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  1. H

    mcWiredcraft [1.4.2] Whitelist

    application sent to website
  2. H

    mcWiredcraft [1.4.2] Whitelist

    uh dumb question can you send me the website url or tell me where it is my computer is lagging to bad to find it XD
  3. H

    mcWiredcraft [1.4.2] Whitelist

    oh my mistake really bad with my dates and my times been to long especially math :p
  4. H

    mcWiredcraft [1.4.2] Whitelist

    IGN:Hobo4bob Age:14 Mod experience: Been playing tekkit been waiting for Feed the Beast to come out for ages so I'm pretty good with using mods now Have you ever been banned before:No Your three favorite movies: Lockout, Limitless, and Skyfall Do you prefer to venture out forth or build grand...