mod.

Mod & Version:

Paste.feed-the-beast.com log:

Can it be repeated:
Every time i try to load the world

Known Fix:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Heh, it seems the game does not like your idea of a sorting system. Might I suggest Ender IO conduits instead?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh indeed, something is taking heavy offense to something else here. Likely the game lost track of something to the point where it hit a "do not pass wall" and crashed to stop corruption of the save and other nasty things.
The problem is the crash log can't tell you exactly what went wrong and why, it can only tell you what effect was had that caused the game to shut down. The console log is kinda like....
If you go to the doctor and say you feel sick, but you can't describe any symptoms clearly (the bane of doctors everywhere). This is the state you are in when you don't have a console log. You don't know what is wrong, just that something is.
The log is like the doctor looking at you and trying to find recognizable symptoms. It's our way to look at the code as a whole to see giant obvious issues.
Then comes the "tests, tests, and more tests" part, where the doctor does blood work or whatever else he/she/o.w. thinks is needed based on what they saw. Same with the code, only it's people who know what the console is referring to with specific lines that are ordering and performing the tests.

All of this takes a LOOONNG time, whichever scenario it is, hence why I'm suggesting a different version of pipes until the problem is solved. And Ender IO conduits really are awesome, they're to the 1.6 TE ducts what those ducts are to Buildcraft pipes, in terms of customizability and just general design. can't say anything about the new version of TE ducts, as I haven't played around with them yet, but still.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Right, well thanks anyways. And i really wanted to use the Themal Dynamics ducts simply because they are new(ish) and pretty, ender IO to the rescue!