Whitelist Server ▇ UnionCraft ▇ | 24/7 | EU | 12gbRAM | Mature 18+ | PVE | Protections | MCPC+

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IGN: Wickinator
Age: 23
Do you understand and accept the rules?: Aye Aye Sir
Why do you wish to join Unioncraft?: One of my friends from school ran an FTB server, but he had trouble keeping the serve up. With the very small amount of players he decided it wasn't worth it anymore. I was looking for a relatively small server and came across this one and hopped that it might be a good fit for me.
IGN: Tunnen
Age: 32
Do you understand and accept the rules?: Aye Aye Sir
Why do you wish to join Unioncraft?: I'm looking for a group of people in a similar age range to play and enjoy the game with. By this post and your website, it looks like you have a well maintained administration that won't just disappear overnight. I've never been on a Mindcrack server before, but have been wanting to play with GregTech. I've been playing on a private Direwolf20 server with friends previously but the server is currently suffering from attrition due to RL. I'd likely be spending the majority of my time on this server, if accepted.
Signed up to the forums in order to apply for this :)

Age: 24
Do you understand and accept the rules?: Aye Aye Sir
Why do you wish to join Unioncraft?: The biggest appeal for me is the mature attitude you have towards running a server. I'm pretty new to FTB, but used to have a Tekkit server with friends, and want to get back into modded Minecraft now that Tekkit has fallen by the wayside.
IGN: mit240
Age: 17
Do you understand and accept the rules?: Aye Aye Sir
Why do you wish to join Unioncraft?:
I used to play smp quite abit but my old server folded and in my sadness retreated to ssp. I am now ready to step back out into Multiplayer and this server seems like an awesome place to startup. I have played minecraft since mid alpha and mods since the original spacetoad buildcraft. I love to share my ideas and learn others stuffs and fun is my function!
IGN: Wickinator
Age: 23
Do you understand and accept the rules?: Aye Aye Sir
Why do you wish to join Unioncraft?: One of my friends from school ran an FTB server, but he had trouble keeping the serve up. With the very small amount of players he decided it wasn't worth it anymore. I was looking for a relatively small server and came across this one and hopped that it might be a good fit for me.
IGN: Tunnen
Age: 32
Do you understand and accept the rules?: Aye Aye Sir
Why do you wish to join Unioncraft?: I'm looking for a group of people in a similar age range to play and enjoy the game with. By this post and your website, it looks like you have a well maintained administration that won't just disappear overnight. I've never been on a Mindcrack server before, but have been wanting to play with GregTech. I've been playing on a private Direwolf20 server with friends previously but the server is currently suffering from attrition due to RL. I'd likely be spending the majority of my time on this server, if accepted.
Signed up to the forums in order to apply for this :)

Age: 24
Do you understand and accept the rules?: Aye Aye Sir
Why do you wish to join Unioncraft?: The biggest appeal for me is the mature attitude you have towards running a server. I'm pretty new to FTB, but used to have a Tekkit server with friends, and want to get back into modded Minecraft now that Tekkit has fallen by the wayside.

Thank you for your applications, you have all been whitelisted.

Welcome to UnionCraft!
IGN: bsadawg
Age: 36
Do you understand and accept the rules?: Aye Aye Sir
Why do you wish to join Unioncraft?: I am interested in this server because I have been looking for a smaller server with a more mature list of players. I have been playing the MindCrack Pack for about a month now and am totally addicted. I like the fact that you "take a professional approach" to your server.
IGN: FateEmotion
Age: 20
Do you understand and accept the rules?: Aye Aye,Sir
Why do you wish to join Unioncraft?: I'm sick and tired of playing with little kids who rage it the chat all day, or have a lack of english, or are just sooo inmature, so i've been looking for a server with only people over an age of 18+ alowed, an thats when i spotted your server, as soon as i saw that there are only people alowed here from a age of 20 and above i was all happy, and had to sign up here,
i hope i informed you guys enoughe,
if you would like to know a littlebit more about me you can contact me at :

Skype : Fate.Emotion or Raymond.Schutrup
Email : [email protected]
IGN: bsadawg
Age: 36
Do you understand and accept the rules?: Aye Aye Sir
Why do you wish to join Unioncraft?: I am interested in this server because I have been looking for a smaller server with a more mature list of players. I have been playing the MindCrack Pack for about a month now and am totally addicted. I like the fact that you "take a professional approach" to your server.

You have been whitelisted. Welcome to UnionCraft!
IGN: mamapurplekitty
Age: 42
Do you understand and accept the rules? Aye, aye, sir!
Why do you wish to join Unioncraft?: I would love to find a server where I am not constantly having to contend with griefing, begging, flaming, and attempts to evade the curse filter. I am not the most knowledgeable Minecrafter, but am a fast and willing learner, glad to help with whatever I can, and always check the wiki before asking questions. Thank you for your consideration.
IGN: Skippy_X , Dezorg
Age:16 , 19
Do you understand and accept the rules?: Aye Aye Sir ! Yes we did !
Why do you wish to join Unioncraft?: Me and dezorg are looking for server with mature players. and we want to play together
IGN: CreeperCrazy
Age: 17
Do you understand and accept the rules? Of course for simple and good.
Why do you wish to join UnionCraft?: Im sick of tired with simple minecraft. I want new experiences. Ive played a bunch of FTB and love but want to join a community. Im in the UK so are you. Thanks
IGN: mamapurplekitty
Age: 42
Do you understand and accept the rules? Aye, aye, sir!
Why do you wish to join Unioncraft?: I would love to find a server where I am not constantly having to contend with griefing, begging, flaming, and attempts to evade the curse filter. I am not the most knowledgeable Minecrafter, but am a fast and willing learner, glad to help with whatever I can, and always check the wiki before asking questions. Thank you for your consideration.

