1.0.3: direwolf20 1.7.10 crashes after mojang logo

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is a pretty easy one ... just read the Error-message
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Registering texture
What is this Error ? Well, here's the doc : http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/lang/OutOfMemoryError.html
Where's this come from ? Read the log :
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Registering texture
It crashes while loading the textures.

Whats causing it ?

Well, pretty much your lame PC.
Operating System: Windows 7 (x86) version 6.1
Ah, come on, really ? You're still using a 32-bit OS in 2015 ? Upgrade to a fully 64-bit OS ! ... You can't cause your lame x86 hardware doesn't support it ? GO BUY A NEW SYSTEM !

Memory: 57280928 bytes (54 MB) / 678641664 bytes (647 MB) up to 1037959168 bytes (989 MB)
JVM Flags: 4 total; -Xms256M -Xmx1024M
Well, I don't know it exactly, but the barely minimum for DW20 pack for even to launch is around 2GB - 3GB of FREE RAM. But you're only giving the JVM about 1GB. Thats just not enough. And even worse : for some odd reason you can only assign a maximum of 1536MB (1,5GB) to the JVM on a 32-bit OS. THAT's your real problem. You just event can't give the game enough memory to run cause ... well, you just can't. (To explain why would go far beyond this forum.)

GeForce 9400 GT
Well, it's not the worst gaphics-card ever, but according to the specs listed on wikipedia this card only have 512MB of V-RAM. Even it will work, you will have very low FPS (guess somewhere around 20-30 or less) so the game would be unplayable.
Also, the chip on this card, the G96/b, is very low-tech and may not even offer the functions needed for running the DW20 pack.

So, to sum it up :

FIRST : Learn to read the FAQ / how to use forum search BEFORE posting such invalid/false "bug"-report !
Second : Get a System that meets the year 2015 ! This means at least the following : a) use a 64-bit OS (and as a requirement for this : use 64-bit hardware); b) install at least 8GB of RAM into your system so you can asure to always have around 4GB or so of FREE memory; c) upgrade your graphics-card - as this is not really required, I would recommend it, cause even with a beefy AMD HD 7870 OC you can get drops down to 30-40 FPS, but tryin to play with constant 15-30 FPS just doesn't make fun at all
Third : If it's not possible to do what I mentioned ... well, then you just can't play it. PERIOD.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Rough but true.
I myself have a Nvidia GT 640 and have stable 100 fps. Isnt the best but works


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is a pretty easy one ... just read the Error-message

What is this Error ? Well, here's the doc : http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/lang/OutOfMemoryError.html
Where's this come from ? Read the log :

It crashes while loading the textures.

Whats causing it ?

Well, pretty much your lame PC.

Ah, come on, really ? You're still using a 32-bit OS in 2015 ? Upgrade to a fully 64-bit OS ! ... You can't cause your lame x86 hardware doesn't support it ? GO BUY A NEW SYSTEM !

Well, I don't know it exactly, but the barely minimum for DW20 pack for even to launch is around 2GB - 3GB of FREE RAM. But you're only giving the JVM about 1GB. Thats just not enough. And even worse : for some odd reason you can only assign a maximum of 1536MB (1,5GB) to the JVM on a 32-bit OS. THAT's your real problem. You just event can't give the game enough memory to run cause ... well, you just can't. (To explain why would go far beyond this forum.)

Well, it's not the worst gaphics-card ever, but according to the specs listed on wikipedia this card only have 512MB of V-RAM. Even it will work, you will have very low FPS (guess somewhere around 20-30 or less) so the game would be unplayable.
Also, the chip on this card, the G96/b, is very low-tech and may not even offer the functions needed for running the DW20 pack.

So, to sum it up :

FIRST : Learn to read the FAQ / how to use forum search BEFORE posting such invalid/false "bug"-report !
Second : Get a System that meets the year 2015 ! This means at least the following : a) use a 64-bit OS (and as a requirement for this : use 64-bit hardware); b) install at least 8GB of RAM into your system so you can asure to always have around 4GB or so of FREE memory; c) upgrade your graphics-card - as this is not really required, I would recommend it, cause even with a beefy AMD HD 7870 OC you can get drops down to 30-40 FPS, but tryin to play with constant 15-30 FPS just doesn't make fun at all
Third : If it's not possible to do what I mentioned ... well, then you just can't play it. PERIOD.

Could you possibly have been any more of a jerk? What the hell is wrong with you?
Yes, we get a lot of these sorts of posts, that's no reason to be such an asshole. Get off your high-horse, OP came here with a legitimate question, to ask for help from the community that he's involved in.

This is a pretty easy one ... just read the Error-message
Even it will work, you will have very low FPS (guess somewhere around 20-30 or less) so the game would be unplayable.

Also, this section, worst of all.
A lot of games are locked to 30FPS, even new AAA titles coming out not just on consoles but on PC's as well. I don't think I even need to explain The Order: 1886.

30FPS is not unplayable. Stop trying to use this PC Master Race circle jerk as a podium, it's not a podium, it's a statement of bullying and neanderthalism.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't have to justify myself to you, it's just my opinion. And yes : because I have the money to build a 1100,- system for myself it's the way I split between "crap", "not so cool, but ok" and "awsome rig".

btw : there is something called "minimum system requirements" for this pack posted on the main site, unable to read them, or even try to search for them, shows me the thread-opener is just another of those "*cry* mama help meh" kids who should disconnected from the net at all as this proofs they just don't have any glue about this thing called PC, mostly don't even know how to use Google to solve problems.

Before you ask : yes, this makes me mad and this is why my awnser to such obvious question is so rough. And for you there are two options : deal with it or shut up, cause your post didn't helped at all, wich is kinda the opposit of what this "wannabe-bug-tracker" is meant to be.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't expect you to justify yourself to me, I'm not interested in anything you would call a justification.

I'm sure you're proud of yourself for managing to save up enough money to build a mid-spec system, that's great for you, but not everyone can do that. Some people have financial commitments and some people are, yes shock horror, kids.
Minecraft is a game that is aimed at a very wide demographic. It's only natural that some of the younger players would want to experience the modded environment, especially now that it has such a massive presence on places like YouTube.

Those kids you talk about and so radically proclaim to demand their "disconnect from the net", be careful there mate. The kids are the future and they have to learn somewhere. Your attitude is not the way to get them interested in what could be a long life of "this thing called PC". Everyone has to start somewhere, dimwit. It's a shame YOU didn't start somewhere that taught manners, patience and aptitude.

As for my two options of "Deal with it or shut up" why not take your own advice? Why not, instead of flipping a lid at someone who wanted a little bit of help, just avoid the forums until you're not so pissed off about something completely irrelevant that you have to take it out on people here?

That is a rhetorical question, it doesn't require an answer.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nah I was just too lazy to do any research because our server upgrading to FTB was a sudden thing. Plus, I had been able to run a version of FTB a few years before so I assumed I'd be fine, guess not. I don't know that much about computers THAT IS TRUE. But you know what? I don't care, because my limited knowledge hasn't done me wrong yet, and since I have such a shitty computer I just never bothered looking that far into my specs. Once I get a new computer I convinced myself to be more attentive of those things, but for now I just really don't care lol.

Thank god that server I mentioned is a private server owned by someone I know, I'd never want to play on other servers if people like Sen are a common thing. How's it like living so far up your asshole buddy? What's that creamy colon of yours smell like? Eat my shorts lol.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's not wrong to not know everything about PC, many people have basically no knowledge about e.g. being social and still talk to humans or write in forums xD
But please don't be so rude
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