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    Whitelist Server Elite Perseverance Infinity 1.2.0 | No Banned Items | No Lag | Mature Players Preferred

    In Game Name: Skidryn Age: 25 Have you ever been banned from previous servers? If so, Why?: Not to my knowledge. Do you get along with others well?: Quite well I believe. I rarely have issues with other plays as long as they are generally respectful of everyone. Do you prefer playing in a group...
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    Whitelist Server {[Oddworld]} Horizon ftb [whitelist|no plugins| 24/7 Creeperhost Server]

    Minecraft Name: Skidryn Why you want to join: I have a friend, Decessus, who suggested I should join and it looks like a lot of fun. Age: 24
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    IN-GAME NAME?: Skidryn AGE?: 23 LOCATION?: Nebraska, USA HOW OFTEN DO YOU PLAY?: Daily. Usually many hours a day. WHATS YOUR FAVORITE MODS AND HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR BUILDING SKILLS?: I've recently come to love the Modular Power Suit, but I really really like Thermal Expansion as well...
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    Whitelist Server Speed The Beast Ultimate| 24/7 | 18+ | 15 Slots

    IGN: Skidryn Age: 23 Tell us a little about yourself: I like minecraft and Feed the Beast. I'm looking for a good place to set up and possibly record videos for youtube. As for myself personally.. I like to read, watch youtube, and play many different games. Thanks for reading.
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    UGcraft/Mindcrack v7/Whitelist/18+/3GB RAM/15 Slots/24/7

    1.In game name/skype name: Skidryn 2.Age: 23 3.Location: Nebraska, Central USA 4.How long have you played minecraft: Since InDev 5.How long have you played FTB: Three of four months, with a lot of Tekkit experience before that. 6.What are your strong/weak points in minecraft: My strong point is...
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    Automation Inc. | Feed The Beast | Whitelist | PVE | Mature 18+

    Minecraft IGN: Skidryn Age: 23 Past experience: I've played Minecraft since InfDev and tekkit for a long time. Feed the beast is more recent, but I am running a small 2-person server for it for a couple of weeks now. Lots of fun. Reasons why you want to join: To play with more people than...
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    DarkUSA's FTB Server | [1.4.2] FTB BETA Pack A | Whitelist

    In-Game Name: Skidryn Age: 23 Minecraft and Mod Experience: I've played Minecraft since InfDev and have been playing with mods for about that long. I have a LOT of tekkit experience and a few weeks of FTB experience with my own server for both. What you like to do best in Minecraft: Redstone...