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  1. L

    How to increase liquid pumped in/out?

    Hi I'm currently running a railcraft tank that stores lava from one liquid tesseract from the nether, i have then got 3 valves which has liquiducts leading to 9 geo thermal generators, however, the amountof lava that is put in the tank is not as much as the lava that is being taken out. So I...
  2. L

    Can techworld saves be put to mindcrack?

    Oh okay I'll try tonight, thanks for the help
  3. L

    Can techworld saves be put to mindcrack?

    I hope I can because ender storage can't be installed on techworld :(
  4. L

    Can techworld saves be put to mindcrack?

    So since they are both running 1.4 7 i can do it right?
  5. L

    Can techworld saves be put to mindcrack?

    Hi, I'm just wondering is I can change from techworld world to mindcrack using my techworld saves because I don't seem to be able to install ender storage on techworld but mindcrack has.