Whitelist Server ▇ UnionCraft ▇ | 24/7 | EU | 12gbRAM | Mature 18+ | PVE | Protections | MCPC+

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Do you understand and accept the rules?: Aye Aye Sir
Why do you wish to join Unioncraft?: A 20+ age restricted server sounds very nice.
About me: GMT+2, good English, new to SMP, don't believe in griefing (on the other server I played on people were always nagging me: why u no protect your chests Pride?)
A peek into my mindset: http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/got-wood-use-it.18003/
Third party that can vouch for my integrity: http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/members/redemption15.18616/ (owner of the only other server I ever played on.)
IGN: Llogres
Age: 24
Do you understand and accept the rules?: Aye, Aye sir, i do!
Why do you wish to join Unioncraft?: I am looking for a new server to play on, because the server i have been playing at went down because of low admin acitvity. What makes Unioncraft appeal to me is the age restriction, as well as you saying "we are all players here" - that is what i am looking for in a server.
I am German, GMT+1, and i tend to play most during the evening hours. On weekends i tend to play more ;) The server beeing in Europe is just a little bonus for me.
If i would be whitelisted i'd bring nature-friendly magebuilds to your server, as well as a helping hand and open mind. I'm looking forward to hear from you ;)
You have both been whitelisted. Welcome to UnionCraft!
IGN: dorianpriest
Age: 34
Do you understand and accept the rules?: Aye Aye Sir
Why do you wish to join Unioncraft?: I am a recently formed Minecraft addict, thanks to pfhorge and mediocretes2. They told me about this server, and I'm very interested to start playing with a mature community. I've seen some really great things that have been built here, and I'm eager to start contributing.
IGN: dorianpriest
Age: 34
Do you understand and accept the rules?: Aye Aye Sir
Why do you wish to join Unioncraft?: I am a recently formed Minecraft addict, thanks to pfhorge and mediocretes2. They told me about this server, and I'm very interested to start playing with a mature community. I've seen some really great things that have been built here, and I'm eager to start contributing.
You have been whitelisted. Welcome to UnionCraft!
IGN: i_Lokarn_I
Age: 33
Do you understand and accept the rules?: Aye Aye Sir
Why do you wish to join Unioncraft?:
I have been searching for a mature server that I can join and become a part of. From what I have read in your post this server is the place for me.
I'm very excited to meet some new players and create a place for myself on your server.
I'm an idiot and put an old IGN. Can you please whitelist me with the following IGN: azuthor ? Much thanks!
Updated :)
IGN: i_Lokarn_I
Age: 33
Do you understand and accept the rules?: Aye Aye Sir
Why do you wish to join Unioncraft?:
I have been searching for a mature server that I can join and become a part of. From what I have read in your post this server is the place for me.
I'm very excited to meet some new players and create a place for myself on your server.
You have been whitelisted. Welcome to UnionCraft!
IGN: pyromad1
Age: 26
Do you understand and accept the rules?:Aye Aye Sir
Why do you wish to join Unioncraft?:
I have been looking for a friendly mature ftb server for a while and believe this is the 1 for me.
IGN: pyromad1
Age: 26
Do you understand and accept the rules?:Aye Aye Sir
Why do you wish to join Unioncraft?:
I have been looking for a friendly mature ftb server for a while and believe this is the 1 for me.
You have been whitelisted. Welcome to UnionCraft.
I wasn't aware you have restricted computercraft so that I have to donate before I can use them. This is a deal breaker for me. $20.00 to be able to use a part of FTB before I know if I'm going to like your server is just not going to work for me. Good luck with your server, but I will pass. Thank you for the chance.
I wasn't aware you have restricted computercraft so that I have to donate before I can use them. This is a deal breaker for me. $20.00 to be able to use a part of FTB before I know if I'm going to like your server is just not going to work for me. Good luck with your server, but I will pass. Thank you for the chance.

That's a shame Lokarn, but I do understand. ComputerCraft Turtles were a tough choice, they do bypass all known protections and instead of banning them outright (as they are pretty awesome) we decided on the lesser of 2 evils and placed them as a small part of one of our donation ranks.
However that being said RP computers are not restricted. So there is a good alternative.

