Search results

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    5,000 Buckets of Portable Lava

    i havn't played for 6 months and this was top search, didnt check dates XD
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    5,000 Buckets of Portable Lava

    Something fairly simple i thought of just a 3x1x1 (or as big as you want) trench with the flood gate filling it with lava, put ME transition planes on the sides of the lava and the instant it turns into obsidian it will be put in your system. the firestone will just go down the line sucking up lava.
  3. D

    Whitelist Server GamingCommunity [18+] | DireWolf20 | 1.0.23 | 30 Slots | WhiteList | Teamspeak3

    IGN: Dem0n123 Age: 18 Why would you like to join?: I'm starting to play minecraft again after about 6 months and playing with other people/ making friends is always best :D How much time, do you think you will spend on the server/teamspeak? depends on work i work 40-60 hours a week with a crazy...
  4. D

    Casual Server Looking to start a small FTB Ultimate server

    IGN: Dem0n123 (the 0 is a zero) Age: 17 I've been looking for a server like this for a while because minecraft is always more fun with a few well known people. It is hard because i'm more mature than most people my age and hate the whiners and people who think its cool if you swear every 4...
  5. D | Premium FTB Server

    hey i'm already whitelisted (dem0n123) and my friend wants to play with me he heard it from me he has never been banned his name is: dkslayer157