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  1. Y

    Creative pick up question

    I see what you mean. Good point. I sit corrected. :)
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    Creative pick up question

    Kind of confused. If you're already in creative mode, why not just spawn the items back in before you go back to survival?
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    Creative Tree hotel build

    I love Minecraft circles. I do! It's like a big middle finger to the cubic elite. Do my bidding, little cubes, I command you to be... round-ish! Good start. Anxious to see what you have in store for the rest!
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    Offline FTB play revisited. Again.

    Once I updated my launcher and game files I've been able to run offline no problem. It almost seems that I needed to log in every so often. Wish I had more details, but kind of looking for an answer to this myself!
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    Creative Tree hotel build

    Great idea! Any pics? Even a site overview would be great.
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    Minecraft POLE

    I tried to go back once. Desperation due to modded Minecraft withdrawl due to PC issues. It didn't go well. Only made the cravings worse.
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    Minecraft POLE

    It's "poll". Not to be a harsh D, but these forums only exist because of modded Minecraft. Vanilla is great, don't get me wrong, but yeah. Most of us eat, sleep and breathe mods.
  8. Y

    what is the best way to get water into the reactor?

    I just leave an aqueous accumulator running into the reactor at all times. Doesn't seem to hurt. As long as the loop is closed, you should be ok. I mostly leave it because I'm lazy. But also just in case to top of the reactor.
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    I Derp, You Derp, We all Derp, What's your's?

    Completed my reactorcraft HP turbine. After some time admiring it, it was time to build a turbine hall around it. Didn't realize that the filler on box mode will clear anything INSIDE the box... including completed hp turbines. I now have a nice stone box to house my half turbine. Time to make...
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    MPS Sound

    Did you open the .cfg's back up to make sure they stayed set to false? I've had several occasions where upon opening the file again, it reverted to the old setting. Probably just me forgetting to save it, but double check. If the settings stayed, then heck if I know at this point. =(
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    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Is there a particular mod in the Tech World 2 pack, v 1.1.2, that would be making some blocks change when punched or have a tool used on them? For example, some stone turns to dirt when first punched or you start to mine it. Had other stone turn to Black Granite... it's just a small contiguous...
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    MPS Sound

    The config for MPS is in the Machinemuse folder. Set the sound option to 'false' and the sounds will stop. The jetpack drove me crazy... loved the others, but that was too much. Unfortunately, it seems to be an on/off toggle, can't pick and choose. Hopefully that helps!
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    Getting started with rotarycraft

    Anyone having an issue with gear boxes becoming invisible after being placed and reverting to a 2:1 ratio no matter which you placed? It was okay on Tech World 2 1.0.5, seems to be my only issue with my update today to 1.1.1. Other items work fine. Is this an ID conflict, perhaps?
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    A Rotarycraft Thread (Meanders a little)

    Perfect! Thanks so much guys. Reika, great mod! Really enjoy it!
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    A Rotarycraft Thread (Meanders a little)

    Perhaps this isn't the proper thread, but kinda sorta seemed to fit. In regards to the AC motor, I seem to be okay with using the motor itself, however, I've had to resort to cheating in a premagnetized shaft core. I cannot seem to get any magnetization on a core. I've even tried powering the...