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  1. M

    CB's Wireless Redstone crash on setting frequency

    Okay, thanks for the reply. How do I change to advanced view? Edit: Nevermind. I just found it. Thanks anyway!
  2. M

    CB's Wireless Redstone crash on setting frequency

    Hi, I seem to have troubles with CB's Wireless Redstone. As soon as I try to set the frequency of both the receiver of transmitter, my game crashes. Did anyone encounter this before, and is there allready a solution for this? Much regards, Meom
  3. M

    Railcraft: Making several signal blocks following each other up?

    Hello, First of all, I want to say that I really enjoy playing Feed the Beast and all the mods gathered into it. I am watching the video's of Direwolf20 a lot and saw the Railcraft network of CPW. Myself being a rail and train enthousiast, I would love to build such a network for myself. I...