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  1. J

    [1.7.10][Not HQM!] Colony [Tech][No Set World][Automation Focus][Spaaace]

    I've really been enjoying playing this pack in singleplayer - it's just the right mix of tech mods for me (spent ages trying to find a tech-focussed pack that included RFTools that wasn't a catch-all pack like Infinity etc). :) I'm wanting to introduce a friend of mine to the pack via a small...
  2. J

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Thanks - it's definitely showing up in NEI (showing as a 5% chance for each smelt of ore with sand). I must just be having a run of (incredible) bad luck - I've gone through over 250 ores at this point without a single rich slag to show for it! Curses. Still at least it's two ingots per ore, so...
  3. J

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Thermal Expansion: Does the current version of TE in FTB Unleashed still allow for rich slag to be produced? I've smelted around 200 ores (not dusts) with sand in my induction smelter so far, with not a single piece of rich slag produced. Am I just incredibly unlucky?