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  1. K

    And now I know why its called 'Blood n Bones' - Share your horror stories!

    It turned night. There were creepers. Everywhere. I was stuck in a tower...
  2. K

    Need blocks that look like dis.

    Ah, I misunderstood the OP then. Sorry about that.
  3. K

    Need blocks that look like dis.

    Possibly clear glass or something like that, along with a somewhat transparent block in front of it? (For the top picture). Edit: But yeah, having a lot of new decorative blocks to play around with would be pretty cool.
  4. K

    Need blocks that look like dis.

    Well, you could use microblocks? At least for the bottom picture.
  5. K

    Can you LAN worlds across the internet, or do you need to be directly connected

    If you want to use LAN, you have to have the other person on your network as Moasseman said, otherwise they won't see your world in the Multiplayer tab.
  6. K

    Itemducts not extracting - FTB Monster (1.6.4)

    You said the items go into a redstone furnace. Just making sure, but you have the side where the itemduct connects to the furnace set to input (blue) right? (Sorry for spelling mistakes, I'm on my phone.) Edit: Oops sorry, didn't see the last bit under the link.
  7. K

    I Derp, You Derp, We all Derp, What's your's?

    I got a MFR Laser Drill and some Prechargers set-up in an area, with a shaft down to bedrock. I had forgotten that I placed a dirt block in the middle of the hole, so I could put the actual Laser Drill on top and let it drill away. When I powered it and it didn't work, I broke in directly under...
  8. K

    [1.6.4] [RPG] [Tech] [Magic] FarmCraft Reloaded - Thaumcraft Has Joined The Partaaay!

    I like playing this modpack, and me and my friends want to play it together. However, when I try to download the 1.0.4 version server files, it says the file is malicious, and it's blocked, so it doesn't download. Any ideas why? (I'm using Google Chrome if that matters.)
  9. K

    What's the greatest thing you have ever done in FTB? - Discussion Thread

    The greatest thing I've done in FTB? Build a house that wasn't made of one block and wasn't a cube. (I don't build much.)
  10. K

    Overcoming Big Reactors supply bottlenecks

    Wow! That's a lot of power. When I played AgS, I just built multiple reactors (without turbines). Took a lot of resources, but it worked. I feel like building a turbine now.
  11. K

    Problem Activate Biomes O Plenty?

    What my friend did was create a BoP world in his single player, and replaced the server world files with the singe-player world files. I'm not sure if he did anything else though.
  12. K

    Whitelist Server LiveActionTheBeast|Direwolf20 1.1.3|Whitelist|Biomes Enabled

    In Game Name: KerbecsDX Age: 13 (But mature) Play Style: Relaxed and laid back. I'm one of those people who don't usually like to make a commotion and are kind of quiet. What can you add to the community: I've been playing the versions of Tekkit and other Feed the Beast mod packs, and have a...