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    Whitelist Server HazardMC | Direwolf20 1.6.4/1.0.12 | White-List | No Lag | 24/7 | Survival | Vanilla-Ish | MCPC+ |

    In-Game Name:Rafmaninoff Real Age:15 Why Do You Want To Join:for playing What Experience Do You Have With Mods:TOTAL Do You Agree To The Rules:yep Which One Of The Rules Will Corrupt Worlds:Quarrywater!
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    Whitelist Server NeoShinto|Monster+Morph|Whitelist|

    In Game Name:Rafmaninoff Age:15 Reason you want to join: joining a server with my favourite mods Any previous bans?:nope If yes, why were you banned?: How often are you going to be playing?: i'm random ps: in my ssp world i have gregtech and unleashed and i have plugins for forestry and...
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    Whitelist Server TerreneCraft (20 player FTB Unleashed 1.1.4) Accepting new players

    IGN Rafmaninoff Interests: Automation, opness age:15
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    Whitelist Server [Illidan] [FTB Unleashed ] [v1.1.4] [Whitelist] [24/7] [30 Slots] [CH DEDICATED]

    In-Game Name: Rafmaninoff Name:i'm shy :) Age:16 How active will you be? 5 hours/day or more How much experience do you have on Feed the Beast? total What is your timezone?gmt-3 Do you plan on filming/streaming?nope Do you believe we will ever invent bacon tasting carrots? yes Do you have a hot...
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    Whitelist Server FTBNovas [Unleashed 1.1.5] [Whitelist] [Plugins] [25 Slots] [Griefprevention]

    What is your Minecraft username? Rafmaninoff Have you been banned or kicked from a server before?Nope What is your location or time zone?Gmt-3 Why do you want to join?Because i wan to to play on a ftb server What experience do you have with in Feed The Beast? total What is your favorite mod...
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    Whitelist Server GFgaming [FTB Mindcrack v8.3.2 [25 slots] [Anti-Grief] [PvE][Nothing disabled]

    Username:EvilRAF Age(Optional):18 Experience with mods?:Total knowledge about all of it Do you accept our rules?:I Do
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    Whitelist Server [24/7]Direwolf20 1.5 Server

    In-Game Name:EvilRAF Skype:Evil.RAF Favorite FTB Mod:Everyone but my favourie mod is Applied Energistics Time Zone:gmt-3 How Often You Can Play:all the day Age:18 years Ancient Are you willing to talk to other players through Skype?: why not?
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    Whitelist Server EiraCraft | Direwolf20 1.5.2 | Whitelist | Teamspeak | 18+

    Hi, im (exuse my privacy reasons for not giving my name) from spain, im 18 exactly. i've playing ftb sice the release day and i have a lot of experence on all the mods, I like to build systems that automate everything, im not as good as building (a little bit better than direwolf), I'm not a...