1.0.0: Seeds not spawning

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What is the bug:
Some PneumaticCraft seeds do not appear to spawn, including squid and fire seeds. Is this deliberate or a bug please? I'd really like to make the pneumatic helmet and upgrades with them.

Note: many other seeds from PneumaticCraft are spawning, including burst, creeper, lightning and more.

(The version of Trident is 1.4.0 for Minecraft 1.7.10 but this report form only allows me to select 1.0.0)

Mod & Version:
PneumaticCraft 1.7.10-1.9.16-106 (1.9.16-106)

Paste.feed-the-beast.com log:

Can it be repeated:
Yes, no matter how many squids you kill or how far you explore the nether, these seeds don't appear.

Known Fix: