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  1. G

    Unsupported Agrarian Skies: Hardcore Quest Bug Reporting

    I don't know if this is a bug. I may just have things set up wrong. But it seems that my TE energy cell is constantly being emptied by... something. I have done a few experiments and it seems that the TE machines are eating HUGE amounts of power. I looked through the configs and couldn't find...
  2. G

    Lapito's Galacticraft doesn't download Forge Files Properly

    Thanks! For anyone else reading this having similar problems, I copied the files from another 1.5.2 forge modpack from the folder "lib".
  3. G

    Lapito's Galacticraft doesn't download Forge Files Properly

    Not entirely sure whether or not this is a launcher/modpack bug, forge bug, or something on my side. It says something in the log to download some files manually, but I'm not sure what I would do with them after I download. I haven't modified the pack in any way. I have Internet connection...