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    Whitelist Server Pebs ~direwolf20 (latest)~ Server

    Name: Lonedarklord What your looking for in a server: A nice server where i can play with others and help build amazing things
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    Whitelist Server Chill the Beast: Direwolf20 1.7.10 Modpack Server, All Mods/Items

    IGN:Lonedarklord Age:28 How long you've played Minecraft/Past Experience:3 years of vanillia and 2 years of modded Type of Minecraft player you are: Builder/both building and tech How long you plan on staying: As long as you will have me Cool pics/optional extras: Wish i did...
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    Whitelist Server Small Whitelisted DW20 1.7.10 server 100% uptime

    In-Game Name: Lonedarklord Age: 28 Why should you join our server?: I really would like building with others and I am very helpful as best as i can be.
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    Whitelist Server neiljb's server [Monster 1.1.1] Whitelist [Anti grief] 24/7 [My Town] No banned Items [Mature]

    In Game Name: Lonedarklord Age:28 Modded minecraft experience:about 1 year modded and another 2 years vanilla Favorite type of cheese:Exotic cheeses
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    Whitelist Server Whitelisted Monster server|Monster 1.1.1|Whitelist|20 Slots|16+| Apply now :)

    Age: 28 Minecraft ign: Lonedarklord Timezone: Eastern Standard Time Modpack experience (on a scale of 1 to 10) (this does not affect your application): 8-9 What you plan to bring to the community: Knowledge of the modpacks and good building designs. I also like helping people when i can. A...
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    Whitelist Server 562's Server |FTB Monster 1.0.10|Whitelist|Hard mode and no banned items

    IGN (in game name) - Lonedarklord Age - 27 experience - I've played FTB for a little over a year and have real good knowledge of the mods Do you do youtube videos - Not at the moment
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    Whitelist Server {[Oddworld]} Horizon ftb [whitelist|no plugins| 24/7 Creeperhost Server]

    Minecraft Name: Lonedarklord Why you want to join: Finding FTB single player to complicated to do by yourself and now looking for some people to share the experience Age: 27
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    Whitelist Server OldmenCraft Direwolf20 1.5 V2 1.1.3|Whitelist|Adult 25+|8 gig|20 slots bukkit

    -IGN: lonedarklord -Age: 27 -Location: Virginia, USA -And a little information about yourself: I've always enjoyed Minecraft, always have had a imagnation and looking forward to building some great things with other people
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    Whitelist Server Fusion-Craft|Unleashed|White list|Grief Prev|Daily Contests|TS3|Keep items on death|Essentials

    Forum name: Lonedarklord In-Game Name: Age: Country: Have you ever been banned? why? Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat? If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why?