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  1. compwiz91

    November News

    Can't wait for the new expert mode pack! Still playing Infinity evolved: Expert. If it's anything like that pack i'm sure everyone will enjoy the challenge =).
  2. compwiz91

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    I noticed IC2 is not in the FTB Unstable pack. Are there plans to bring IC2 into that pack at some point, or has it been dropped for good from that pack?
  3. compwiz91

    Modded Server

    More good points Lenscas. =) JDK8 is what is needed now, i didn't review that entire guide, that's my bad =( FTB Beyond recommends minimum of 4GB RAM i think, so another good point. And i definitely agree on the screen thing. That's what i use on my Linux box.
  4. compwiz91

    Modded Server

    Lenscas, your essentially correct. If you do a quick google of "listen server vs dedicated" you get something like this, Listen servers run in the same process as a game client. Where as a Dedicated Server run's in it's own process, separate from a client. You can kind of run Minecraft as a...
  5. compwiz91

    Modded Server

    A Server run on a personal computer is generally referred to as a Listen Server. A "dedicated server" is simply run on a Computer/Server specifically setup for Minecraft. There are tons of guides out there for setting up Minecraft Servers on various Linux distributions. Is there any specific...
  6. compwiz91

    June News

    Is their anyway in-game for Mod Devs to provides hints/clues as how to uncover a given recipe? If it's just guess work of having the right items in your inventory at any given time it's kind of a major PITA to craft items and like Henry Link said i'd just end up looking online for how to unlock...
  7. compwiz91

    Help I can't load a backup world on my server

    The attatched log file does not contain that information, can you include the log file where you are seeing "The state engine was in incorrect state SERVER_STOPPING and forced into state SERVER_STOPPED"
  8. compwiz91

    Ubuntu 16.04 Server Crash

    Hello, The server appears to be failing to append a log file and create a new one when it starts. The account running the server doesn't have appropriate permissions on one of the log files, This could happen if the Server is still running and you try starting a second instance while one is...
  9. compwiz91

    After update win10 I can't select saved world in the singleplayer.

    Hello Zengoku, Just to recap your issue, You recently upgraded your computer to Windows 10 and now none of your previous saved worlds are showing up in single player? Is that correct? Or are you saying that if you create a new world right now and then save and exit when you go back to load...
  10. compwiz91

    There a faster way to create distilled water with IC2?

    distilled water simply reduces the amount of lapis dust to 1 instead of 8. Also i figured out the steam issue. Just run the Steam Generator at 22 Bars pressure and input 110 heat per tick and it will make steam constantly. It needs to be matched perfectly in order to work correctly. The stack...
  11. compwiz91

    There a faster way to create distilled water with IC2?

    Has anyone noticed once the Steam Generator exceeds 100C it starts making steam but then drops back down below 100C heats up, makes steam, drops back down over and over again. It seems unable to heat up while producing steam... This is causing water to flow out of the system. Even with 100heat...
  12. compwiz91

    Server hardware discussion. Any server Owner Must Read !

    Managed Machine Dual Core 2.4ghz Intel 8gb's DDR2 maby 1066? 500gb HDD Sata (not 6gig) No GPU 64bit Debian Server Linux. Also runs a rarely used apache web server, and mySQL for back when i had block logging. i run on a gigabit internal network, external upload is around 10mb/s download between...
  13. compwiz91

    GOONCRAFT NO WHITELIST! 24/7 server latest version of FTB

    fun server, but got shit stolen -.-, may or may not come back on.
  14. compwiz91

    How I got server running after mod update

    thanks for posting this, should be helpful =)