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  1. F

    I was unable to load my world, Then It wouldn't save properly. :(

    Well, I know it is caused whenever a Pech is picking up something. I have done alittle testing, and I have found some items that even they drop can cause the crash (Iron Capped Wood Rods with Pech's Curse focus for example). Edit: Well, seems it is not only limited to the Pech... Tried to throw...
  2. F

    I was unable to load my world, Then It wouldn't save properly. :(

    I am also having this issue... Though I have a Crash Log saved: Seems to be caused when a Pech picks up certain items...
  3. F

    How many people actually use twilight forest's magic trees

    Still been playing around with the Trees, and I actually found a way to harvest the Core blocks from Trees! :o Of course, it is harvested with a End-Game item called the Vajra, but, if you shift and right-click (if you normal right-click you'll only toggle the Core on/off), it will force the...
  4. F

    Need a bit of Help with automating making books...

    Hello there everyone. I come to you all for one simple request... What would be the best way to completely automate the production of books? You see, I am currently planning on a massive printing factory using, well, printing press. The main reason being because my server has a economy system...
  5. F

    I curse thee... Endermen!

    Well, I personally play on the 1.5.2 Unleashed pack, and I have noticed that Enderman tend to prefer flat areas to spawn in compared to more hilly terrain. I suggest looking more in Plains-like and Desert-like biomes, though looking underground can help sometimes. And if it is just Enderpearls...
  6. F

    How many people actually use twilight forest's magic trees

    Ah, ok then, thankies for clearing up that first point. ^.^ As for the second one, seems abit silly to me. I think a 16 block radius would be more likely then just the effected chunk would be the AoE. And I think it does also, but I am about to test it for my self. Thank you? ^-^" By the...
  7. F

    How many people actually use twilight forest's magic trees

    Well, what I was questioning was not if they can be moved by the Gravity Gun/Portal Gun, but more along the lines if the tree's core will continue to function without the rest of the tree (e.g. if the rest of the tree was chopped down, and leaving only the Core block). And as for the what you...
  8. F

    How many people actually use twilight forest's magic trees

    Sorry if this is a bit of a Necro-post, but I found this tread and I have to say my opinion. I recently found some of the Magic Saplings while I was randomly exploring, seeing as I tend to go to the highest point I can find and use it as a look out to find interesting structures when I heard...