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  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
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    Whitelist Server Koala Konstructions FTB Direwolf 20 server! 1.6.4 Mature + Friendly players only. 16-20 Slots.

    Go into edit mod pack (from launcher), then on the right hand side enable whatever mod you need
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    Whitelist Server Koala Konstructions FTB Direwolf 20 server! 1.6.4 Mature + Friendly players only. 16-20 Slots.

    Application form: Username: christenberry Age: 17 Country: US Why you are interested in joining the server: I want to try out the new Direwolf20 pack, and play with others as I do. A few sentences about you: Many people think I'm a funny and friendly person. I like to build in Minecraft, and...
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    Whitelist Server FTB Unleashed 1.1.7 | Dedicated | Whitelisted | PRO | TS3 | YouTubers and Streamers welcome.

    In game name: christenberry Age: 17, yea I know I'm not 18 lol Why do you want to join the server?: Oh well,.. I'm desperate. I've been looking for a small community to play on for a while, and I'll apply on a forum then I'll never get a response back. But other than that I like playing on +18...
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    Whitelist Server Unleash The Panda | Unleashed 1.1.7 | Whitelist | 24/7 | Community Oriented

    IGN: christenberry Your age: 17 Your Skype: zach.christenberry Although I don't keep it on just because it drains my laptops power. What is your playstyle in FTB: Typically,I like to start a decent energy supply, build my base which tends to be quite large, then help other out if they need it...
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    Whitelist Server FTB Vikings|1.1.3 Unleashed|Whitelist|Small German FTB Server all-unbanned

    IGN: christenberry Age: 17 About me: I haven't play Unleashed for a while, but I'm sure I haven't missed much though. I am American, but I usually play on oversea servers anyway and almost never have lag issues (server side). I like building in mod packs because I can build big and have much...
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    Hey did the server update or change version or add another mod, I can't log into the server...

    Hey did the server update or change version or add another mod, I can't log into the server?.... :/
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    Casual Server Small Unleashed Server

    IGN: christenberry Age: 17 Location(Country): United States If bringing people, how many: None at the moment, I can ask one of my friends if they want to. Also what version is the server?