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  1. N

    Solved Can't find any working guide to install kcauldron or similarities

    Figured my problem. Kcauldron really hates tickdynamics for forge. Basically instantly closed my server without any sort of logs.
  2. N

    Solved Can't find any working guide to install kcauldron or similarities

    Thats exactly what I did to get such thing. When I used 'kcauldron' jar setting it couldn't recognize kcauldron jar and I wrote to the support too. No crash reports when I use custom jar, only those I already posted.
  3. N

    Solved Can't find any working guide to install kcauldron or similarities

    I turned off fast craft and still nothing. I think right now its kcauldron and I heard its at least should be compatible with fastcraft. I'm using custom.jar but I also tried kcauldron and cauldron jar settings including moving it into specific folder. I'll give it a try to turning off...
  4. N

    Solved Can't find any working guide to install kcauldron or similarities

    This is literally all I get in the console. 05.08 11:17:29 [Multicraft] Server stopped 05.08 11:17:29 [Multicraft] Looks like a crash, check the server console. Return value: 1 05.08 11:17:27 [Multicraft] Error writing to server: [Errno 32] Broken pipe 05.08 11:17:27 [Multicraft] Error writing...
  5. N

    Solved Can't find any working guide to install kcauldron or similarities

    So this is my first server and I use shockbyte hosting. Most things set but I can't hook it to enjin because they abandoned their forge support since 1.6.4. I've been trying to install cauldron and kcauldron but all my attempts end with [Server] INFO Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning...
  6. N

    [1.7.10 | Unlisted] Obscurity - Jampacked 2 Winner

    I guess i'll have to then. Would be easier if there was at least some kind of recall though
  7. N

    [1.7.10 | Unlisted] Obscurity - Jampacked 2 Winner

    Is there any way to travel safely for other cubes (I got Ice and market only so far) not involving long tunnels with tons of torches? I thought glider would be cool but you take damage because of darkness. I also thought about rushing hyperenergetic nitor but need ink for that and no squids...
  8. N

    [1.7.10]Hubris V1.6.1- HQM - 270+ Quests [Magic][Dungeons][Dimensions][Exploration] Ex-Listed!

    Only i having trouble finding any crimson cult altars in order to unlock advanced void researches?
  9. N

    [1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

    Previously you got tons of stuff including ingots, machines, chamber walls and helmet from first tower. Iirc even PCB and some plastic was there and that was really helpful since PC itself requires tons of iron (which is naturally needed everywhere) and in same time is required to make pretty...
  10. N

    [1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

    Its sad not only towns were nerfed to hell, but now we are at the mercy of RNG for stuff which actually matter (and annoys) the most: pneumaticcraft. Is there any way to raise up industrial street generation in configs at least? I've spent 2 hours of creative fly and couldn't find it, cant...
  11. N

    [1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

    In case you start redoing HQM I suggest to put a bit more thoughts in reward balancing. Many of them have an item which is FAR more valuable than the others. For example: 2 leadstone thruster (tons of resources and 2 upgraded pcb) vs hardened energy cell(just 4 invar), ingot casting vs pickaxe...
  12. N

    [1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

    Will forestry work with CL? I think it should work pretty good with an idea of revitalization of a dead planet. Also minor bug: liquid pyrotheum source block produce no heat whatsoever. Surround it with cobble slabs and you can have safe max speed crucible right in your house.
  13. N

    [1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

    Cyclic assembler should do it. Also LiquiCrafter if you prefer to keep your milk in liquid form
  14. N

    [1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

    Wait, theres something good at the end of tech tree? Because I can only remember drones and those aren't really my thing. To me the only thing it offers is hoppers which are somewhat obsolete even for sieving once you get vacuum hopper. My main concern (besides overall uselessness) is that mod...
  15. N

    [1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

    Lol wut? Printing press here I come. Dropped from creeper btw (fire I think).
  16. N

    [1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

    Encountered some weird problem with 2x2 jungle tree farm. I grew few trees and harvested them with MFR harvester, but now they just dont grow and don't seem to be affected by bonemeal (stacks of it). Moreover WAILA shows it like they are oak saplings when I try to bonemeal, although they are...
  17. N

    [1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

    The real question is can you etch them in assemble line while stacked? I only really used UV box once for quest
  18. N

    [1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

    It does? I think I've been wearing one for ages but didn't notice much of a difference. Plus camelpack is all you need when it comes to cooling. Yeah, looking through walls is quite cool, but don't forget there are no dungeons or ores you would want to find, so the only thing its good for is...
  19. N

    [1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

    Well thats feel pretty sad, since I already could write a few pages of complaining on PC. Honestly one of the most off-putting mods I've ever seen with no redeemable tools or functionalities, maybe besides helms which are not that useful in CL (not fond of drones either since I can't really find...
  20. N

    [1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

    Is there really that many high end tech mods which would easily fit into CL dust world? I'd probably like to get rid of big reactors for some more interesting energy production though. Also galacticcraft maybe? And Modular powersuits if its possible to not die of dehydration without wearing...