Website: http://onetickgaming.com - TeamSpeak3: onetickgaming.com
OneTickGaming Techsplosion is an adventurous modpack aiming to bring you lots of fun, it incorporates a lot of the well known mods as well as a lot of the new mods. This modpack is built within SMP in mind, and gives an exciting experience to anyone wanting to play. While building this modpack the OTG team kept in mind the fundamentals of the community. Do we have technology? Check. Do we have magic? Check. Do we have replayability? Check. And lets not forget, we have Extra Bees. All jokes aside, the OTG Modpack and server is guaranteed to bring you lots of fun.
It is highly recommended that you use teamspeak to talk to each other.
Large mining machines and mining operations are to stay in the mining world only.
Lava pumps are to only be operated in the lava age.
You may only use 1 quarry at a time. All other quarries must be receiving no power.
Maximum of 400 chunks for a chunkloader, disabled all unused chunkloaders.
Mystcraft age creation is not allowed.
Banned Items: Crystal Chests and World Anchors.
We include the following mods in our modpack:
Advanced Machines - Advanced Power Management - Advanced Solarpanels - Applied Energistics - Backpacks - Bibliocraft - Buildcraft - Chicken Chunks - CodeChickenCore - ComputerCraft - Damage Indicators - Ender Storage - EE3 - Extrabiomes XL - Extra Bees - ExtraUtils - Factorization - Flat Bedrock - Forestry - Forge - Gravitation Suit - Gregtech - IC2 - Iron Chests - Immibis Core, Microblocks, Redlogic, Peripherals - Inventory Tweaks - Magic Bees - Minefactory Reloaded - MiscPeripherals - MFFS (Calclavia Edition) - Modular Powersuits - Modular Powersuits Addons - Mystcraft - Natura - NEI - NEIAddons - NEIPlugins - Nuclear Control - ObsidiPlates - Omnitools - OpenCCSensors - Plugins for Forestry - Portal Gun - Power Converters - PowerCrystals - RailCraft - Redstone in Motion - Reis Minimap - Secret Rooms - Soul Shards - Steves Carts - Thaumcraft - Thermal Expansion - ThaumicTinkerer - Tube Stuff - Twilight Forest - Xenos Reliqury
To get whitelist on our server you must post an application here AND visit our teamspeak @ onetickgaming.com. Ask for tantrex, wrath707, frodent, or bro269 and they will process your whitelist application.
Have you read the rules?
Why do you want to join OneTickGaming FTB Server?
Server IP Address: ftb.onetickgaming.com
Player Slots: 50 (More allocated as needed)
Intel E5-1620 Quad Core 3.6GHz
64GB Ram(10G for game, more allocated as needed)