You have been whitelisted. Welcome to UnionCraft!
IGN: Eiktyrner
Age: 24
Do you understand and accept the rules?: Aye Aye Sir!
Why do you wish to join Unioncraft?: I haven't been able to find a really good server yet, it's either immature kids ruining the fun or lots of downtime. I'm hoping your server will be a good fit for me.
IGN: snowfireryu
Do you understand and accept the rules?:'Aye Aye Sir'
Why do you wish to join Unioncraft?: Just looking for a good sever where there is mature community. I also like that fact that you have planned down time instead of just shouting it off and then telling community about it later,
IGN: uncutas
Age: 19
Do you understand and accept the rules?: Aye aye sir
Why do you wish to join Unioncraft?: I wish to join Unioncraft for several reasons, first of all it looks to be in Europe which is good for me with a crappy internet. Second of all I don't like playing singleplayer. Lastly I want to find a friendly community with experienced FTB players.
Hi, before I apply, I'd like to ask about your quarry and turtle restriction. I'd also like to ask about plugins, resets, and chunk loading.
How limited are quarries and turtles? What if I had multiple turtles, but not for mining (turtles can be used as a lag-free timer, wood farms, tree-tap farms, mob spawn killers). Maybe one or two mining turtles, but not for quarrying. They're useful if I want to mine out a new room for a farm, since I tend to build underground.
I'll definitely have a quarry. I planned to place one in the Nether, End, and Overworld. Would this throw a wrench into my plans? If so, I'll probably be able to deal, netherrack and endstone aren't all too important to me as the ores one can find in the Overworld, though the sheldonite ore is quite useful.
Is chunk-loading restricted? I was just going to put a single chunk loader (chickenchunks) in the center of my base. It's not going to load many chunks, just the sorting system to pair with the quarry, maybe a mob spawner and my power sources.
If you were to reset, how often would this happen? Every update? Resets are the most annoying thing I have come across. It's sometimes necessary, but if there's no new important ores, then there's no need for a reset. For the "everyone will be even" argument, my rebuttal is that it will never be equal, the only limited item in the endless world of Minecraft is the Enderdragon egg. And many people don't have a use for it (though it is good for the Ender Bees and the Egg Siphon).
And for plugins: Do you have those vanilla plugins? Have you gotten Bukkit to work? The only command I would ever really want is /home. It's just too useful, especially when portaling to someone's home and having a glitch come up when you try to return.
Also, I would like to point out that I am 16, but I assure you, I'll be mature. I've seen it firsthand, immature people can get everywhere, even whitelisted servers. If you would be so kind to accept my application (when I apply, of course), you may give me a trial period for x days and I'll show you I can keep up with the 18+ years of age members that are whitelisted, but before I post my application, I would like to see some answers to these questions, if you can answer them.

EDIT: After checking out the website and looking at other threads, I have answered some of my questions.
But are all turtles banned or just the mining ones? I'd like to have a melee turtle (due to them killing mobs efficiently and dropping XP).
How many chunks are we able to "chunk claim"? I tend to use a lot, but I will not claim anyone's home, or claim chunks I'm not using.
Hello Jumpfight

To answer your questions:
Turtles, quarries, mining laser and chunkloaders are restricted to Donators, the former for griefing reasons, we didn't want to restrict many items but due to the limited protections on forge and the wide ranging mods in the pack, we felt this was the best option to allow them but for them to be restricted (Donators have to follow the server rules like everyone else). Chunkloaders for lag reasons are limited and only work while the chunkloader owner is online, again to ensure the server remains as stable and lag free as possible, if they were unrestrcited the lag on the server would eventually become unbearable.

Resets are the utmost last resort, we had 1 reset however this was due to the Hard Drive failure from our hosts, we since make frequent 'off site' backups to prevent this happening again.

We use a few mods, such as Forge Essentials which gives us commands such as /home aswell as some other useful commands. We wont be touching BukkitForge until it is more stable. Ensuring the server is stable and as lag free as possible is our utmost priority.

In regards to our 18+ rule, I'm afraid it is a strict rule. Our ages range from 25-50 and we prefer to favour this age group.
(I thought I would answer the questions regardless as others may be curious)
IGN: Laslon
Age: 25
Do you understand and accept the rules?: Aye aye sir
Why do you wish to join Unioncraft?: I wish to join a server in the UK (Lag reason's [and people :P ]), also I like the age range of the server, looking through the people you've whitelisted None are younger than me that I can see :).
IGN: St0ffe (with a zero)
Age: 24
Do you understand and accept the rules?: Aye Aye Sir!
Why do you wish to join Unioncraft?: Mostly because I'm bored at playing alone, but I want to play with others too, chat abit and just have abit more fun and UnionCraft seems like a good place.