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  1. S

    Fix for the "No Mods"/"Not Downloading" issues.

    Problem solved with the 1.1.1 version. Thanks !
  2. S

    Fix for the "No Mods"/"Not Downloading" issues.

    This doesn't do anything for me. At least in the windows session containing "bad" characters
  3. S

    Help! cannot press "launch"

    We're talking about the same thing. Same problem as in 1.0.9. The error sentence has changed a bit, but it's the same problem ... it can't locate appadata folder due to special character of your windows username ( am I wrong ? don't you have special character may be ?) I took the error in your...
  4. S

    Help! cannot press "launch"

    I do think that because you've got : "Exception reading unknown protocol: c" wich is the same than the other thread.
  5. S

    Help! cannot press "launch"

    Probable the same error that this thread refer : Seems to rely on your windows username ( if containing special character ). FTB may not be able to work in appdata if special character are present in...
  6. S

    Fix for the "No Mods"/"Not Downloading" issues.

    With the 1.0.10 the error message change : "Exception reading unknown protocol: c" [10:42:08] LaunchFrame.main:139: FTBLaunch starting up (version 1.1.0) [10:42:08] LaunchFrame.main:140: Java version: 1.7.0_09 [10:42:08]...
  7. S

    [getting started] need some sort of power system going

    If they use FTB they usually disabled gregtech, wich raises very hard recipe for solar panel. If you find it to hard, or just not fun at all : go in gregtech config files and disable the expensive recipes for solar panel. Also TE is a good start, but i prefer the watermill start( just add a...
  8. S

    Fix for the "No Mods"/"Not Downloading" issues.

    hum some files are in appdata so it wouldn't solve the problem of user name. I've got the same problem = user contaning ²
  9. S

    Fix for the "No Mods"/"Not Downloading" issues.

    I tried another solution, which work, I had an old FTB launcher (1.06) and it works ! Could you allow us to download an old version of FTB launcher before fixing the "exception reading modpackfile" ?
  10. S

    Fix for the "No Mods"/"Not Downloading" issues.

    So, it isn't worked for me, I tried the jar solution, download and paste, and still can't get FTB work. "Exception reading modpackfile" It should not be a localisation problem since I'm in France ... and the download is good. MultiMC works indeed, but it's not a solution. Win7
  11. S

    Solar Panels

    Go into FTB directory/FTBBETA/Minecraft/config/ Then open GregTech.cfg and search for "usefullrecipe" line. If you set false to ExpensiveSolarRecipe it will use the old cheap recipe :)