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  1. C

    Don´t update to

    My windows protection was off, so it didn't log the change in the launcher. :( Looks like I got to wait.
  2. C

    Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

    In Game Name: coolcsl10 Age: 17 Banned Before: - MCBan for compromised account from a spam bot a long time ago. Experience with modded MC: Ever since tekkit 1.2.5 Goals On Server: Too just play, and talk to other people Unique Skills?: Complex tech contraptions using all mods together How Active...
  3. C

    If YOU had only one mod to take out of Ultimate, forever, what would it be?

    TE because it makes the game too easy. Sometimes I think about just telling myself no TE and go back to the olden days when IC2 was the mod to go to.
  4. C

    Do you think IC2 is dead?

    Everyone who hates on IC2 make me sick. IC2 was the original mod that started all of this pretty much. The only reason you guys like TE better then IC2 is it is easier, and cheaper, and just makes things easier. That does not mean it is better. Just means you guys have to get off your lazy ass...
  5. C

    My Applied Energistics external crafting is not working?

    I was going too use imgur, but I thought that I could get you guys a better look then just some picks where you can't really see everything.
  6. C

    Whitelist Server Nuclear Alliance [FTB Ultimate] [Whitelist] [Survival] [Essentials]

    IGN: coolcsl10 Age: 15 Whitelist link: (MCbouncer one said for compromised account) (Also I have a ban on MCBans, but I assure you that I was a ban as it was for alternate account, but I sent a ticket in and I followed...
  7. C

    Looking for Players Who want to Play Direworlf's Pack

    Skype Name: coolcsl10 How Experienced are You: Pretty experienced. About 6-7 months of mod experience Amount of Time playing a day: 4 hours Are you reliable: Yes very
  8. C

    mcWiredcraft [1.4.2] Whitelist

    IGN: coolcsl10 Age: 16 Mod experience:Lots ever been banned before: Yes (like you would say yes if you have :p) Had 2 ips on at same time. Me and My brother Your 3 favorite bands: 1. Linkin Park 2. Some dubstep 3. Some rap Your three favorite movies: 1. Norbit 2. YesMan 3. Fast 5 Do you prefere...
  9. C | Premium FTB Server

    IGN: coolcsl10 Where you heard about the server: FTB servers Why you would like to play on the server: I can not If you have any bans on record: Yes 1. Multiple accounts - I wanted to play on a server when my brother wanted too. Apparently if you log in with same IP you both get banned. What...