1.0.3: Thaumcraft 4 Arcane Work Table Right-Click Add Items = Crash


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

What is the bug:
When I try to make floating tallow candles and I use the hold right-click function to put the candles in the boxes in the arcane work table it makes me crash. When I open it back up I have to first break the work table or if I use it without doing that it crashes me again. This is in single player.

Mod & Version:
Thaumcraft 4

Paste.feed-the-beast.com log:

Can it be repeated:
I'm not sure but all you have to do is put an arcane work table down with a thaumium bossed silverwood wand that has an equal trade focus on it in it. Then place the air shards in the middle left box and try to put the candles in the top three boxes.

Known Fix:After some testing I found out that it's only the floating black candles and it's not the arcane work table that's the problem the game won't render the floating black candles in the box so you can't craft it.
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