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  1. M

    Open Server ADVENTURECRAFT|Direwolf20 1.0.21|Boredom Solved!|20 Players*Subject to change*|1 Banned Item!

    IGN: maddragon237 Name: Anthony Age: 14 Reason Why you want to Join: I enjoy playing mods (especally on servers as you can have comunities to help out) and i am extremelly good at following rules and making others follow them. Have you Griefed In your Life?: Only on servers that encourage it...
  2. M

    Direwolf 20: 1.6.4 {PUBLIC BETA} Crash issues

    Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.6 version:1.6.4 Paste bin link to crash report: bug: every time i launch the modpack it will autimaticly restart to the launcher known fixes: none repeated: yes