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  1. W

    Mod Feedback ChromatiCraft questions and suggestions

    I've managed to somewhat analyze it's behavior (I'm dumb, but still): it seems to take a stack of blocks(or more if its available) from my inventory to place one block in the world. I wonder if this behaviour is intended. Update: alright, now I get how it works. I doubt Reika intended this, but...
  2. W

    Mod Feedback ChromatiCraft questions and suggestions

    Yeah, it crashes me now after it actually places the blocks. I reinstalled my pack twice, nothing helps. Sad, sad day, I've spent 3 days searching for void reeds :C Update: Also, it seems to do something with checking my inventory. While it can place blocks once, the second time crashes the game...
  3. W

    Mod Feedback ChromatiCraft questions and suggestions

    May I ask you guys if Replication Star works atm or has some sneaky stuff I have to do to make it work? I made it, I've charged myself with ~250000 of all lumen, I have the building blocks in my inventory, but all I can get it to do is to show me the ghostblocks of what I want to build.