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  1. B


    Hey evryone, I just have noticed, that the members of the mindcrack server (besides docm, who has alredy a series^^) are starting a feed the beast server! :D (I just want to inform evrybody about hiis awsome thing pauseunpause: guude: vintagebeef: baj:
  2. B

    Doctor Who

    Hi, By watching livestreams and letsplays by people related to FTB I noticed, that many people related to FTB watch (and like) Doctor Who. Me personal, I really like Doctor Who. I watched the new series (since 2005) several times and recently started to watch all the old episodes everyday...
  3. B

    What if you could use only one mod?!

    Hi there, "Fun" question: What if you could use only one mod. Which mod (and why) would it be? -For me it clearly is RedPower 2 because of its cemplexity and just for having something for every area (logic, mining, sorting, beautyfication") -edit: don´t name Forge, I know, that many mods...