I will leave you on the whitelist incase you change your mind, while I can't take credit we really do have a fantastic community of adult players (mostly around your age actually) and feel you are missing out on a great server! (Our server is also on a dedicated machine, we don't rent from a minecraft hosting company and the machine is not used for anything but the UnionCraft server.)
Just a slight note to the above as Lokarn made it sound very misleading, like you have to donate £20 just for a turtle, this is not the case. Our Donation 20 ranks also includes, choice of donation packs upto the value of the donation (aka Quantum Suit), 4 chunk loaders, block breakers, mobile crafting, virtual chest, barrels, exo-modder, shards, fillers, 25 CC computers, quarry or mining lazer, donator tag, 10000 claim blocks, and 3 homes or a choice of other donation packs. Like many other servers we rely on donations to survive, unlike many other servers, we have to pay alot more due to renting our server directly from Hetzner (not through a hosting company).

However, we also have a Veteran rank which unlocks some additional items and perks.

On other news, we recently added cameracraft which is a great little mod and our population is pretty solid, those who have given us a chance have generally stuck around .. for months!
IGN: xPumPStaRx, Firefly4 and Smashthat
Age: 21,22,23
Do you understand and accept the rules?: Aye Aye Sir, we are all friendly and helpful players and always accept the rules!
Why do you wish to join Unioncraft? Hey we are 3 friends which would like to play on your FTB Server, the main reason is we´re searching a stable and social server with 15-25 players. Our old Server is shutting down in a few weeks so we want to start new on your server.
Looks cool ! :D

IGN: ChokoladeCharlie - / - aka Chokolate Charlie.
Age: 26
Du you understand the rules : Yes sir, I do understand the rules..
Why do you wish to UnionCraft: Having a hard time finding players mature enough people playing FTB and I'm looking for place to settle down and have some fun with others on my own age.. ;)

I'll go for walk with my dog and hope will get accepted before I'm back! ;)

Have nice day!
Do you understand and accept the rules?:Yes
Why do you wish to join Unioncraft?:im searcing for people to play with that aren't 13 years or so I hate griefing so I assume people of my age wont do that as much
[Edit application]
Sorry about that ..

IGN: ChokoladeCharlie - / - aka Chokolate Charlie.
Age: 26
Du you understand the rules : Aye Aye Sir, I do understand the rules..
Why do you wish to UnionCraft: Having a hard time finding players mature enough people playing FTB and I'm looking for place to settle down and have some fun with others on my own age.. ;)
Do you understand and accept the rules?:Yes
Why do you wish to join Unioncraft?:im searcing for people to play with that aren't 13 years or so I hate griefing so I assume people of my age wont do that as much
You have been whitelisted, welcome to Unioncraft!
Why I'm not getting accepted?

You accept a person who is not reading the rules, as the rules say: you need to put in "aye aye sir!" and the person after me have not done that..?

Are you just going to turn the other cheek, you should at least give me a reason and others forums members, when they are applying for membership..? If this is what you call a mature server, you should be mature enough to answer a simple question or other peoples application for that matter..

If this not the case you should consider to delete the part "Mature" AND "24+" Because you also accept players under 24 and that is misleading to other members in the FTB community..
Why I'm not getting accepted?

You accept a person who is not reading the rules, as the rules say: you need to put in "aye aye sir!" and the person after me have not done that..?

Are you just going to turn the other cheek, you should at least give me a reason and others forums members, when they are applying for membership..? If this is what you call a mature server, you should be mature enough to answer a simple question or other peoples application for that matter..

If this not the case you should consider to delete the part "Mature" AND "24+" Because you also accept players under 24 and that is misleading to other members in the FTB community..

Thank you for the time you invested in your applications. Unfortunately it wasn't successful.

We reserve the right to accept or deny any application. Thanks.
IGN: azyraphal
Age: 31
Do you understand and accept the rules?: Aye Aye Sir
Why do you wish to join Unioncraft?:
I’m looking for a mature small and friendly community. The server looks well maintained and I appreciate the restriction/donation system.
I’ve been playing since beta 1.3, and been both on pure survival for a while and creative (timelapses). Recently I discovered the FTB mod pack, played a lot in singleplayer, I master some of the mods, but I would like to share with like-minded people and build with them. I really devote myself in making good looking structures and low-lag machineries.
IGN: azyraphal
Age: 31
Do you understand and accept the rules?: Aye Aye Sir
Why do you wish to join Unioncraft?:
I’m looking for a mature small and friendly community. The server looks well maintained and I appreciate the restriction/donation system.
I’ve been playing since beta 1.3, and been both on pure survival for a while and creative (timelapses). Recently I discovered the FTB mod pack, played a lot in singleplayer, I master some of the mods, but I would like to share with like-minded people and build with them. I really devote myself in making good looking structures and low-lag machineries.
You have been accepted, welcome to UnionCraft!