Search results

  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
  1. N

    [Blue-Tech] 1.4.6 FTB MIndcrack Pack v6, Whitelist, 24/7, [20 slots.] [Normal]

    Cmon on guys let's all help, just dollars! And just something please try and refrain from chunk loaders'.
  2. N

    [1.4.6] TMCraft PvE Community Server[WL][Mindcrack]

    White list Application! 1.Mine Craft IGN : Instigator890 2.Age and Location: 17 Canada 3.Have you ever been banned?: No, for some verification go to 4.Why do you want to play on TmCraft?: I have been searching for a server with an great community and where one cannot be afraid to...
  3. N

    [Blue-Tech] 1.4.6 FTB MIndcrack Pack v6, Whitelist, 24/7, [20 slots.] [Normal]

    It went up, and then down again. Edit:happened again !
  4. N

    [Blue-Tech] 1.4.6 FTB MIndcrack Pack v6, Whitelist, 24/7, [20 slots.] [Normal]

    Mod application! I.G.N - Instigator890 Age:17 Why should you be a Mod? I should because I am loyal to the server, friendly and respectful to everyone around me, and I think an extra Mod on the server would provide enough supervision so the admin's don't constantly have to be watching the server...
  5. N

    [Blue-Tech] 1.4.6 FTB MIndcrack Pack v6, Whitelist, 24/7, [20 slots.] [Normal]

    IGN: Instigator890 Age: 17 Reason I would like to join Blue_Tech: I am in need of a small friendly community based FTB server where i can learn about the modpack and have some fun while doing it ! Have you ever been banned from a server/ Nope, check for verification!
  6. N

    Halo 4 Anyone???

    Halo 4 Anyone???
  7. N

    Small FTB server needs active members.

    IGn: Instigator890 16+?: Yes = 18 Agree to the rules? Yes