1.0.2: (Bad)Solution to lag/freezing


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

What is the bug:
Lag spikes every few seconds upon loading any save (single player), eventually culminating in a freeze that made me ctrl+alt+delete the process. Unplayable amounts of lag.

Running a "gaming" computer with plenty of RAM/good gfx card/64bit java

I saw a number of posts while sifting through this forum with the same story.

Mod & Version:
pretty sure its journey map

Paste.feed-the-beast.com log:

Can it be repeated:
yes, every time I load a save with default journey map settings

Known Fix:
Things I did:
1. disable mob/villager tracking and cave view for onscreen maps
2.disable web map
3.changed an awful lot of the advanced settings
-set all settings dealing with entity caching to max
-doubled the setting for chunk update checking
-set horizontal and vertical radar distances to min
4.add fastcraft to your mod list - http://forum.industrial-craft.net/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=10820

The suggestion below was rather spot on. I have no idea what this mod does exactly but I now only get frame rate hitches when transitioning quickly between chunks. i.e. when exploring or sprinting through previously generated chunks.


These changes make the pack playable but still give me occasional frame rate hitches.
Tried using opis map instead but its super ugly in comparison and still gives lag/freezing issues with less customization.

Would be nice if there was a third less lag inducing map option.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Also try installing Zan's minimap or similar. Just whatever map program works for you.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I had the same issues as this. Tried removing all map mods. Installing optifine, fastcraft helped my FPS a lot, but had the same 0-1fps full crunching CPU while checking inventory or crafting tables. Or going to the nether.

I have just found that I had 2 versions of Java installed. Java 7 x64 and Java 8. Removing 7 or 8 and keeping one seems to fix the issue. Might be related to how they work together?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oooh, that'd be why. XD
Having two different versions of a program can cause all kinds of issues, not something you want for your computer unless you really know what you're doing.