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  1. S

    [1.7.10] The Sky is the Limit [291 Mods] [stable] [sidequests] [alternated balancing]

    anyone know why agricraft doesnt work with the MFR Harvesters? :( --------------------- We run a Server with this pack currently on @ LegzDiamond wenn du joinen willst, schreib eine PM :)
  2. S

    Whitelist Server ProjectGredee | Monster(V1.1.1) 30 player slots | Whitelist

    Why so much disabled ? :( 1-2 additional mods and i join u ;P
  3. S

    Additional mods for FTB Unleashed

    Try some Mods from Hexxit pack ;) I play FTB Unleashed with: Tree-Capitator-Mod-Forge-1.5.2 [1.5.2]bspkrsCorev2.09 backpack-1.12.13-1.5.2 BattleTowers_1.5.2 DimensionalDoors-1.5.2R1.4.1RC1-194 InfernalMobs_1.5.2 Meteors Mod V2.10.2 RottenFleshToLeather-1.5.1 Reliquary1.0.6d Ruins_1.5.2...