【BC Builder】- Schematic "Creative Only"

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Greeting fellow minecrafters!

I'm currently playing on a server, and while it was down for maintenance yesterday for several hours, I spent a whole lot of time in a creative test world to build additions to my base. And I kind of want to take the lazy way out when rebuilding it on the server, however, I do have one slight problem. I place down Architect Table and copies it with the "Survival" setting. Once I look at the blueprint when I'm done, it does NOT say "Creative Only". I copy it into the Schematic Library. Done, complete, successful.
Now HERE's the part where I loose my mind, when I go onto the server and copy the schematic down, it says "Creative Only"... As I've understood it, it should just give me a list of needed materials....

Anyone know something I don't?
